Who we are

We are a team of professional communications specialists, providing people-focused communications in a creative and collaborative way.

The Communications Division is based on the 4th floor of Pankhurst House on Clement's Inn.

We advance strategic priorities through leading and coordinating internal and external communications. We profile LSE's work, protect its reputation and celebrate the character and success of our community through outstanding, innovative and inspiring communications and digital services. Get in touch for advice, training and support.

Browse our staff A-Z list below to find who you’re looking for.

Directors' team

Fiona Metcalfe

Fiona Metcalfe, Director of Communications
Email  f.metcalfe@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 3486 2892

I am one of the Co-Directors of Communications at LSE, leading on the external promotion of the School. My role is to protect and promote LSE brand and to deliver creative, impactful communications locally, nationally and globally that supports the School’s priorities and delivers opportunities for academic impact. Please get in touch if you would like to talk about this work.

Imogen Withers

Imogen Withers, Director of Communications
Email i.f.withers@lse.ac.uk, +44(0)20 3486 2845

I am one of the Co-Directors of Communications at LSE, leading on internal communications and engagement across the School. My role is to improve the experiences of students and staff through delivering creative, impactful communications that maximise opportunities for dialogue, build community and support the School’s strategic priorities. I also advise on effective communications approaches to support successful change management and am responsible for finance and operations within the Communications Division. Please get in touch if you would like to talk about this work.

Annette Haas

Annette Haas, Finance and Operations Manager
Email a.haas@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 7064

I assist the Directors and senior team in managing the division’s financial, human and physical resources. I act as an interface between the School and the division on operational matters and work closely with the Office Coordinator on the day-to-day office management.


Sophie Whitehorn, Executive Assistant to the Directors
Email s.whitehorn@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7107 5273

My role is to provide administrative and organisational support to the Directors of Communications and Public Affairs and to act as the office coordinator for the Communications Division; this involves managing the office accommodation and equipment as well as assisting with recruitment and inductions for new starters.


Adelanwa, Ade, Digital Project Manager
Digital team
Email a.a.adelanwa@lse.ac.uk

Alisha, Shaz, Student Engagement Video Producer
Film and Audio team
Email s.alisha@lse.ac.uk

Annenberg, Alison, Internal Communications Manager
Internal Communications team
Email a.annenberg@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 6098

Arad, Mayan, Video Producer
Film and Audio team
Email m.arad@lse.ac.uk

Ashurst, Anthony, London Communications Coordinator 
Public Affairs team 
Email a.ashurst@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7106 1955

Bale, Joanna, Senior Media Relations Manager
Media Relations team
Email j.m.bale@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 7440

Babbe, Peyton, Communications Support Officer
Internal Communications team
Email p.n.babbe@lse.ac.uk

Bevan, Anna, Head of Film and Audio
Film and Audio team
Email a.bevan@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 7952

Boulougari, Antigoni, Deputy Head of Events 
Events team
a.boulougari@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7849 4909

Brittan, Natalie, Digital Content Manager
Digital team
Email n.brittan@lse.ac.uk

Broome, Olivia, Social Media Manager
Social Media team
Email o.a.broome@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 3486 2707

Brown, Stuart, Managing Editor, LSE European Politics and Policy Blog
LSE Blogs
Email s.a.brown@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)207 955 6731

Canham, Pauline, Change Communications Lead
Internal Communications team
Email P.Canham@lse.ac.uk

Capps-Jenner, Neil, Freelance Graphic Designer
Design team
Email n.j.capps-jenner@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 7781

Carter, Meg,  Events Manager
Events team
Email:  m.carter3@lse.ac.uk

Chapman, Grace, Creative Content Manager
Social Media team
Email g.i.chapman@lse.ac.uk

Cook, Kathryn, Educate for Global Impact (EGI) Communications Change Manager
Internal Communications team
Email k.cook2@lse.ac.uk 

Coyle, Sarah, Deputy Director of Communications
Brand team
Email s.coyle@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7107 5311


Dale, John, Head of Product
Digital team
Email J.Dale1@lse.ac.uk
(maternity leave cover for Sarah Tan)

D'Alton, Anna, Managing Editor, LSE Review of Books Blog
LSE Blogs
Email a.dalton@lse.ac.uk

Darragh, Bryan, Graphic Designer
Design team
Email b.p.darragh@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7107 5255

Deller, Rosemary, Knowledge Exchange Support Manager 
KEI Integrated Service
Email r.deller@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7852 3792

Filippidi, Lina, Head of Social Media
Social Media team
Email v.filippidi@lse.ac.uk

Gapper, Justina, Student Communications Manager
(maternity cover for Carly Norton) 
Internal Communications team  
Email  J.Gapper@lse.ac.uk

Gibbs, Jack, Digital Content Manager 
Digital team
Email j.gibbs@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0) 20 7106 1987

Harper, Rachel, Internal Communications Change Lead
 Internal Communications team 
email r.harper@lse.ac.uk

Hart, Pete, Staff Communications Manager
 Internal Communications team 
email P.D.Hart@lse.ac.uk

Hough, Matt, Digital Content Manager
Digital team
Email m.d.hough@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 3426 2704

Ing, Jonathan, Head of Design
Design team
Email j.g.ing@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7107 5257


Johnson, Oliver, Digital Media Producer
Film and Audio team
Email o.johnson3@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 7886

Jones, Louise, Head of Research Communications and Engagement
KEI Integrated Service
Email l.jones2@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 7637

Kelloway, Charlotte, Media Relations Manager
Media Relations team
Email c.kelloway@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 6558

Kosky, Lisa, Senior Graphic Designer
Design team
Email l.j.kosky@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 7181

Mallett, Sophie, Video Producer
Film and Audio team
Email s.mallett@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 6727 

Mamawag, Amy, Creative Services co-ordinator
Design team

Marsh, Megan, Senior Public Affairs Officer
Public Affairs team
Email m.marsh@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0) 20 7955 7643 

McNamara, Dean, Senior Designer
Design team
Email d.mcnamara@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0) 207 107 5282

Mignacca, Elle, Internal Communications Officer
Internal Communications team
Email e.l.mignacca@lse.ac.uk


Norton, Carly, Student Communications Manager
Internal Communications team
Email c.norton@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7107 550

O'Connor, Danny, Head of Media Relations
Media Relations team 
Email d.o'connor@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 7417

Papazoglou, Alexis, Managing Editor, British Politics and Policy Blog
LSE Blogs

Radford, Laurence, Senior Managing Editor, LSE Blogs 
LSE Blogs
Email l.radford@lse.ac.uk

Rawlings, Clara, Communications Manager (Education and Student Experience Projects)
Internal Communications team
Email c.e.rawlings@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 7582

Reed, Hayley, Senior Brand Communications Manager
Brand team
Email h.reed@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7852 3602

Revel, Alan, Head of Events
Events team
Email a.revel@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 6446

Rhead, Molly, Media Relations Officer
Media Relations team
Email m.rhead@lse.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7852 3605



Seenan, Jamie, Head of Digital Communications
Digital team
Email j.seenan@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 6460

Tan, Sarah, Head of Product (currently on materniy leave) 
Digital team
Email s.r.tan@lse.ac.uk

Tape, Tara, Digital Content Manager
Digital team
Email t.tape@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7849 4658

Taster, Michael, Managing Editor, LSE Impact Blog
LSE Blogs
Email m.taster@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7107 5622

Taylor, Greg, Head of Public Affairs
Public Affairs team
Email g.taylor1@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7107 5428

Treadwell, Jenevieve, London Policy Fellow
Public Affairs team
Email  J.Treadwell@lse.ac.uk


Trumble, Liz, Brand Communications Officer
Brand team 
Email l.trumble@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7955 7904

Vieira, Helena, Managing Editor, LSE Business Review Blog
LSE Blogs
Email businessreview@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0) 20 7849 4993

Walker, Sooraya, Online Events Marketing Manager
Events team
Email s.b.Walker@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0) 20 7955 6626

Wilkerson, Mike, Video Producer
Film and Audio team
Email m.s.wilkerson@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0) 20 3486 2607

Windebank, Sue, Senior Media Relations Manager
Media Relations team
Email s.windebank@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7849 4624

Winterstein, Jessica, Deputy Head of Media Relations
Media Relations team
Email j.winterstein@lse.ac.uk, +44 (0)20 7107 5025

Wise, Emily, Change Communications Officer
 Internal Communications team 
email E.K.Wise@lse.ac.uk