The EDI Office

The EDI Office serves as a vital resource and leader in promoting and furthering LSE’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion for all members of its community.

The EDI Office provides the delivery of services for students, academic staff, professional services staff and senior management to support diversity, inclusiveness, equal access, equitable treatment and multicultural understanding and competency.

In collaboration with stakeholders around the School, the work of the EDI Office is informed by LSE's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2022. The EDI strategy was developed in the context of the Equality Act 2010, the LSE Strategy 2030, the LSE Ethics Code and the School's Effective Behaviours framework. The office also provides support to a number of staff networks.

The EDI Office reports to LSE's Chief Operating Officer, Dr Andrew Young. The EDI team ( is comprised of:

EDI Representatives' Network

The EDI Representatives' Network is comprised of volunteers from each of LSE's academic departments and service units, whose aim is to ensure that equity, diversity and inclusion are championed and advanced effectively at the local level. The chairs of the network are members of the EDI Advisory Board and represent the views of the network members at the board’s meetings.

The members of the network are listed on the EDI Representatives' Network webpage.