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Welcome to the Estates staff area
If you are a new member of staff, you will find everything you need for a successful induction to the Division. For anyone else, we hope you find it useful to have everything in one place.
School Health and Safety policy and proceduresClement House Occupants' Guide (for staff based in Clement House)Equity, Diversity & Inclusion informationEthics CodeFinancial RegulationsPolicy against Bribery and FraudLeave and School Closure DatesAbsencesHoliday entitlement and procedureKey Estates Policies and ProceduresEstates Queries & Complaints ProcedureBooking a desk at LSE (for CLM Occupants)Booking a Meeting RoomMeeting rooms in CLMSickness and absence reportingIntroduction to New Members of StaffRecords Management RulesScan to EmailReturn to Work interviewsAttendance progress reviewCommunicationsLetter templateAccident, Incident or near missCommunications StrategyPlanon Web Client IntroductionCampus Facilities (including sustainable travel - cycling, running, walking, and bicycle parking locations, showers and lockers)
Windows 10 setup guide - includes how to access: LSE App StoreRemote DesktopPrintersP:drive
Who's WhoOrganisational StructureFirst AidSmoking PolicyPersonal SecurityFire Officers/Fire DrillsEstates Mission StatementEstates Quality PolicyEstates Quality ManualCareer Development ReviewManual HandlingDSE/VDU assessments and eye testsFuture Ways of WorkingEmergency ProceduresProcedure for Gifts and HospitalityPolicy on the use of mobile telephony equipmentProbationary, reward and review procedureEmail/IT policies and proceduresTraining and DevelopmentLSE Property HandbookKitchen Supplies and Catering for MeetingsO&M Manuals