Through our strategy, LSE 2030, we want to develop our School to help everyone thrive – but what does ‘thriving’ mean and how are we shaping our approach?
As part of our strategy, developing LSE for everyone is about investing in our community and enhancing our services and infrastructure - so that we enable every member of our community to excel, and continue to attract the best and brightest.
To make sure we have a holistic approach, this work is framed around four themes to help us shape our School and its community become:
- Empowered
- Healthy
- Sustainable
- Inclusive
Read on to find out more about how we’re bringing each theme to life.

Empowering our community is about providing the tools, services and training to help everyone at our School thrive in their work and studies.
How are we empowering our community?
- Investing in our technology infrastructure by updating our systems and building for the future
- Developing lifelong learning with our learning and development programme, apprenticeships mentoring and coaching
- Supporting a better work life balance with Future Ways of Working.
Interested in learning more? Check out some of these programmes helping to create a more #EmpoweredLSE:

Creating a truly inclusive LSE is the first guiding principle of our LSE 2030 strategy, and we are proud to promote equitable treatment and champion diversity at our School.
How are we creating an inclusive LSE?
- As part of building a more inclusive community, our Race Equity Framework brings together meaningful action now with our School’s longer-term strategic vision
- Inclusivity starts with recruitment, where we have introduced anonymised applications and our fair recruitment adviser initiative - both of which work to remove bias from application through to interview and appointment
- Our staff networks provide safe spaces for staff from all backgrounds and help improve inclusivity by giving people a voice at an individual and collective level.
Interested in learning more? Get involved with staff initiatives to support inclusivity:
Developing a sustainable LSE means building a future for the social sciences and people across our community. Sustainability is a key priority which everyone can get involved with, on and off campus.
How are we creating a Sustainable LSE?
- Embedding sustainability across our teaching and learning experiences
- Reaching net-zero carbon and reducing our direct environmental impacts
- Making sustainability a key part of our investment decisions
Interested in learning more? Discover work happening within our community to create a more #SustainableLSE:

By bringing together mental, physical, financial, and professional wellbeing, we’re creating a healthy LSE to help our community thrive within their roles.
How are we creating a Healthy LSE?
- Giving our community the resources and support systems needed to ensure a healthy work-life balance
- Empowering staff to recognise the importance of mental and emotional wellbeing in themselves and those around them
- Ensuring that health and wellbeing are embedded in both the everyday life and formal processes of our School.
Interested in learning more? Join some of our #HealthyLSE initiatives: