Our service
We strive to provide an excellent service in terms of quality of work, timely delivery, professional behaviour, customer service and value for money. As a result we hope that there will be no need for complaints.
However, we recognise that where there is a human element and technology involved there is scope for error. We have therefore, set up a formal procedure to be followed in the event of a service not being delivered in line with our high standards and the customer's aspirations.
Definition of a complaint
For clarity, a distinction will be made between service requests, service queries, follow-up enquiries on jobs and service complaints.
For the purposes of this complaints procedure a complaint is defined as any serious and formal expression of dissatisfaction that requires action or redress and is referring to the service the Estates Division provides, e.g. repetitive failure to resolve or address a reported issue; serious failure of agreed service arrangement; serious breach of service agreement; serious inconvenience caused as a result of Estates action, inappropriate behaviour by a member of Estates staff. All complaints that fall into these categories will be formally logged into a Complaints Log and their progress will be reviewed by the Senior Management until satisfactory close-out.
The process
To ensure that customer enquiries and complaints are dealt with in the most efficient and effective manner customers are requested to follow the steps in this procedure. This will enable the Estates Division to investigate and address the queries and complaints as well as to allow the customer to receive prompt response and resolution. We cannot guarantee that our target response time will be met if the enquiries are not logged through the correct channels.
Our target response times are stated at each stage. In the rare event if / where delays in the response are observed an explanation will be provided to the reason for the delay.
All queries, follow-up enquiries and complaints are treated with due concern and their resolution is prioritised on the basis of their urgency and merit and in line with current workload, emergencies and staff availability.
*Where complaints have been sent to a named member of staff who is not available to deal with your enquiry, e.g. staff on holiday etc, an out-of-office response will be posted to direct who should be contacted in their absence. Alternatively, please contact Help Desk for direction.
More informaton about our 4-step complaints procedure.