1.The Commission will be a fixed duration ‘task and finish’ group.
2.It will meet during Summer Term 2021 (estimated that four meetings will be required).
3.Frequency of meetings every two weeks.
4.Reporting to School Management Committee(SMC).
5.To evaluate the current position and value of the School’s retail/active street frontages
6.To consider how the School can best exploit its retail frontages that will add character and enhance the campus experience.
7.To consult with external professional and specialist bodies including WCC and BRC etc.
8.To investigate whether retail has a long-term future on the campus and if not what other uses might enhance the campus experience.
9.To consider the options for the future use of Waterstones, the Old Curiosity Shop and retail units on the Island Site and elsewhere around the School.
10.To advise on any other measures/interventions that would promote active frontages.
11.To recommend relevant policies and objectives for a revision of the Estates Strategy.
12.To make a formal report of findings to SMC at the end of Summer Term 2021.