The error message reads: ‘Error Message {"result":{"errors":[{"code":43}]}}’
This is a result of additional security being added to internet browseers. Follow the instructions on the Tableau website to resolve the issues. If you need support to follow the instructions, please email, referencing 'Tableau Kerberos Help' in the subject line.
The error message reads: ‘Forbidden Action.You are not authorized to perform this action. (20) To access this workbook, you must have the Connect permission for its data source.’
This is a result of the developer forgetting to embed the data source access credentials into the dashboard at publication. If you know who the developer or development team is, then email them asking them to embed the data source access credentials and republish. If they are not sure how to do this , please ask them to email for support. If you do not know who the develper or developer team is, then email with 'Tableau Dashboard Issue' in the subject line. Include a link to the affected dashboard and ask them to contact the developer to request the change.