Blended Working FAQs

Do you have questions about what Blended Working means for you, your wellbeing, or your work/life balance?

Take a look at the FAQs below, and if your question isn't answered here, please email

Work/life balance

What's the difference between remote, hybrid, blended and flexible working?

As ways of working change for many of us in the School, it’s important to understand what we mean by some of the terms that are being used to describe how people will work going forward.

Remote working: this is working away from the School campus; it could mean working from home or in other locations.

Hybrid working: this involves working from different locations (i.e. coffee shops, alternative office spaces, from home) as well as working on our School campus.

Blended working: this is our official term where teams are working their contracted hours partly on campus and partly off campus.

Flexible working: this refers to non-standard (‘flexible’) working arrangements that are pre-arranged and specifically agreed between individual employees and their managers. Flexible working arrangements could include working set days of the week from home, moving to part-time hours, compressed hours, off-set start/finish times, term-time only working, and/or job sharing. Where an employee wishes to request a formal move to a flexible arrangement on an ongoing basis, they should submit a request to their manager under our Flexible Working Policy. Where a formal flexible working request is agreed, this means a contractual change to the employee’s contract of employment and this change will be confirmed to the employee in writing. More information is available in our Flexible Working Toolkit.

How often am I expected to work on campus or remotely?

As more staff return to campus, our School is moving towards blended working which focuses on new ways of working for professional services staff. While we're continuing to adjust to blended working, staff working in central professional services are expected to be on campus for work-related activity two days a week, and those outside of central services three days a week.

However, these arrangements should be based upon the demands of your role and division/department/centre. Your line manager will discuss your arrangements with you, including agreeing the days you'll be on campus and when you'll work remotely. This means that the mix of on- and off-campus days may vary from team to team as well as (in some cases) from individual to individual. In all cases, you should discuss and agree arrangements with your line manager or HR Partner as needed.

How many days am I expected to work on campus if I’m in a student-facing role/ not in a student facing role?

All agreements for working arrangements should be based upon the demands of the individual’s role. For staff in student-facing roles, this may mean that they'll be expected to work on campus for a higher proportion of their working week than those who are not in a student-facing role, so that our School can maintain a high-quality learning environment for the student community.

Managers will discuss specific arrangements with you including agreeing the days on which you will be expected on campus and when you can work remotely depending on the needs of your role.

Will LSE contribute to my remote working costs?

While staff who are working remotely for long periods of time may see some of their home living costs rise, it is expected that these additional costs will be offset by savings in the cost and time of commuting to and from work, the costs associated with being away from home, and the benefits of an improved work/life balance. As a result, we don't intend to reimburse any associated costs that accrue when staff are working at home.

As an office or line manager – what do I need to know to help others prepare for return to campus and beyond?

New starters who have not previously been to campus may find the experience particularly challenging. If you’re an office or line manager, you have a key role to play in supporting the successful return of staff, recognising that it may take staff some time to readjust to a campus routine. We have introduced plenty of information for managers to support the return of staff. Much of this is captured on the Staff Resources webpage. If you haven't already read it, the Guidance for Managers section addresses a number of different return to campus scenarios.

It’s recommended that you meet virtually with staff before they return to campus, either in small groups or individually. During the meeting(s), it’s recommended that you:

  • Update staff about the situation on campus, and any particular measures that apply to where they'll be working
  • Check and discuss any individual risk assessment requirements (if applicable). While general requirements for individual risk assessments are no longer applicable, staff at higher risk can ask for an individual risk assessment to be carried out for them to support their safe return to campus.
  • Explain any new protocols that should be followed, such as the Staff Code, as well as making staff aware of any relevant School-wide information such as the Return to campus guide and any internal protocols.
  • Arrange a local induction if a member of staff has not been performing their usual role for a period of time (e.g. if they’ve been on furlough), to make their return smoother.
  • Confirm practical arrangements for the first day back (e.g. checking that staff have the required access to buildings, clarifying their IT requirements, introducing them to any new staff).

Please do speak with your HR Partner if you have specific concerns about the return to campus of your team(s) that are not addressed in the general guidance.

Beyond the initial return to campus, there are additional resources to support managers whose staff will continue to work in a blended or hybrid way. In particular, the Blended Working Development Programme includes guidance, practical training, key tips and ideas for enabling effective blended working.

If I have concerns about my working environment or work patterns – who should I talk to?

Please speak with your line manager (or HR Partner) in the first instance if you have any concerns about your working environment (on or off campus) and/or work patterns.

Why do I have to come to campus when I’ve been doing my job remotely for over 18 months?

While remote working has benefits (for example supporting a better work-life balance for some individuals or allowing them to concentrate on focused pieces of work), our School is fundamentally a campus-based university. Working on campus brings benefits of collaboration, interaction with colleagues and a social vibrancy which are very difficult or impossible to replicate when working remotely. There are also some roles, such as those that are student-facing or provide a face-to-face service for visitors, which require a regular campus presence.

At the same time, we acknowledge that you may feel anxious or have other concerns about returning to campus. There is a range of resources to support you returning to campus; if you haven't already done so, your line manager should mention these as part of the return to campus discussion. Please do ask your line manager and/or HR Partner if you are unsure about what support is available.

Is it still possible to request working from abroad temporarily to be close to family?

While employment at LSE carries with it a strong expectation of presence on campus, it is acknowledged that circumstances may occasionally prompt a member of staff to live and work abroad for a period of time (as distinct from a flexible working request to change a working pattern).

We have an Overseas Working Policy which sets out the circumstances in which a member of staff may request to work from abroad temporarily, e.g. for family reasons. Please speak with your line manager if you would like to discuss this option; support is also available from your HR Partner. Each request will be dealt with on its merits and circumstances; the final decision shall be at the sole discretion of the School.


I need to know exactly which days to be in the office to plan my childcare, but my manager wants me to be flexible – what do I do?

Blended working arrangements are based firstly on business need and the needs of an individual’s role and, secondly, on personal preference. If you have a specific individual requirement, such as childcare arrangements, which means that you need a regular working pattern, you should think about submitting a flexible working request so that this can be considered as a fixed working arrangement. You can also seek further support and advice from your HR Partner.

What are the plans to support parents at LSE?

We appreciate that staff with childcare responsibilities have faced a number of challenges as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have arranged a partnership scheme with three local nurseries so that staff (and students) can benefit from a choice of discounted childcare close to campus. Further details, including how to sign up, can be found on the Nursery Partnerships webpage.

In addition, new web resources have been developed to support working parents (and carers) throughout the School. The Toolkit for Parents and Carers includes dedicated sections that explain the process for requesting different types of family leave, ways in which the School can support individuals returning after a period of leave, links to useful external resources, and more.

As well as these recent developments, staff can also seek advice and support from the Parents and Carers’ Network as well as via their line manager and HR Partner.

Technology, equipment and lockers

Can I get access to equipment for my specific physical and online needs? (eg. Posture/pregnancy/standing desks/assistive technology, accessibility software...).

There is a range of equipment which can support employees with specific physical and/or online needs. Please speak with your line manager in the first instance to discuss what adjustments would be most suitable.

Depending upon the circumstances, discussion of adjustments may be informed by an Occupational Health referral (supported by the HR Partner) as well as other medical information (e.g. provided by your GP).

Find more technology resources and policies on our key resources page.

What technology will be provided for me to do my job (at home equipment vs on campus for different types of staff)?

We aim to provide all staff with the relevant technology to enable them to perform their job both remotely and on campus. During the rollout of blended working, all staff will be provided with an LSE laptop – personal devices should not be used – and a headset.

In addition, desks on campus will have a docking station (which will charge your laptop), two screens, a mouse and a keyboard. Please speak with your line manager if you have any questions about the technology provided for your role.

You can also request to undertake a workstation risk assessment which can help to identify gaps in your workstation set-up.

Find more technology resources and policies on our key resources page.

How can I get access to equipment for my specific needs in shared desk spaces? (eg. Posture/pregnancy/standing desks)

If you have pre-existing needs that require specific adjustments to your work equipment and/or work area, your line manager should discuss these with you prior to any desk-sharing arrangements being put in place so that arrangements can be made to ensure you are adequately supported.

If you have specific needs as a result of the new ways of working, please do discuss these with your manager so that these can be considered as part of the office planning.

How do I set up my locker?

We have a dedicated page with videos and written instructions on how to set up your locker.

All staff who don't have a dedicated desk on campus will be allocated a locker. Each locker is numbered and can be opened with a combination code. Your office manager will assign you a locker when you arrive, which will be yours until you leave LSE or move buildings.

If you have a disability which means that combination codes are difficult to operate, a key can be supplied to the locker or alternatives arranged. Please speak to your line manager if you need an alternative locker set up or have any questions.

What happens if I forget my locker code?

If you forget your combination code, please contact your office manager to get it reset.

Please note that your office manager will need to see your Staff ID card and check the locker allocation list before opening the locker.

Personal lockers will not be opened unless in exceptional circumstances (eg pest control) and wherever possible you will be given notice of need to open the locker. If this cannot be done, the office manager who is opening the locker will be witnessed by another member of staff.

Are all the old computers and desks being taken out of every office space?

Yes all the old computers are being removed from the office spaces. They will either be repurposed for use elsewhere within LSE or if they no longer fit for purpose they will securely wiped and recycled.

If we're booking work spaces with equipment already there, do I need to bring my laptop to campus?

Yes, please bring your laptop and its charger to work. Alternatively, you can leave it in your designated locker or in a secure space at work.

Once you get to your desk, you can easily connect it to the workstation via a USB-C cable. This will allow you to use the two screens, keyboard and mouse that will provided on the desk.

When your laptop is plugged into the docking station, it will charge. However we advise you bring your laptop cable with you - especially if you're going to be in back to back meetings and using your laptop all the time.

If you need extra technology or a specific set up to suport your work, please talk to your line manager.

If you need support with technology at your desk, contact the support desk on

Find more technology resources and policies on our key resources page.

What do I do if I need a headset?

If you need a headset, please ask your department/division administrator or office manager to contact DTS to arrange for them to be delivered.

The headsets we provide are echo cancelling to provide you with a better audio experience.

If you need a different headset (noise cancelling, single earpiece etc) you can order these from your departmental/divisional budgets.

How do I get support if technology at my desk isn't working?

Tech support: use the Incident Report Form or email You can also visit the Tech Support desk on the first floor of the Library.

Estates Helpdesk: for queries around facilities, maintenance or cleaning, contact the Estates Helpdesk.

If you need further support or want to share your feedback, please email the Future Ways of Working team at

Room booking

How do I book a meeting room in Clement House, Pankhurst House, or Lionel Robbins Building?


2. Book a meeting room using the Condeco Outlook add-in.

Note: This is NOT the same as the Condeco Desk Booking app, which will only book desks and must be installed onto your smartphone.

Ad hoc meetings can be booked by using the meeting room screens (where installed). Please follow the steps below:

  1. Register your PIN on your ID card
  2. Activate your ID card with a PIN
  3. Follow the steps in Making a booking from the Meeting Room Screen.

Note: Steps 1 and 2 only need to be carried out once for each unique ID card. However, you will need to repeat these steps on any new ID card (e.g. where your previous ID card is reissued because it has expired or has been lost). 

 How do I register my ID card to use the meeting room screens?

The first time (only) that you use the meeting room screens you will need to follow the steps to register your ID card:

  • Open LSE's Condeco website
  • Select “Close Today Page” (top right corner)
  • Select “Profile” (top right corner) and locate hidden pin - you should see this:


After you've registered your ID card, you’ll be able check in to your meeting and make ad hoc bookings using the meeting room screens.

If you get a new ID card after it expires or was lost, please be aware that you will need to register your new one. Get in touch with the Central Badging Office if you need a new ID card.





I can’t see the Condeco room booking icon in my version of Outlook

If you’ve followed the steps for Starting the Condeco Outlook Add-in and created a new meeting or appointment but can't see the Condeco Icon in your Outlook ribbon, this may be because of several reasons:

  1. You don’t have a full view of the Outlook Ribbon because you have Outlook open in a small Window – try expanding the Window so you have a full view of the Ribbon
  2. Try closing and restarting Outlook
  3. Check whether the add-in icon is available in the web version of Outlook. If it is, try booking a room via the web version. If this is successful, restart your device at a convenient time. The icon should then appear in Outlook desktop and booking from the desktop version should now be possible. If it hasn't appeared straight away, check again in 24 hours.
  4. If the add-in didn't get installed automatically for some reason, you may need to follow the relevant instructions for manually installing the add-in for your version of Outlook and then follow the steps under the FAQ ‘How do I book a meeting room in CLM/PAN/LRB?’.
    Manually installing the add-in is usually straightforward, but if you run into problems please contact your divisional admin who can help you, or email
  5. Your division has not yet been migrated to using Condeco. The Condeco Outlook add-in is initially being implemented for staff in PSS divisions in LRB.5, and this will be followed by professional services staff divisions in Clement and Pankhurst House.

What’s the difference between booking a meeting room in Condeco and the way we used to book meeting rooms in Outlook?

Some meeting rooms may have been set up by DTS as Outlook ‘resources’ and are available in Outlook to be ‘invited’ to meetings.

This method of booking rooms will eventually be switched off. The intention is that rooms previously booked in this way will be booked via Condeco in future.

How can I get support with booking a meeting room?

Please contact your office administrator or the FWOW team on for any support with booking a meeting room.

If you need support with Outlook, contact the tech support team at

What's the difference between booking a meeting room via Outlook instead of Resource Booker? And will Resource Booker be discontinued?

Resource Booker will continue to be available. Meeting rooms for PSS staff are on Condeco, while Resource Booker is for teaching and centrally bookable events spaces for the whole school. If you need more information or help with this, please contact the Room Bookings Team.

Resource Booker will continue to be available and should be used for booking teaching and event spaces, as well as large central meeting rooms. 

Outlook should be used to book meeting room spaces in your local area. 

When is the Condeco meeting room booking functionality being rolled out to my division/department/the rest of LSE?

Once we’ve piloted the software and ensure it works for colleagues in LRB during August, it will be rolled out in Pankhurst House and Clement House.

When this has been done, we're aiming to roll out the room booking system to divisions in the rest of our School after consulting with them.

We will inform you directly about these changes as they happen.

Can I use the Condeco desk booking mobile app to book a room?

No, you will need to use the Condeco Outlook add-in for Smart Calendar (desktop or OWA Outlook web access). Please refer to the FAQ above on "How do I book a meeting room in CLM/PAN/LRB?”.

What happens to room bookings when people leave and how is the booking assigned to a new person?

The future bookings can be reassigned to a new member of staff to be kept or removed as needed. To simply add a new colleague to a booking, the Smart Calendar add-in for Outlook will be pushed out to users via distribution lists.

As long as the distribution lists are kept up to date, they should be able to see the add-in in their Outlook ribbon. They’ll need to go through a one-time process to subscribe to the add-in and allow it to run.

If the add-in does not get pushed out to a user automatically for some reason, it can be manually downloaded and installed. Your Condeco Group Admin (usually your office administrator) can help in the first instance if you need support.

As a meeting attendee, can I check into a meeting room on behalf of the person who booked?

Anyone can check into the meeting room by touching their ID card on the screen. There will be a one-time registration process for your ID card. (see activate your RFID card with a PIN.

How do I fix the Condeco Smart Calendar Add In for Outlook Room Booking subscription error: ‘We can’t find a valid subscription. Please check the URL you have entered and try again’?

If you have followed the steps for starting the Condeco add in in Outlook (desktop version) and get the above error when trying to book a room, please try the steps below. If this does not fix the issue, please contact your Condeco Group Admin so they can escalate if needed.

  1. Check you are entering the correct URL
  2. Check whether the add-in icon is available in the web version of Outlook
  3. If it is, try subscribing and booking a room via the web version.
  4. If this is successful, restart your device at a convenient time
  5. The Smart Calendar Add In icon should then appear in Outlook desktop and booking from the desktop version should now be possible.
  6. If it hasn't appeared straight away, check again in 24 hours (in the meantime if you need to book a room, you can do so using the web version of Outlook).
  7. If this doesn’t fix the problem, please contact your Condeco Group Admin (usually this will one of your divisional administrators, and depending on how big your division is there may be others).

I'm using the Outlook Office 365 web version and I'm trying to book a recurring meeting, but the Condeco Add In is just bringing back a spinning circle with no rooms appearing.

This is an issue which we have reported to Condeco for them to investigate. There is a workaround but you have to make the booking in a specific order for it to work if you are using O365 Outlook - follow steps 1 to 5 below. Alternatively you can just use the Calendar in your desktop Outlook application instead, as this fault only affects users of Outlook in O365

  1. Start to make a meeting booking for just the first session of the recurring booking
  2. Open the Condeco App, pick your room and click Book, this will add the booking to the event
  3. Now, in the meeting, add the recurrence (weekly, monthly etc)
  4. In Condeco Add In, click on Done
  5. Save the meeting/send Invites to complete the process

Why is room booking via Outlook/Condeco only available for CLM/PAN/LRB staff?

Condeco will be used for meeting room bookings for all Divisional PSS space to ensure transparency, self-service and ease of use for staff. This has already been rolled out in CLM, PAN and LRB as the three main Divisional buildings. Going forwards, all new Divisional PSS rooms will be added into Condeco. 

Desk booking

How do I use the desk booking system?

How to use web app:

  1. Open the desk booking portal in your browser
  2. Register using your LSE email and fill in your details
  3. Close the "Today" page using the button in the top right
  4. Search for the location, floor, workspace type and date using the quick search
  5. Find the desk you want to book (or view the floorplan) and book your desk

How to use the mobile app:

condeco app icon

Please note: there are several Condeco apps available - please download the one simply called 'Condeco' (not 'desks' or 'rooms') with the same logo as pictured on the left.

  1. Download the Condeco app on your phone
  2. Enter as the URL when prompted
  3. Log in or register using your LSE details (you may be asked for Multi Factor Authentication)
  4. Use the calendar or plus icon functions to browse or add bookings up to two weeks in advance

Are desks numbered so you can find them when you get into the office?

Yes, all desks have a small square metallic sticker in the corner which has a QR code and the workstation ID number for checking in, as in the example below.  

You can also see a floorplan of the 5th floor of RLB which indicates which desks are where. (add pix)

What do I do if there are no desks available in my area (neighbourhood)?

If there are no desks available in your designated area/neighbourhood, you can book a desk in a different space which uses the Condeco desk booking system. These include LRB's 5th floor, and floors across Pankhurst House and Clement House. If you're part of the FWOW programme, explore desks in other buildings here: Booking a desk at LSE 

You can also use a pod or booth if available, for a short-term work session or meeting, or make use of the amazing study and workspaces across our campus!

What does the ‘no entry’ symbol above a desk on Condeco mean?

If you see a 'no entry' symbol above a desk on the booking system, this means the desk has been taken offline until technology or another issue has been resolved. 

If I’ve booked a morning or afternoon slot, when do I need to have checked into my desk?

The check in periods are currently from 7am to 11.59am for morning bookings and from 12pm to 4.59pm for afternoon bookings. We'll continue to review these timings to ensure they work well for everyone. 

If you have a morning and an afternoon slot booked, then checking in in the morning will check you in for the full day. If you don't check in to a full day booking in the morning, you will be “bumped” from your afternoon booking at 12pm and the desk is then free to be booked by other users. 

 If you haven't checked in to your desk in the morning, the desk will be released for someone else to book at 12pm. You'll get a warning email 15 minutes before the end of the session reminding you to check in if you haven't done so.  

What happens if I'm off sick and can’t cancel my future desk bookings?

Please email your office admin or get a colleague to do so. They can support you with canceling your bookings so that others can use them.

How are new users added to the desk booking system?

Adding new users to desk booking is done by Condeco Group Admins. Most existing staff are already set up in Condeco for desk booking but any new starters will need to be assigned to their divisional group by the group admins. Any students who work as staff will need to be added manually, which is also a straightforward process, and Condeco Group Admins will be briefed on the procedure for this. 

Can you book a desk for someone else?

No, you can only book your own desk, but a local administrator can book a desk for someone else. 

Can I book a desk anywhere?

During the first stage of the desk booking roll-out, only staff who are part of the Future Ways of Working phases in Clement House, Pankhurst House, and Lionel Robbins Building will be able to book desks. You will be contacted when desk booking is made available for your area.

For staff in Clement House and some floors of Pankhurst House, you can book a desk anywhere which uses Condeco desk booking (i.e LRB, PAN, CLM).

How far in advance / how late can I book?

You can book a maximum of 3 weeks in advance. The system will refresh with new slots every Monday.

There is no limit to how late you can book a desk, so long as it's listed as free on the system.

Why do I have to check in when I get to my desk?

By checking in when you get to your desk, you're helping us to get an accurate understanding of our estate - allowing us to respond correctly to individual space needs.

Checking into desks also helps us to reduce the size of our estate if needed, and as a result provide greater flexibility in allowing blended working with a mix of remote alongside campus activity. This is something which our staff community have expressed would be valuable to them in past Pulse Surveys.

If you don’t have a smartphone or you don’t want to have the app on your phone, you can ask your local administrator to check you in on your behalf. Please speak to your line manager or office admin about this directly.

What data is collected about my desk booking activity?

Your data and privacy are our top priority. We want to reassure you that data collated by Condeco is solely used for monitoring space utilisation, not staff. 

Condeco has passed all necessary DTS security concerns during procurement, which means your data is fully protected.

Individual managers will not be able to request detailed reports, and reports will not include named individuals (in line with our HR policy).

Can I repeatedly book the same desk?

Yes, you can book any desk up to three weeks in advance. For instructions and more information, please read this guidance on finding a desk.

Can I search for where my colleagues are sat?

Yes, you can search for specific colleagues and book a desk next to them on the web version of Condeco. 

If you're set up as a group admin, you will have access to a booking grid function within Condeco. The booking grid shows desk bookings in a calendar format. Use the booking grid to see which desks are booked by who on specific days, which are available to book, or are closed.

Will I still have an allocated desk when I come back to the office?

Most areas of our School will return to the same office space as prior to the pandemic. As blended working is implemented across the School, office space will be redesigned to include different areas (e.g. breakout areas, meeting rooms, quiet rooms) and desk space will be reduced, depending on local blended working arrangements.

A desk booking system will be put in place for those staff who are working both on campus and remotely; in practice, this means that many staff will work at different desks when on campus. Staff who spend four or five days working on campus will be allocated a designated desk in their divisional area.

If there are particular circumstances which may make it difficult for you to work at different workstations on different days (e.g. if you have special equipment in place as a result of a disability), you should raise this with your line manager, if you’ve not already done so.

 If I'm in 4-5 days a week, do I get my own desk?

Staff who spend four or five days working on campus will be allocated a designated desk in their divisional area.

Designated desks will not be available for booking by other colleagues. To store their personal belongings, a pedestal under the desk will be provided. If you want to arrange a 4-5 day working week, please talk to your line manager or HR partner about flexible working patterns to suit your work/life balance needs.

What are divisional neighbourhoods?

Although blended working encourages remote and mobile working, maintaining team cohesion and joint access to nearby resources is important. For these reasons divisional neighbourhoods will be created, which will work as a central base for divisions.

Colleagues with designated desks will be accommodated in their divisional neighbourhood. Divisional files and equipment that needs to be accessed by the whole division will also be found in the neighbourhood.

Several bookable desks will be in the divisional neighbourhoods and more workstations will be in areas which could be shared by the divisions located elsewhere in the same building.

What should I do with my personal items now that we will be sharing desks?

Clearing your desk at the end of your working day is important for several reasons, including maintaining storage use, and keeping security experiences consistent.

Personal items – including ‘personal professional’ items – should be cleared from the desk you're using when you leave it. Please store any personal items in your personal locker and/or team storage areas, as appropriate.

For any questions about storing your personal items in your division or office, please contact your line or office manager to arrange the best solution for you.

Equipment on my desk is broken or faulty, what do I do?

I need an extra desk for a visitor or contractor. What do I do?

Please get in touch with your divisonal admin who will be able to book a desk for a colleague or for a visitor.

Instructions for booking for a colleague, or for someone external, can be found here.

Which steps should I take if I believe I need a permanent desk?

If you have a significant number of workstation adjustments and need to have an allocated desk, please discuss this with your line manager in the first instance. If there are enough desks in your Divisional pool, your manager can ask Estates to remove a desk from the Condeco booking system and this can be allocated to you.

If you are experiencing musculoskeletal issues (aches, pains, discomfort etc) due to hot desking please contact Health and Safety and ask for a link to the online workstation assessment system. If the assessment you complete identifies you as high risk, you will be referred for a face-to-face assessment with the external ergonomist. If the ergonomist recommends that you should be allocated a permanent desk, you should discuss this with your line manager who can request that a desk from your pool is removed from Condeco.    

Wellbeing and testing

I have an agreed reasonable adjustment for when I’m working on campus. How does this interact with the School’s Blended Working Policy, in particular unallocated desks and the expectation that staff may share desk space?

Our Blended Working Policy aims to support a more progressive approach to work where staff have more options over where and when work is undertaken. This approach includes a more flexible use of the work environment which can mean staff working at unallocated desks and/or in a variety of workspaces around campus. Staff working in a blended way can help to make this approach work better through, for example, keeping a clear desk so that, on days on which they are not on campus, their desk space could potentially be used by a colleague. 

At the same time, the School has a clear commitment to support disabled staff through the provision of reasonable adjustments. Work set-ups for such individuals should not be negatively impacted by blended working, and, in all cases, any reasonable adjustments that have been agreed for an employee will trump the provisions of the Blended Working Policy.

Staff who have agreed reasonable adjustments can request an allocated desk. In implementing this principle, both managers and fellow staff should be mindful that reasonable adjustments that justify the allocation of a designated desk for an individual may be unseen as well as seen. In addition, while all staff are expected to make reasonable efforts to keep their desks and general work areas clean and tidy, there may be items related to a reasonable adjustment (for example, as part of an individual’s desk set-up) that can be left in place.

HR is developing guidance on the importance and process of reasonable adjustments which takes into account the implications of blended working, as well as appropriate training for managers. Staff who have any questions about reasonable adjustments or disability support are encouraged to discuss these with their line manager and/or HR Partner.

I feel anxious about returning to campus – what resources are there to help me?

You may feel anxious about the prospect of returning to campus, especially if you’ve been away for a long period of time. There is a wide range of resources to support you in your return – some of these were in place prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and others have been developed in response to the various challenges that staff and students have faced during this challenging time.

Your line manager may well mention some or all of these as part of discussing return to campus arrangements. Resources include:

Will I be covered by LSE’s insurance if something happens to me while I am working remotely?

LSE and members of staff have roles to play in ensuring that, as far as possible, individuals are as safe when working from home as they would be in the office. Staff are expected to ensure good standards of housekeeping when working from home (e.g. removing trailing leads or cables), both for themselves and for anyone else sharing the homeworking environment.

Staff are also expected to make use of the resources available to support safer homeworking, including completing a home workstation assessment, as well as raising any concerns they may have promptly with their line manager and Health and Safety. Staff should undertake a new assessment if their homeworking circumstances have changed significantly (e.g. if they have moved house). Staff who are working from home are covered under the School’s Employer’s Liability insurance where it can be successfully claimed that LSE has been negligent for an injury sustained while working from home.

Teaching and events

What guidance is there for teachers who need to balance remote work/on campus teaching?

The Eden Centre have revamped our Eden Centre Resources site over Summer 2021.

The revised Curriculum design and enrichment section provides resources to support course and programme design. There are resources outlining how you can ensure that your course/programme is constructively aligned and how you can integrate a blended learning model to support student learning and peer group support both wi­thin the classroom and when students are working independently. The section also includes advice and guidance relating to working with inclusive education and research-rich education. Opportunities and guidance for enriching your curriculum by integrating topics relating to sustainabilitycivic engagement and creativity and playful learning are also included in this section. 

The new Teaching and learning activities section includes guidance on topics such as creating and developing a principled learning space and how you might approach teaching emotive topics. The resource Using Office 365 to support teaching and learning details how this suite of tools can be used to support various teaching and learning activities. This resource includes videos produced by the Eden Digital team that take you through how to use these apps to support collaborative learning before, during and after on-campus sessions.

Our Eden Digital team have compiled a list of our Hybrid and Hybrid Lite teaching rooms on LSE campus, to which it may be useful to make reference when planning and experimenting with your teaching methods this Term. Download a copy here.

If you're looking for resources drafted and promoted during the 2020 and 2021 online ‘curriculum shifts’ at LSE, some useful or notable ones have been archived here. In addition, our various portal sites (the Assessment Toolkitthe Academic Mentoring Portalthe GTA Portal and the Undergraduate Research Portal) have also been tweaked and updated to varying degrees for 2021/22.  Please get in touch with if you are struggling to find something.

For those of you newer to LSE, or who just have not taken advantage of their expertise and advice before, you may wish to get in contact with your Eden Departmental Advisers. Every Department has two dedicated advisers – a senior academic developer and a senior learning technologist who can advise on education development and innovation, curriculum enrichment, inclusive practice and digital education. If you are not totally sure who can help most in specific circumstance, please do email both of them. The full list can be found here.

Can't find what you're looking for? Email for any questions around Future Ways of Working.