The Menopause Café is for everyone at LSE regardless of age or gender and what is said in the café is strictly confidential - no menopause related subject is off the table. It’s an open discussion group so whether you need a little support, want to find out more, listen to others so you know you’re not on your own, or just let off steam about your hot flushes, then come along.
Did you know?
- The UK workforce is ageing and women over 50 are by far the fastest-growing group of employees
- 63% of menopausal women say their working life has been negatively affected by their symptoms.
- 90% of women say that their workplace does not offer any help to menopausal women.
Menopause Cafés were started by Rachel Weisz in Perth to raise awareness about menopause and give an opportunity for those going through it, and those supporting them and living with them to talk about what sometimes feels like one of the last taboos.
So what can you expect if you turn up to one of LSE Power’s Menopause Cafés?
A small lively group, who will talk about anything (and I mean anything - my father-in-law would be horrified). There are no rules other than respecting confidentiality, there are no speeches, no topic-based or directed discussions - if you want to talk about it, and can get a word in edgewise, and then we'll talk about it. You'll find out you're not alone, you'll find out what it might feel like for your mum, or your partner, or your friend. It doesn't matter if you're 20 or 80, whether you identify as female or not, if you're menopausal or not, if your menopause is fine or not so much, if you want to talk about it, or find out more, then come along and join in - we'd love to see you there.
3 top tips: how can managers support colleagues with the menopause?
- Flexible working arrangements - for example, women with disturbed sleep patterns may find they are more productive with a later start time.
- Flexibility around the taking of breaks and attending relevant medical appointments.
- Facilitating a more comfortable working environment, taking into account temperature and lighting, making desk fans easily available and considering if ventilation is sufficient or can be improved.
The LSE Menopause Toolkit can be found here, which provides menopause guidance, case studies, FAQs and more for staff and managers.
Sources: and