Equality data

The Equality Act 2010 places a general Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) on all public bodies, including higher education institutions.

The duty requires all public bodies to proactively take steps to:

  • Eliminate discrimination, victimisation and harassment
  • Advance equality of opportunity between groups of people of diverse backgrounds and with diverse needs
  • Foster and promote good relations between such groups of people.

The equality duty is supported by three specific duties:

  • To publish information to demonstrate compliance with the equality duty, at least annually
  • To set and publish one or more specific and measurable equality objective, at least every four years
  • To publish equality information and equality objectives in a manner that is accessible to the public.

Public Sector Equality Duty Report

As part of the Equality Act public bodies are required to publish an annual report on the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). The PSED requires public bodies to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different people when carrying out activities. 

For the latest PSED report please click here.

The PSED report contains the latest published equality statistics for the School. Please note that the statistic publications in the Staff and Student sections below have been discountinued.

Advancing EDI

LSE has taken significant steps to advance its EDI Strategy. This includes allocating resources for a EDI Office consisting of a skilled team overseen by the EDI Advisory Board and chaired by LSE's Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Planning & Resources), Eric Neumayer.

This provision has ensured progress on the Equality Objectives in the Strategy and reflects the School’s strong commitment to addressing differences in experiences and outcomes for students and staff. We reflect on the work undertaken and review institutional priorities for inclusion in the EDI Strategy 2023.

Staff networks objectives and activities

The School's volunteer staff networks set objectives and undertake a number of activities each year in support of the development of an inclusive LSE. Each network reports on their staff network activities each year and their contribution to the School's work on EDI.


If you require this information in alternative formats, please contact the EDI team.