Join the Spectrum community

Keep in touch, shape our network.

All members of staff are welcome at Spectrum - either as a member of the LGBTQ+ community or as an ally.

How to join Spectrum

There are several ways to get involved with Spectrum.

Join our community on Teams. This is an informal space to meet others, share what's important to you, and find the latest news and events.

Sign up to our newsletter and mailing listThe list is open to all staff who are supportive of LGBTQ+ equality at LSE.

Follow Spectrum on Twitter for LGBTQ+ news, information and activities around London and beyond.

Attend our meetings and social activities. Details are publised in our newsletter, and on Teams.

Join the Committee, or volunteer to help. Email us at if you'd like to discuss becoming a committee member or a volunteer.

Confidential support and advice

One of Spectrum's key aims is supporting our community. If you need help or advice about LGBTQ+ issues at LSE, contact us at Emails are treated as strictly confidential. Our inbox is only managed by LGBTQ+ Spectrum committee members.

We also offer peer support. If you'd like to speak to an LGBTQ+ staff member of ally, browse our list of LSE LGBTQ+ Role Models and Allies. Note: This list is only accessible with an LSE login.

Contacts for students and alumni

LGBTQ+ students at LSE are represented by the LSESU Pride Alliance and the LSESU LGBT+ Students' Officer.

Alumni should join the LSE LGBTQ+ Global Alumni group.

Find an expert

Do you need an academic specialising in queer theory, sexuality or LGBT related issues? Visit LSE's People Finder.