The School has processes in place to support effective delivery and decision-making to deliver its sustainability ambitions. The LSE Sustainability Team coordinate the School's approach, working with teams across the LSE community.
A number of committees and working groups (see graphic below) support delivery. We seek diverse views to inform our decision making, with both staff and student representation on sustainability groups.
As part of our certified management systems, objectives are set and tracked using Action plans, including tracking delivery of our Sustainability Strategic Plan through an Implementation plan. Engagement and communication regarding LSE’s sustainability agenda is outlined in our Sustainability Engagement Strategy.

The Sustainability Advisory Group (SustAG) coordinated the development of the new Sustainability Strategic Plan in consultation with the LSE community. SustAG has now been replaced with the Sustainability Leadership Board (below).
The Sustainability Leadership Board, chaired by the LSE Director is the School’s most senior sustainability committee. Meeting termly and reporting to the School Management Committee (SMC), the Board is responsible for driving and monitoring the delivery of the School’s environmental Sustainability Strategic Plan.
Meeting dates:
(Scheduled Dates: 24/10/2024, 19/02/2024, 19/06/2024)
- 26 June 2024 - progress updates
- US Phelan Centre launched its new Climate Change and Sustainability Syllabus Hub.
- Resarch have continued to share sustainability-related content across LSE channels.
- An analysis of the School's investment portfoli using the Transition Pathway Initiative was review by the ISC and published online.
- Decarbonisation Plan - discussion to be had with Procurement on how to progress.
- 35LIF on time and budget -PassivHaus, BREEAM Outstanding and Well Platinum.
- 28 February 2024 - progress updates
- The Eden Centre have launched the second edition for the Education for Sustainability Internship programme.
- LSE receives research awards connected to sustainability in Autumn 2023.
- In FY23-24, £7.5 million in new funds have already been committed to sustainability-related areas of work.
- LSE underwent an assurance engagement, undertaken by the DNV on the usage of the School's private placement funds (£125m) to see that thesewere beig used in line with the School's Sustainable Finance Framework - final report to be published.
- Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme bid for £2.7 million grant has been accepted and a formal offer letter has been received.
- 26 October 2023 - progress updates
- The Eden Centre has recently concluded the first edition of the Education for Sustainability programme and are in the planning stages for the next edition.
- Sustainability continues to be a key theme in research fuding applications - making up 29% of all requested funding for grants and fellowships and 21% of the number of submitted proposals during 2022/23.
- During the 2022/23 financial year, over £5.5 million was secured from new and existing supporters of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.
- LSE are currently undergoing the assurance exercise with the DNV, regarding the £125 million green bond issued under the Sustainable Finance Framework.
- A 'Careers in Sustainability' was held - with 5 speakers and 200 attendees.
- The electrification/decarbonisation of Cheng Kin Ku hasd been completed.
- Two investment grade bids have been made for the Public Sector Decarbonsiation Scheme - for the Lionel Robbins Building and Connaught House.
- 31 May 2023 - progress updates
- The Eden Centre are working on an updated list of courses focused on sustainability for the next academic term. At a recent Education for Sustainability network meeting, students involved in the 'Embedding Sustainability' project presented their student research findings on impressions of sustainability in the curriculum to the group.
- LSE Generate is working with Carbon Jacked to look at how the team can reduce its carbon footprint across its entire programming activity. The alumni start-up will also offer clinics for current Founders as they create their own sustainability strategies
- Research by Dr Siva Thambisetty (LSE Law School), has had an impact on negotiations for the UN High Seas Treaty (or Treaty on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction).
- The Grantham Research Institute (GRI) were involved with the Songwe-Stern-Bhattacharya report for the COP26/27 presidencies and a second round with the COP27/COP28 presidencies on climate finance.
- The School's investment portfolios (including capital project portfolios) have been screened in line with the new ESG policy.
- The LSESU Charity Shop continues to run on campus, until the end of Summer Term. The shop is run by environmental societies at LSE, and LSEU RAG (Raising and Giving). We hope it will help nudge behaviour towards buying pre-loved, and LSE Sustainability have also utilised the space to run two clothing repair cafes.
22 February 2023 - progress updates
- For LSE100 this year, 87 group projects focused on a sustainability-related topic.
- Sustainability continues to be a key theme in research funding. Nine grants have been awarded to sustainability related projects across a range of departments, such as Grantham Research Institute, LSE Cities and Economics.
- The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Challenge report ‘Accelerating the UK Tertiary Education Sector towards Net Zero’ was published that LSE was actively involved in producing.
- The new ESG Policy has now been approved by Council and is live on LSE’s website. Work is currently underway to screen all investment holdings to ensure they are in line with the new policy.
- LSE’s Green Fortnight took place 27 February - 10 March, with several events taking place to educate and inspire sustainability among the LSE community, from online sessions on Greenwashing and Community Organising, to LSE academics showcasing their research related to climate through a World Cafe and informal 'fireside style' sharing session.
- There has been a push on increasing biodiversity this term, as part of LSE Estates Green Impact work. 105 new tree saplings have been planted at LSE Sportsground, and lots of perennials and herbs at Passfield Halls of Residence.
27 October 2022 - progress updates
- LSE Careers have organised a two week ‘Discover Sustainability Careers’ programme including panel discussions, ‘Meet an Alumni’ sessions and seminars about sustainable finance, consulting, circular economy principles and more.
- A full-capacity World Café on Climate Change was held, which connected students with academic research focussing on climate issues, engaging debate on the topic.
- Minouche Shafik, LSE Director, spoke at the opening ceremony of COP27 about transitioning to a green economy.
- A new ESG Policy is currently being developed and is awaiting approval.
- LSE ranked second in the world and top in the UK in the ‘sustainable institutions’ lens of the QS World University Rankings for Sustainability 2023. The “sustainable institutions” measure assesses an institution’s operations, its commitment to sustainability and whether strong governance is evidenced.
- 30 June 2022 - progress updates
- The Eden Centre appointed a Programme Manager: Education for Sustainability in May, funded as part of the Education for Global Impact agenda. The role has been created to explore ways to embed sustainability and sustainable development in the curriculum.
- Sustainability continues to be a key theme in research funding. Three projects have been funded (£50- 60K overall) across a range of departments.
- LSE was a winner in the highly prestigious Queen’s Anniversary Prizes 2021 and has now been invited to be part of a new innovative 12-month long programme – the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Challenge - to create a roadmap for tertiary education to reach net zero.
- LSE secured a £175 million Sustainable Private Placement for green and social projects at the School, including the development of a new building, the Firoz Lalji Global Hub at 35 Lincoln’s Inn Fields. This was externally communicated in April 2022.
- The Society manages the Sustainable Projects Fund, which received application for 9 projects and the committee awarded a combined total of £18.300 to LSE staff and students led projects.
- 2 March 2022 - progress updates
- Received an update on the School’s obtaining carbon neutral status for 2020/21 and proposed approach for 2021/22.
- Discussed progress against the Net Zero Carbon by 2030 target, and in particular heat electrification of campus and how sustainability is being embedded for the development at 35 Lincoln Inn’s Field.
- Received an analysis of the People & Planet University ‘green’ League 2021, in which LSE climbed from 13th to 11th place.
- Approved to pilot a Sustainability impact Assessment process, starting with the School Management Committee.
- Noted the School’s new Sustainable Finance Framework, developed to support raising finance to fund sustainability projects.
- Noted the plans for a consultation process in March to support the review of the Socially Responsible Investment policy.
- Received progress updates across the six themes of the Sustainability Strategic Plan – see progress tracker
- 28 October 2021 - progress updates
- Received an update on the environmental performance of the School (energy, water, travel, printing, etc).
- Discussed how LSE could accelerate its contribution to the transition to Circular Economy, with representatives from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
- Discussed work completed for LSE to become Carbon Neutral for 2020/21, and communications plan.
- Reviewed progress across the 6 themes of the Sustainability Strategic Plan (Education, Research, Engagement and Leadership, Investment, Collaboration, Our School).
- Discussed the proposed process and timetable for a review of the School’s Socially Responsible Investment policy.
- 30 June 2021 - progress updates
- Received an update on the work of the sustainability team, including progress on the School’s pledge to become Carbon Neutral in 2020/21.
- Approved for LSE to sign the Circular Economy Direction of Travel commitment for Higher Education in London.
- Conducted the Annual Management Review of the School’s ISO 14001/50001 Environmental and Energy Management Systems.
- Reviewed progress across the 6 themes of the Sustainability Strategic Plan (Education, Research, Engagement and Leadership, Investment, Collaboration, Our School).
- Discussed and agreed next steps following a presentation by students of a responsible investment paper containing a set of recommendations.
- 1 March 2021
- Reviewed progress against the actions set at previous meeting.
- Received progress updates from the Sustainability team, including the Sustainability Annual Report, development of the new Carbon Management Plan, and Circular Economy activities.
- Received a presentation from Compensate, LSE carbon offsetting partner. Discussed how offsetting will continue to be an additional measure, our priority being carbon reductions.
- Reviewed progress on the implementation of the initiatives for the 6 themes of the Sustainability Strategic Plan (Education, Research, Engagement & Leadership, Investment, Collaboration).
- Discussed next steps to accelerate progress on the Investment theme.
- Received updates on the sustainability work led by LSE students (LSESU and societies).
- 26 November 2020 (First meeting)
- Agreed Terms of Reference and membership.
- Given a report on the Sustainability Strategic Plan launch supporting communications and the positive response received (LSE community, media...)
- Received an update on work under way to further engage with the LSE Alumni community.
- Received and discussed a detailed update on the current development of a new Carbon Management Plan to support the School's net-zero targets.
- Discussed its process to monitor the delivery of the initiatives (Implementation Plan) supporting the Sustainability Strategic Plan.
- Received an update from the LSESU and the Sustainable Futures Society on a number of student-led initiatives including Green Week.
- Discussed next steps for the publication of the Annual Sustainability Report 2019/20.
- Discussed any other businesses raised, in particular next steps in the implementation of the Investment theme of the Sustainability Strategic Plan.
The Sustainability Operations Group is chaired by the Director of Estates. Meeting termly, the Group reports to the Sustainability Leadership Board. SustOps provides top level management for the Operations strand of the Sustainability Strategic Plan, covering LSE’s direct environmental and energy impacts.
Meeting dates 23/24
- 20 May 2024
- Sustainability Operations Groups were reviewed and updated.
- Annual Management Review was approved by attendees prior to the review by the Sustainability Leadership Team.
- 17 January 2024
- Annual Sustainability Report is approved by the Sustainability Operations Group.
- Approved the sharing of all print data amongst departments.
- Travel Working Group has been formed to develop external facing policy.
- Update provided on People & Planet Ranking for 2023, providing analysis and next steps.
- 21 September 2023
- Sustainability Team highlights near-term priorities including the creation of a Travel Plan working group, and the, currently ongoing, League Table working group to drive LSE performance.
- Print volumes - data on departmental now included as part of Green Impact.
- Update on Catering; continuing with the Action Plan and participating in the Environmental Working Group.