How is your role linked to sustainability?
I always make sure to put sustainability at the forefront of my work. With my current work at IDS, I am helping to create a new thematic research focus on environmental taxation in sub-Saharan Africa. For a recent contract with Save the Children International, I built the first dedicated page to climate change for their website. I also help other smaller NGOs develop strategies and communications products in the field of youth, agriculture and plastic pollution – always keeping sustainability at the top of their agenda.
What advice would you give to students wanting to work in sustainability?
Sustainability is a fast-changing, ever evolving field that can be applied to nearly every industry today. If I were a student, I would pick a theme in sustainability that I was the most passionate about (renewable energies, agricultural policies, carbon capture projects, etc.) and marry it with my strongest skillset, whether that’s marketing, strategic consulting, project management, accounting & finance, etc.
How did LSE help you get to where you are today?
One of my most memorable classes during my postgraduate studies was ‘Global Environmental Governance,’ which was taught by Professor Tim Forsyth. It provided me with a very thorough understanding of the modern landscape of climate change and sustainability and the policies, organisations and leaders in that space. I took that knowledge with confidence into future jobs, strategically ensuring my team attended the COP conferences, for example.
I met the LSE Sustainability team while I volunteered as my residence hall’s Environmental Officer. They supported the growth of my zero waste online shop a few years later by sharing news of my business with their wider networks, which was great.