Our people

You will find every member of the LSE Estates Division under their respective department.  We have also compiled an 'at a glance view' of the key contacts you may need.  Organisational charts can be found on our About Us page

Senior Leadership Team



Robinson, Julian - Director of Estates

Service leader for the Estates Division, responsible for the development and implementation of Estates strategy, policy and performance.

Contact details: CLM 3.07b
020 7955 6761, j.s.robinson@lse.ac.uk


Blair, Allan - Director of Facilities Management

Responsible for the development and operation of all facets of facilities management  for the LSE.

Contact details: CLM 
020 7955 6748, a.blair1@lse.ac.uk


Jenden, Richard - Director of Property and Space Strategy

Responsible for the professional property management of the LSE Estate; acquisition and disposal, valuation and corporate management. The role incorporates the strategic planning, design and allocation of space whilst ensuring its effective and efficient use.

Contact details: CLM 
020 7852 3647, r.jenden@lse.ac.uk

Vacant  - Director of Capital Development

Responsible for the planning and implementation of major capital projects, long term maintenance (LTM) and carbon management at the School.

Contact details: CLM

Davinder Ratra Image web

Ratra, Davinder - Head of Admin and Finance

Responsible for managing all administration, secretarial functions, and financial administration within the Estates Division.

Contact details: CLM 3.07

Jas Sidhu

Sidhu, Jas - Customer Services Manager

Deals with all aspects of the Estates Helpdesk management and associated Customer Services, incl. dealing with queries and complaints.

Contact details: CLM 
020 7955 7778, j.sidhu@lse.ac.uk



Davinder Ratra Image web

Ratra, Davinder - Head of Admin and Finance

Responsible for managing all administration, secretarial functions, and financial administration within the Estates Division.

Contact details: CLM 3.07

Mandy Crane

Crane, Mandy - Office Manager 

Provides administrative assistance to Estates staff, responsible for updating Estates web pages and deputises for Head of Admin.

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 7106 1302, m.r.crane@lse.ac.uk

Andrew Crane web

Crane, Andrew - Receptionist and Admin Assistant (Apprentice)

Provides admin support to the Estates Division team.

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 7106 6477, a.crane@lse.ac.uk 

Phoebe Dunster 300x478

Dunster, Phoebe - CD Team Administrator and PA to the Director of Capital Development

Provides support to Director of Capital Development and all Capital Development Project Managers in respect of building works across the School.

Contact details: CLM  
020 7106 1158, p.j.dunster@lse.ac.uk

Aoife Nolan

Nolan, Aoife - Executive Assistant to Director of Estates

Provides support to Director of Estates and administrative support to the wider Estates team.

Contact details: CLM.3.07  
020 7107 5607, a.s.nolan@lse.ac.uk

female silhouette-988831_300x478jpg

Parsons, Susan  - FM Team Administrator and PA to the Director of Facilities Management.

Provides support to Director of Facilities Management and the wider Facilities Management Team.

Contact details: CLM 
020 7955 7090, s.parsons@lse.ac.uk


Williams, Jennifer  - Financial Administrator.

Contact details: CLM 
020 7106 1176, j.williams4@lse.ac.uk


Capital Development

Vacant  - Director of Capital Development.

Responsible for the planning and implementation of major capital projects, long term maintenance (LTM) and carbon management at the School.

Contact details: CLM 

Stuart Pennycook web

Pennycook, Stuart - Assistant Director of Capital Development (Residential).

Contact details: CLM 020 7852 3699, s.pennycook@lse.ac.uk 


Cheryl Smitham

Smitham, Cheryl - Assistant Director of Capital Development (Campus)

Contact details: CLM, c.smitham1@lse.ac.uk

Franceso Biancelli web

Biancelli, Francesco - Principal Project Manager.

Responsibility for in-house and external project management and design teams, primarily for 35 Lincoln's Inn Fields.

Contact details: CLM 
020 7106 1149, f.biancelli@lse.ac.uk 

Daniel Segeth 2025 web

Segeth, Daniel - Principal Project Manager (LTM and Decarbonisation)

Contact details: CLM d.j.segeth@lse.ac.ukmailto:d.j.segeth@lse.ac.uk


Elena Forti 300x478

Forti, Elena - Senior Project Manager.

Contact details: CLM 
0207 955 7985, e.forti@lse.ac.uk

Barbara_Moldawa 300x478

Moldawa, Barbara - Senior Project Manager

Contact details: CLM 
020 7955 6515, b.moldawa@lse.ac.uk

Paulo Rossetto

Rossetto, Paulo - Senior Project Manager (M&E)

Contact details: CLM, p.rossetto@lse.ac.uk

Michael Clarke web

Clarke, Michael - Project Manager

Contact details: CLM m.clarke2@lse.ac.

Kyung Hun Lee web

Lee, Kyung - Project Manager

Contact details: CLM k.h.lee2@lse.ac.uk

Duncan McPherson web

McPherson, Duncan - Project Manager

Contact details: CLM
020 7106 1150, d.mcpherson1@lse.ac.uk

Aliza Hussain web

Hussain, Aliza - Assistant Project Manager

Contact details: CLM a.hussain34@lse.ac.uk


Facilities Management


Blair, Allan - Director of Facilities Management.

Responsible for the development and operation of all facets of facilities management  for the LSE.

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 7955 6748, a.blair1@lse.ac.uk

For all FM related issues please contact Estates.FM@lse.ac.uk 

Chris Allister 2024

Allister, Chris - Assistant Director of Facilities

Supporting the Director of Facilities Management with the operation of all facets of facilities management for the LSE.

Contact details: CLM 3.07, j.m.allister@lse.ac.uk

For all FM related issues please contact Estates.FM@lse.ac.uk 

Daniel Prendergast web

Prendergast, Daniel - Assistant Director of Facilities

Supporting the Director of Facilities Management with the operation of all facets of facilities management for the LSE.

Contact details: CLM 3.07, d.prendergast@lse.ac.uk

For all FM related issues please contact Estates.FM@lse.ac.uk 

Mary Lee 300x478

Lee, Mary - Senior Facilities Manager

Responsible for day to day supervision of the cleaning contract, including customer issues and complaints related to cleaning.

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 3486 2956, t.c.lee@lse.ac.uk

For all FM related issues please contact Estates.FM@lse.ac.uk 

Ben Gladstone 300x478

Gladstone, Ben - Facilities Operations Manager

Responsible for day to day delivery of Post Room and Portering services.  

Contact details: OLD G.23
020 7955 6564, b.gladstone@lse.ac.uk  

For all portering requests complete a Porters Request form, or email: estates.porters@lse.ac.uk

Shaun Davies web

Davies, Shaun - Fire Safety Manager

Supports the Estates Team to ensure compliance with current fire safety legislation.  Supports the School in the management of H & S at Work regulations.

Contact details: CLM 3.07 s.davies6@lse.ac.uk

Male silhouette

Fire Safety Officer

Supports the Estates Team to ensure compliance with current fire safety legislation.  Supports the School in the management of H & S at Work regulations.

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 7106 1256, estates.fire.safety@lse.ac.uk

Victor Fejokwu web2

Fejokwu, Victor - Facilities Manager

Contact details: KGS 2.06
020 7955 6618, v.fejokwu@lse.ac.uk

For all FM related issues please contact Estates.FM@lse.ac.uk 

Kathleen Lee 300x478

Lee, Kathleen - Facilities, Housekeeping and Campus Services Manager

Contact details: CLM 3.07
k.m.lee3@lse.ac.uk 07980 912707

Joseph Ladele

Ladele, Joseph - Facilities Manager

Contact Details: KGS 2.06
020 7106 1200, j.ladele@lse.ac.uk

For all FM related issues please contact Estates.FM@lse.ac.uk 

Richmond Larbi 300x478

Larbi, Richmond - FM Assistant

Responsible for quality control of all FM contracted services, monitoring staff and student satisfaction and handling FM-related issues.

Contact details: KGS 2.06
020 7955 7332, r.larbi@lse.ac.uk

For all FM related issues please contact Estates.FM@lse.ac.uk 

Building Managers

Building Managers are custodians of their relevant buildings and are your first point of contact for any Estates related issues that may affect your area. 

The Building Manager is responsible for keeping the relevant Departmental Managers updated on Estates issues such as:

Building Works e.g. any refurbishment works
Major issues e.g. power outages, serious floods etc.
Public and communal spaces e.g. closure of a space or damage to furniture or building fabric, fault reporting.

For any fault reporting please use the Self Service Portal to log your request or contact the Estates Helpdesk at Estates-Help-Desk@lse.ac.uk.

Obafemi Ejutse

Ejutse, Obafemi - Building Manager (Grounds)

Femi is your contact for any issues relating to the campus grounds.

Contact details: o.ejutse@lse.ac.uk 07355 676601

Kabeer Meghani

Meghani, Kabeer  - Building Manager

Is your contact for issues within the following buildings:
Columbia House
Connaught House
20 Kingsway
Lionel Robbins Building (covering vacancy)
Old Building
Peacock Theatre

Contact details: k.a.meghani@lse.ac.uk  07966 294390

female silhouette-988831_300x478jpg

Murray, Marcia - Building Manager

Is your contact for issues within the following buildings:
Coopers Restaurant
Cowdray House (covering vacancy)
Lakatos Building (covering vacancy)
Marshall Building
Saw Swee Hock Student Centre
St. Clement's

Contact details:  m.murray4@lse.ac.uk 
07511 180947

David Sanchez web

Sanchez, David - Building Manager

Is your contact for issues within the following buildings:
Centre Building
Clement House
Fawcett House
Pankhurst House
Pethick-Lawrence House

Contact details: P.Del-Hierro-Sanchez@lse.ac.uk 07907862277

Josephine Willemsen 300x478

Willemsen, Jo - Building Manager

Is your contact for issues within the following buildings:
Cheng Kin Ku Building
Kings Chambers
Lincoln Chambers
50 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
Parish Hall
1 Portsmouth Street
Sardinia House
Sheffield Street
Sir Arthur Lewis Building (covering vacancy)

Contact details: j.willemsen@lse.ac.uk 07796 341357

Viktoria Nagy web

Nagy, Victoria - Senior FM Administrator

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 7107 5394, v.nagy@lse.ac.uk 

Kristiana Marashi web

Marashi, Kristiana - Senior FM Administrator

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 7106 1173, k.marashi@lse.ac.uk



Jas Sidhu

Sidhu, Jasinder - Customer Services Manager 

Deals with all aspects of the Estates Helpdesk management and associated Customer Services, incl. dealing with queries and complaints; responsible for all relevant MIS and administration.

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 7955 7778, j.sidhu@lse.ac.uk

For all helpdesk requests complete a service request form, or email estates-help-desk@lse.ac.uk 

Jodie Everid web

Everid, Jodie  - Helpdesk Technician (currently on maternity leave)

Responsible for dealing with service requests and closing job tickets, providing information for statistics, general help and assistance with emergency call outs and enquiries.

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 7955 1160, j.everid@lse.ac.uk


Vacancy - Helpdesk Technician (maternity cover)

Responsible for dealing with service requests and closing job tickets, providing information for statistics, general help and assistance with emergency call outs and enquiries.

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 7955 1160

Andrew Kleanthis web

Kleanthis, Andrew - Helpdesk Technician.

Responsible for receiving all maintenance requests, raising works orders and door plates.

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 7955 6415, a.kleanthis@lse.ac.uk



Paul Franklin2016

Franklin, Paul - Head of Maintenance

Responsible for Maintenance Team and overseeing all aspects of the day to day maintenance around the Houghton Street campus. Also responsible for the building stores and furniture supplies.

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 7955 6736, p.l.franklin@lse.ac.uk

Alan Beacon

Beacon, Alan - Deputy Head of Maintenance

Responsible for supporting the Head of Maintenance with managing the workload and staff. Also responsible for reactive flooring and decoration projects that are due to H&S.

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 7955 6329, a.beacon@lse.ac.uk 

Donkin 300x450

Donkin, Dene -  Deputy Head of Maintenance (Residences)

Responsible for supporting the Head of Maintenance with managing the maintenance at the Halls of Residence.

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 7955 7872 or d.donkin@lse.ac.uk

Kevin Curran 300x478

Curran, Kevin - Mechanical Supervisor

Responsible for day to day supervision of the in-house technicians.

Contact details: OLD B.45
020 7955 6995, k.curran@lse.ac,uk 

Kim Goodayle

Goodayle, Kim - Building Services Manager

Responsible for electrical, mechanical and building projects.

Contact details: CLM 3.07
020 7955 7611, k.goodayle@lse.ac.uk

Robert Meecham 2017 300x478

Meecham, Robert - Electrical Supervisor

Responsible for day to day supervision of the in-house electrical labour and controls engineers.

Contact details: OLD B.45
020 7955 6995, r.l.meecham@lse.ac.uk

Danny Smith 300x478

Smith, Danny - Building Fabric Supervisor

Contact details: OLD B.45
020 7955 7990, d.smith@lse.ac.uk 

Paul Atkinson 300x478

Atkinson, Paul - Stores person.

Contact details: OLD B.33
020 7955 7977, p.c.atkinson@lse.ac.uk

Gary Beaumount 300x478

Beaumont, Gary - Senior Maintenance Technician - Electrician

Wayne Bowen 300x478

BowenWayne - Senior Maintenance Technician - Electrician


David Cheong 300x478

CheongDavid - Maintenance Technician - Painter


Steve Clogg 300x478

CloggSteve - Maintenance Technician - Carpenter


Peter Fennelly 300x478

Fennelly, Peter - Stores Manager.

Responsible for the ordering, receipt, issue and stock control of materials used by the in-house labour force and contractors.

Contact details
020 7955 7981, p.fennelly@lse.ac.uk

Reece Hyam 300x478

Hyam, Reece - Apprentice  Maintenance Technician - Mechanical


Marlon Kizito 300x478

Kizito, Marlon - Maintenance Fabric Technician


John Meads

MeadsJohn - Maintenance Technician - Carpenter


Mo Miah

MiahMojamen - Senior Maintenance Technician - Mechanical Fitter


Jaime Rojas

Rojas, Jaime - Maintenance Technician - Controls


Jon Stockton 300x478

Stockton, Jon - Senior Maintenance Technician - FItter/Plumber


Alan Wade 300x478

Wade, Alan - Senior Controls Engineer


Male silhouette

WorthyAndrew - Senior Maintenance Technician - Electrican


Tony Wyer

Wyer, Tony - Maintenance Technician - Lead Painter




Ben Gladstone 300x478

Gladstone, Ben - Facilities Operations Manager

Contact details: OLD G.23
020 7955 6564, b.gladstone@lse.ac.uk  

For portering requests visit the self-service portal

Derek Chin300x478

Chin, Derek - Porter

Contact details: KGS.G.03, ground floor
020 7955 6760 

For portering requests visit the self-service portal 

Trevor Fullerton 300x478

Fullerton, Trevor -  Porter

Contact details: KGS.G.03, ground floor
020 7955 6760 

For portering requests visit the self-service portal 

Pierre Hegba 2 web

Hegba, Pierre - Porter Supervisor 

Contact details: KGS.G.03, ground floor
020 7955 6760 

For portering requests visit the self-service portal 

Bertland Kidd 300x478

Kidd, Bertland -  Porter Supervisor 

Contact details: KGS.G.03, ground floor
020 7955 6760 

For portering requests visit the self-service portal 

Desroy Macpherson 300x478

Macpherson, Desroy -  Porter

Contact details: KGS.G.03, ground floor
020 7955 6760 

For portering requests visit the self-service portal 

Carlos Molina Mendez web

Molina Mendez, Carlos - Porter

Contact details: KGS.G.03, ground floor

020 7955 6760

For portering requests visit the self-service portal 

Jack Monteith web

Monteith, Jack - Porter

Contact details: KGS.G.03, ground floor
020 7955 6760 

For portering requests visit the self-service portal 

Nelson Steven Relgifo Rodan web

Rengifo Roldan, Nelson Steven - Porter

Contact details: KGS.G.03, ground floor
020 7955 6760 

For portering requests visit the self-service portal

Singleton, Mario - Porter

Contact details: KGS.G.03, ground floor 020 7955 6760

For portering requests visit the self-service portal

Vicente Storino Carbono web

Storino Carbono, Vicente - Porter

Contact details: KGS.G.03, ground floor

020 7955 6760 

For portering requests visit the self-service portal

Tuffour, Daniel - Porter 

Contact details: KGS.G.03, ground floor
020 7955 6760 

For portering requests visit the self-service portal

Tummings, Bryon - Porter

Contact details: KGS.G.03, ground floor
020 7955 6760 

For portering requests visit the self-service portal


Ben Gladstone 300x478

Gladstone, Ben - Facilities Operations Manager.

Contact details: OLD G.23
020 7955 6564, b.gladstone@lse.ac.uk  


Richard Burgos 300x478

Burgos, Richard - Post Room Assistant.

Contact details: OLD G.23
020 7955 7989, r.burgos@lse.ac.uk


Pawel Opaska 300x478

Opaska, Pawel - Post Room Assistant.

Contact details: OLD G.23
020 7955 7989, p.w.opaska@lse.ac.uk  


David Tyndall 300x478

Tyndall, David - Post Room Assistant.

Contact details: OLD G.23
020 7955 7989, d.p.tyndall@lse.ac.uk



Property and space management


Jenden, Richard - Director of Property and Space Strategy

Responsible for the professional property management of the LSE Estate; acquisition and disposal, valuation and corporate management. The role incorporates the strategic planning, design and allocation of space whilst ensuring its effective and efficient use.

Contact details: CLM 
020 7852 3647, r.jenden@lse.ac.uk

Athanasia Baltouna 300x478

Baltouna, Nancy -  Assistant Director of Property and Space Strategy

Responsible for the operation and development of space planning, management and analysis within the Unit. Supports and leads aspects of the strategic planning and resource allocation across the Campus.

Contact details: CLM 
020 7955 7089, a.baltouna@lse.ac.uk

Sandy Carter 300x478

Carter, Sandy - Technical Assistant

Contact details: CLM 
020 7106 1143, s.carter@lse.ac.uk

Chris Connell. 300x478jpg

Connell, Chris  - Space Planner

Contact details: CLM 
020 7107 5268, c.connell1@lse.ac.uk

Daniel Print 300x478

Print, Daniel - Estates Systems Manager

Contact details: CLM 
020 7955 7912, d.print@lse.ac.uk  


Ruscoe, Francesca - Moves and Logistics Manager

Contact details: CLM 
020 7852 3789, f.ruscoe@lse.ac.uk

Amisha Patel 300x478

Varghese, Amisha -  Space Planner

Contact details: CLM 
020 7955 7967, a.varghese@lse.ac.uk

Katarina Selmoun web

Selmoun, Katarina - Assistant Estates Surveyor

Contact details: CLM 
020 3486 2962 k.selmoun@lse.ac.uk


Elena Vitan P1_300x478

Vitan, Elena - Reprographics Manager

Contact details: OLD G.28
020 7955 7986, e.vitan@lse.ac.uk

Mark Anderson P2_300x478

Anderson, Mark - Reprographics Operator

Contact details: OLD G.28
020 7955 6312, m.anderson3@lse.ac.uk

Alan Newell_P2 300x478

Newell, Allan - Copier Fleet Maintenance

Contact details: OLD G.28
020 3486 2688, a.newell1@lse.ac.uk

Male silhouette

Claridge, Neil - Print & Copy Helpdesk Assistant

Contact details: LRB 1st floor Walk In Centre
020 7955 7939, n.claridge@lse.ac.uk


Male silhouette

Khabaz, David - Print & Copy Helpdesk Assistant

Contact details:  LRB 1st floor Walk In Centre 020 7955 7939, d.khabaz@lse.ac.uk



Room Bookings

Rachael Ward 300x478

Ward, Rachel  - Head of Room Bookings and Commercial Events.

Responsible for managing commercial events and income from hire of space and internal room booking processes.

Contact details: CLM 6.02
020 7955 7461, r.l.ward@lse.ac.uk  

Michael Gaid 300x478

Gaid, Michael  - Account Executive

Responsible for commercial events organised by external and internal customers and support for processing general internal room bookings.

Contact details: CLM 6.02
020 7852 3752, m.gaid@lse.ac.uk 

Chloe Higgs web

Higgs, Chloe - Venue Co-ordinator

Responsible for commercial events organised by external and internal customers, provides support for lectures and events held in the Peacock Theatre.

Contact details: CLM 6.02
0207 107 5315, c.r.higgs@lse.ac.uk

Tim Hudson web

Hudson, Tim -  Account Executive

Responsible for commercial events organised by external and internal customers and support for processing general internal room bookings. 
Contact details: CLM 6.02 020 7955 7087

Brian Williams 300x478

Williams, Brian - Room Booking Executive

Responsible for all internal room bookings made by LSE Staff and LSE SU Societies.

Contact details: CLM 6.02
020 7852 3623, b.v.williams@lse.ac.uk



In case of an emergency please dial 6666 

Mulcahy, Richard - Head of Security. 
Responsible for all facets of security for the LSE including the security management of high profile visits and lectures. 
Contact details: OLD 1.02
020 7955 6589, r.mulcahy@lse.ac.uk

Velickovski, Boban – Technical Systems Manager. 
Contact details: OLD 1.02
020 7955 6506, b.velickovski@lse.ac.uk

Ntambi, Kennedy  -  Deputy Security Operations Manager.
Contact details: OLD 1.02
020 7852 3575, k.j.ntambi@lse.ac.uk

Urosevic, Aleksandar  -  Deputy Security Operations Manager.
Contact details: OLD 1.02
020 3485 5021, a.urosevic@lse.ac.uk

Magee, Gary - Security Team Leader (FAW, PAN, PEL, CLM) 
lse.clementsinn.receptions@lse.ac.uk or g.magee@lse.ac.uk
020 3486 2640

Khan, Rohullah - Security Team Leader (CKK)
lse.ckk.reception@lse.ac.uk or r.khan2@lse.ac.uk 020 795 6444

Beezer, Paula - Security Team Leader (CBG) 
lse.cbg.reception@lse.ac.uk or p.beezer@lse.ac.uk 020 7955 7570

Dos Santos Silva, Bruno - Security Team Leader (MAR)
lse.mar.reception@lse.ac.uk or b.l.dos-santos-silva@lse.ac.uk 020 7107 5760

Djagbo, Joseph - Security Team Leader (SAL)
lse.sal.reception@lse.ac.uk or u.j.djabgo@lse.ac.uk 020 3486 2888

Contact details for all Security Officers: Messages may be left in the correspondence tray in the porters' rest room OLD B.12 or phone 020 7955 6200/7111 (or 2000 internally)

Team A

Okunnu, Frankie F – Security Team Leader f.okunnu@lse.ac.uk

Beckley, Daniel - Security Deputy Team Leader d.beckley@lse.ac.uk

Alcaraz, Cliff - Security Officer c.alcaraz@lse.ac.uk  

Ellens, Gladwyn  - Security Officer g.p.ellens@lse.ac.uk

Ekwesh, Juliet - Security Officer j.u.ekwesh@lse.ac.uk

Guehlouz, Amin - Security Officer m.a.guehlouz@lse.ac.uk

Humayun, Kabir - Security Officer k.humayun@lse.ac.uk

Jimoh-Alabi, Islamiat - Security Officer i.jimoh-alabi@lse.ac.uk

Linehan, Timothy - Security Officer t.p.linehan@lse.ac.uk

Makanka-Mbenza-Bitolo, Max - Security Officer m.makanka-mbenza-bitolo@lse.ac.uk 

Malcolm Mendones - Security Officer m.j.mendones@lse.ac.uk

Nyarko, Eric - Security Officer e.nyarko1@lse.ac.uk

Rajlawot, Sami - Security Officer s.rajlawot@lse.ac.uk

Shodiya, Taiwo - Security Officer t.shodiya@lse.ac.uk

Wutoh, Margaret - Security Officer m.wutoh@lse.ac.uk

Team B

Marston, Ian - Security Team Leader i.marston@lse.ac.uk 

Cetindal, Tansel - Security Deputy Team Leader

Ahmed, Salim - Security Officer s.ahmed55@lse.ac.uk

Averkaite-Abbas, Diana - Security Officer d.averkaite-Abbas@lse.ac.uk

Chodorowski, Andrzej - Security Officer a.chodorowski@lse.ac.uk

Chukwurah, Emeka - Security Officer e.chukwurah@lse.ac.uk

Ekwem, Obinna - Security Officer u.ekwem@lse.ac.uk

Jatta, Abdoulie - Security Officer a.jatta@lse.ac.uk

Neil, Stan - Security Officer s.m.neil@lse.ac.uk

Olomoofe, Toyin - Security Officer t.m.olomoofe@lse.ac.uk

Rai, Sarbaraj - Security Officer s.rai2@lse.ac.uk  

Ruff, Irene - Security Officer i.ruff@lse.ac.uk

Sapkota, Shailendra - Security Officer s.sapkota@lse.ac.uk

Zongo, Abdoue - Security Officer a.r.zongo@lse.ac.uk 

Team C

Sunwar, Surya - Security Team Leader s.r.sunwar@lse.ac.uk

Bialek, Barbara - Security Deputy Team Leader b.bialek@lse.ac.uk

Chukwueke, Kenneth - Security Officer k.chukwueke@lse.ac.uk

Dankwa, William - Security Officer w.dankwa@lse.ac.uk

Erhabor, Becky - Security Officer b.v.erhabor@lse.ac.uk  

Gopaul, Raj - Security Officer v.gopaul@lse.ac.uk

Hussein, Yusuf - Security Officer y.hussein@lse.ac.uk

Isliker, Gottlieb (Jnr) - Security Officer g.isliker@lse.ac.uk

Kaminski, Bogdan - Security Officer b.kaminski@lse.ac.uk

Kasolo, Stephen - Security Officer s.w.kasolo@lse.ac.uk

Lahrar, Mohamed - Security Officer m.lahrar@lse.ac.uk

Rahman, Mohammed Sidiq m.s.rahman1@lse.ac.uk

Taher, Mohamed - Security Officer m.taher1@lse.ac.uk 

Night Team

Teah, William – Night Security Team Leader w.teah@lse.ac.uk

Isliker, Gottlieb - Night Security Deputy Team Leader g.a.isliker@lse.ac.uk

Mohideen, Rashul - Night Security Deputy Team Leader r.mohideen@lse.ac.uk

Ali-Ahmed, Israh - Night Security Officer i.ali-ahmed@lse.ac.uk

Cham, Ousman - Night Security Officer o.cham@lse.ac.uk

Issa, Raji - Night Security Officer r.issa1@lse.ac.uk

Jordan, Shaun - Night Security Officer s.n.jordan@lse.ac.uk

Mendez, Rhazid - Night Security Officer r.m.mendez@lse.ac.uk

Ogbeide, Godwin - Night Security Officer g.i.ogbeide@lse.ac.uk

Parajuli, Narayan - Night Security Officer n.parajuli@lse.ac.uk

Noungang-Kouoh, Christian - Night Security Officer c.noungang-Kouoh@lse.ac.uk

Richards, Byron - Night Security Officer b.j.richards@lse.ac.uk

Sanu, Saidu -  Night Security Officer s.a.sanu@lse.ac.uk

Ssekabira, Faruk - Night Security Officer f.ssekabira@lse.ac.uk

Taylor-Freeman, Cecil - Night Security Officer c.taylor-freeman@lse.ac.uk


Dace, Katherine k.a.dace@lse.ac.uk

Jammeh, Masireh m.jammeh@lse.ac.uk

Kempisty, Katarzyna k.kempisty@lse.ac.uk

Mohamoud, Hibac h.mohamoud@lse.ac.uk

Mostowfizadeh-Shoushtari, Farid  f.mostowfizadeh-shoushtari@lse.ac.uk

Ntambi, Remmy r.ntambi@lse.ac.uk

Redivo-Felicio, Emily e.redivo-felicio@lse.ac.uk

Soto-Moreira, Tomas a.t.soto-moreira@lse.ac.uk

Thomas, Cheyanne c.thomas15@lse.ac.uk 

Central badging office


Hernek, Alexandra Katalin - a.hernek@lse.ac.uk

Mladenova, Diyana - d.mladenova@lse.ac.uk

Lost and found property

Jones, Ellee - Property Found Officer e.r.jones@lse.ac.uk or Lost-Property@lse.ac.uk


Steve Butter 300x478

Butter, Steve - Head Groundsman, LSE Sportsground.

Contact details: LSE Sportsground
020 8942 1229, s.butter@lse.ac.uk

Ben Waters 300x478

Waters, Benjamin - Deputy Groundsman, LSE Sportsground.

Contact details: LSE Sportsground
020 8942 1229, b.waters@lse.ac.uk

Vacant - Groundsman, LSE Sportsground.

Contact details:  LSE Sportsground
020 8942 1229,



Steph Van De Pette

Van De Pette, Steph - Interim Head of Sustainability

Leads the Sustainability Team, overseeing the implementation of LSE's Sustainability Strategic Plan.

Contact details: sustainability.team@lse.ac.uk 

Zubeda Ali web

Ali, Zubeda - Sustainability Administrative Assistant

Supports the Sustainability team with administration and data analysis, in particular for utilities (electricity, gas, water, waste).  

Contact details: sustainability.team@lse.ac.uk

Beatrice Clementel web

Clementel, Beatrice - Sustainability Communications and Engagement Officer

Coordinates sustainability communication and engagement with the LSE community.

Contact detailssustainability.team@lse.ac.uk

Thea Hamilton web

Hamilton, Thea - Environmental Manager

Responsible for projects including our environmental and energy management systems. 

Contact details: sustainability.team@lse.ac.uk

Dan Reeves 300x478

Reeves, Dan - Residences Sustainability Officer

Embeds sustainability across all eight of LSE’s managed halls of residence.

Contact detailssustainability.team@lse.ac.uk

Emeline new

Sztrakos, Emeline - Carbon Reduction Manager 

Responsible for carbon, energy and water management.

Contact details: sustainability.team@lse.ac.uk