Order catering

Order hospitality and catering for your event

View our menus and information on how to order hospitality from LSE Catering

Please note not all menu items are available at present and may be substituted - please place your order on the online booking form and the catering admin office will contact you if any changes are required.

This page was last updated on: 19 March 2025 

How to order

Guidance notes on ordering catering

  • Budget codes. The online catering ordering system has the OneFinance budget codes pre-populated. If you have any budget code queries, please contact the OneFinance team: Finance Division enquiry form
  • When to order. 
    Order as early as possible.
    7 working days in advance for receptions, formal dining, conferences and bespoke events.
    3 working days for beverages, breakfasts and sandwich services.
    There may be times when we are fully committed, but we'll always try to slot your order in. Late orders may be possible by contacting: catering.hospitality@lse.ac.uk  this may incur a surcharge.
  • Cancellation charges for formal dining, conferences and bespoke events.
    0% charge for 5 working days or more notice.
    50% charge with 4 working days’ notice.
    100% charge with less than 2 working days’ notice.
    Contact: catering.hospitality@lse.ac.uk to cancel your order. 
  • How to order. To order, use our online ordering service.The payment details need to be completed and authorised before we can accept an order.  To get you started with the online booking systems, read our LSE hospitality ordering system user guide [PDF]
  • Consider wellbeing and sustainability when selecting your food. To help you make healthy choices, we offer a wide range of plant-based vegan and vegetarian food.  We also take great care to ensure that our food is produced in an environmentally-friendly way.  For details on how we do this, visit LSE Catering and the environment.
  • Stay on budget. To help you make your event a success, even on a small budget we've collated top tips on  Making the most of your catering budget 
  • Locations. We cater in different locations around campus. Check the availability by each menu selection to see what's available where. Make sure you've booked your room before booking catering. For advice on the most suitable room, contact us or the room bookings team. For capacities, see the capacities table on this page. Book your room online using: Resource Booker.
  • Prices and surcharges. Prices exclude VAT (except where noted on the menus) and apply to catering provided between 8.30 am - 5 pm Monday to Friday. A surcharge may apply outside these hours, or for events that finish after 10 pm. For weekend catering, see our weekend conference packages or contact us for a special quotation.
  • Final numbers. Please confirm final numbers no later than two full working days before the event. Late cancellations may be charged at the full price.
  • Allergies and special diets. We will always try to accommodate special dietary requirements if you give us advance notice. NB Our kitchens are mixed use. We cannot guarantee that any specific ingredient is completely without trace. For more information, visit: Food allergies and special diets
  • Summer catering. During August, catering services are limited.
  • Catering areas. All catering areas and facilities are available for catering purposes only. This includes the Director's Dining Room, Chairman's Dining Room, Senior Common Room and Staff Dining Room.
  • Approved catering suppliers. Only LSE Catering Services or the Students' Union can offer catering with alcohol on School premises. Alcohol can only be served in licensed areas by the designated licensee. For more information, see: Policy on provision of informal hospitality catering [PDF]
  • Fully serviced events. We will have the rooms prepared and cleared by us - with food laid out or served as appropriate - all you need to do is turn up.
  • Deliveries and collections. We deliver your food and drinks within 15 minutes of your chosen delivery time. Please tell us when you have finished your meeting and we will come to clear crockery etc. If you collect food and drinks from us yourself, please return all crockery, flasks etc immediately after use. Otherwise we will charge you the serviced' price, together with any breakages and/or missing items. Please make your collection before 5 pm.

Table of locations and capacities of licensed rooms 

The following areas are available for catering purposes. They are licensed for alcohol provision by LSE Catering and must be fully serviced by LSE Catering Services. Collection is not available for these areas. 

Listed below are the services available and maximum capacities for licensed areas/rooms. Before ordering catering, please book these areas/rooms through Resource Booker or by contacting lse.roombookings@lse.ac.uk


v/o = vacation only
pm = evenings only
w/o = weekends only

Room capacities LSE Catering


Teas and coffees

Sandwich lunches

Stand-up fork buffet

Formal lunch/ dinner/ buffet

Drinks receptions

Old Building (OLD) - sixth floor

Founders Room / Shaw Library




60 (Buffet only)


Old Building (OLD) - fifth floor

Graham Wallace Room

GWR (OLD 5.25)






Staff Common Room



120 w/o

80 pm and w/o

48 pm and w/o

150 pm and w/o

Staff Dining Room



250 w/o

220 pm and w/o

150 pm and w/o

300 pm and w/o

President’s Dining Room







Chairman’s Dining Room







OLD 5.11






Old building - fourth floor

4th Floor Restaurant

300 pm, w/o, v/o

250 pm, w/o, v/o



300 pm, w/o, v/o

Old Building (OLD) - third floor (Robinson Room Suite)

OLD 3.21






OLD 3.28






OLD 3.23






Old Building (OLD) - ground floor

Vera Anstey Room







Atrium/Student Services Centre

225 pm, w/o

150 w/o



225 pm, w/o

Centre Building (CBG)

Lower ground auditorium and breakout space (B1.01/B1.02)






Ground floor
lecture theatre and breakout space (G.01)






Ground floor
far end reception space - after 6pm only






CBG Terrace 2nd Floor





200 pm

CBG Terrace 6th Floor






60 pm

CBG Terraces 12th Floor (by very special arrangement only)

55 pm

55 pm



55 pm

Alumni Centre (G.05) by prior arrangement with Alumni Centre






Columbia House (COL)

LSE Garrick basement dining area






Clement House (CLM)

Hong Kong Theatre

CLM G.02






CLM 1.01






CLM 1.02






CLM 1.03






CLM 2.02






CLM 2.04






CLM 2.05






CLM 2.06






CLM 3.02






CLM 3.04






CLM 3.07






Marshall Building (MAR)

Ground floor
NE Corner
(larger School events >600
by special arrangement with room bookings)
300 300 300 280  300
1st Floor
communal breakout
 100  100  100  100  100
2nd Floor
communal breakout
 100  100  100  100  100
6th Floor
(Private for Department of Management)
120 120 120
120 (standing)
8th Floor main
Terrace and Lobby
 85  85  85  85  85
8th Floor
120 120 80 35 120
8th Floor
+30 (with terrace)

+30 (with terrace)

+30 (with terrace)

35 (+extra hire of tables and chairs) 50
+30 (with terrace)

9th Floor
(Private for Marshall Institute)
100 100 - - 100

Cheng Kin Ku Building (CKK) - formerly New Academic Building

Lower ground






Cafe 54






























8th floor






Sir Arthur Lewis Building (SAL) - formerly 32 Lincoln's Inn Fields

Bean Counter






Kinta Alley



















George IV 1st Floor






Lionel Robbins Building, Library (LRB)

Lower ground floor R01

(Library use only)






Central atrium (Library use only)






Ground floor workspace 1






Ground floor workspace 2






Ground floor workspace 3






Ground floor workspace 4






Library gallery space (Library use only)






3rd floor 3.01

(Library use only)

50 stand up

30 sit down

50 stand up




4th floor PhD Academy (Library use only)

60 stand up

60 stand up




All locations in this table have to be serviced by LSE Catering.

Vouchers are available for use in catering facilities during normal opening hours, depending on numbers.

Weekend catering is by special arrangement.

With the exception of the above rooms, catering but not alcohol may be provided in all other School rooms by LSE Catering or the Students Union

Catering can also be provided by LSE Catering Services in catered halls of residence. Please contact the hall directly

  • Bankside House

  • Rosebery Hall 

  • Carr-Saunders Hall

  • Passfield Hall

Menu selection and prices

Prices are valid for services provided between Monday to Friday. On weekends, other prices may apply.

The prices listed are what you will be charged if you are paying by internal debit note (IDN). If you are paying by invoice, VAT will be added.

Beverages and snacks

Beverages can be delivered to all LSE buildings.

Deliveries are made within 15 minutes of your chosen delivery time between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday. If we cannot make a delivery and/or you would rather collect your requirements a discount of £0.75 per person will apply (empties must be returned).

Please note: collection is only available if your event is in a room that is not listed under 'Table of locations and capacities of licensed rooms' (see above). 

Hot drinks and snacks

Minimum charge: these items have a minimum charge of £25 per delivery slot

Our freshly brewed crema filter coffee is a classic, dark roast, full-bodied coffee with Fairtrade certification. 

Hot drinks and snacks
ItemPrice per person (excl VAT)Code
Filter coffee (Fairtrade) £3.25 A21
Tea (Fairtrade English and herbal) £3.25 A22
Biscuit selection (2 per person) £1.10 A23
Gluten free biscuits (2 per person) £2.10 A20
Biscuit/ cake slice - Lazy Day (gluten free, dairy free, vegan) chocolate tiffin, Scottish shortbread, millionaire's shortbread (1) £3.50 DC4
Mini croissants (1.5 per person) £3.10 A19
Mini Danish pastries (1.5 per person) £3.15 A18
Filter coffee (Fairtrade) plus biscuit selection - (20+ persons) £2.95 A11
Tea (Fairtrade English and herbal) plus biscuit selection - (20+ persons) £2.95 A12
Filter coffee (Fairtrade) plus biscuit selection - (50+ persons) £2.55 A13
Tea (Fairtrade English and herbal) plus biscuit selection - (50+ persons) £2.55 A14

Cold drinks

Minimum charge: these items have a minimum charge of £25 per delivery slot

Cold drinks
ItemNotesPrice per person (incl VAT)Code
Fresh Juices & Smoothies (250ml)   £3.90 A26
Orange Juice (1 litre)   £4.55 A28
Cranberry Juice (1 litre)   £4.55 A29
Apple Juice (1 litre)   £4.55 A37
Fresh Orange Juice (jug)   £13.45 A38
Elderflower Pressé (jug)   £8.90 A39
Bottled Coke (330ml)   £2.85 A40
Bottled Diet Coke (330ml)   £2.70 A41
LSE Purified Water in Returnable Glass Bottles - Still (700 ml) Available on fully-serviced events only £3.55 A30
LSE Purified Water in Returnable Glass Bottles - Sparkling (700 ml) Available on fully-serviced events only £3.55 A31
Be Kind to the Environment
The LSE has drinking water points across campus, providing easy access sustainable hydration for all. Bottled water is available to select however please consider if you can source tap water from a local supply in the first instance.
Mineral Water - Still (330ml)  Glass bottles £2.55 A32
Mineral Water - Still (750ml)  Glass bottles £3.85 A35
Mineral Water - Sparkling (330ml)  Glass bottles £2.55 A34
Mineral Water - Sparkling (750ml)  Glass bottles £3.85 A33

Conference packages - mineral water

Conference packages - mineral water
ItemDescriptionPrice (incl VAT)Code
Still 330ml x 24 (£1.40 per bottle) Glass bottles £33.60 A42
Sparkling 330ml x 24 (£1.40 per bottle) Glass bottles £33.60 A43
Still 750ml x 12 (£2.60 per bottle) Glass bottles £31.20 A36
Sparkling 750ml  x 12 (£2.60 per bottle) Glass bottles £31.20 A37

Beverage vouchers for drinks in catering outlets

Vouchers can be provided for use in catering outlets during normal opening times. They can be for a specific date or for a period of time.

Where to collect
Once booked, vouchers can be collected from the Catering Office, Old Building, room OLD.5.16.

Drinks vouchers
ItemLocationPrice per person (excl VAT)Code
Any regular hot drink or canned drink The Shaw Cafe £3.20 AA1
Any regular hot drink or canned drink
and a Squirrel Sisters vegan snack bar
The Shaw Cafe £5.75 AA2
Any regular hot drink or canned drink Beveridge Cafe £3.20 AA3
Any regular hot drink or canned drink
and a Portuguese tart
Beveridge Cafe £5.75 AA4
Any regular hot drink or canned drink Fourth Floor Restaurant  £2.30 A5
Any regular hot drink or canned drink
and a flapjack/ muffin/ cookie
Fourth Floor Restaurant £4.85 A10
Any regular hot drink or canned drink Cafe 54  £3.20 A1
Any regular hot drink or canned drink
and a packaged cake slice/ granola/ coconut / tiffin/ millionaire's slice/ chocolate brownie
Cafe 54 £5.75 A6
Any regular hot drink or canned drink LSE Garrick £3.20 A2
Any regular hot drink or canned drink
and a packaged snack item
LSE Garrick £5.75 A7
Any regular hot drink or canned drink Plaza Cafe £3.20 A3
Any regular hot drink or canned drink
and a cookie/ Divine bar/ rice cake
Plaza Cafe £5.75 A8
Any regular hot drink or canned drink The Bean Counter £3.20 A4
Any regular hot drink or canned drink
and a cookie or a quinoa bar
The Bean Counter £5.75 A9
Any regular hot drink or canned drink Beaver's Brew £3.20 A11
Any regular hot drink or canned drink
and a doughnut
Beaver's Brew £5.75 A12


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Breakfast and afternoon tea

Working breakfast and afternoon tea can be delivered to all LSE buildings:

Prices quoted are for services between 8.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Orders will be delivered with 15 minutes of your chosen delivery time. Every effort is made to accommodate special requests and deliveries outside these times, please contact us to discuss your individual requirements.

If we cannot make a delivery and/or you would rather collect your requirements a discount of £0.75 per person will apply. Please note empties must be returned to point of collection.

ItemDescriptionNotesPrice p/person (excl VAT)Code
Breakfast Roll Bacon/sausage or fried egg   £4.30 B2
Working Breakfast Coffee and tea served with any two of the following items:
- Smoothies (1)
- Fruit juices (1)
- Mini croissants (1.5 per person)
- Muffins (1)
- Yoghurt pots with granola (1)
- Fresh fruits (1)
- Mini savoury pastries (1.5 per person)
- Mini sweet pastries (1.5 per person)
- Mini smoked salmon bagels (1 per person)
Minimum charge: £45.00
Each additional item will be charged at £3.10 per head.
£9.00 B30
Contemporary Breakfast - Fruit juice and smoothies
- Fresh fruit salad and yoghurts
- Smoked salmon with scrambled free range eggs
- Croissants and muffins
- Coffee and tea
Minimum charge: £90.00
Available in CKK, Centre Building, MAR, OLD and SAL (China crockery)
£19.30 B31
LSE Garrick Breakfast Voucher Voucher for LSE Garrick breakfast service.
Choice of breakfast menu item plus hot drink.
Available Monday to Friday 8.00am - 10.30am £6.85 B33
Fourth Floor  Restaurant Breakfast Voucher Voucher for Fourth Floor Restaurant breakfast service. Full English breakfast plus hot drink. Available Monday to Friday 8.30am - 10.30am £6.05 B34
Afternoon Tea - Assorted sandwich platter (2 pieces)
- Scones with strawberry preserve and clotted cream (1 scone cut into 2 pieces)
- Selection of mini cakes
- Selection of teas
Minimum charge: £69.75
This option is available without sandwiches for £10.95.
£13.95 A36
The Bean Counter Breakfast Voucher Any sweet or savoury pastry or freshly chopped fruits pot or yoghurt with granola/fruits plus any tea or coffee  Available Monday to Friday 8.30am - 10.30am £5.45 BC1

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Finger food and sandwich lunches - for all buildings

Deliveries can be made to most rooms in the following buildings:

  • Old Building (OLD)
  • Centre Building (CBG)
  • Columbia House (COL)
  • Connaught House (CON)
  • Cheng Kin Ku Building (CKK) - formerly New Academic Building
  • Sir Arthur Lewis Building (SAL) - formerly 32 Lincoln's Inn Fields
  • Lionel Robbins Building (LRB)
  • Pankhurst House (PAN)
  • Fawcett House (FAW)
  • Pethick-Lawrence House (PEL)
  • Marshall Building (MAR)

To view the selection of menu items available for delivery to all other buildings see: Finger food and sandwich lunches - for all buildings. 

Deliveries are made within 15 minutes of your chosen delivery time between 8:30am and 5pm Monday to Friday. If you would rather collect your requirements a discount of £0.75 per person will apply (empties must be returned to point of collection).

Minimum charge: these items have a minimum charge of £30 per delivery slot

Finger food and sandwich lunches - for buildings OLD, CON, NAB, 32LIF & LRB
ItemDescriptionPrice per person (excl VAT)Code
Classic Sandwich  Assorted sandwiches (4 pieces) £5.20 D48
Classic Vegetarian Sandwich Assorted vegetarian sandwiches (4 pieces) £5.20 D49
Classic Vegan Sandwich Assorted vegan sandwiches (4 pieces) £5.20 D50
The Plentiful Portion Sandwich Assorted sandwiches (6 pieces) £7.10 D52
The Plentiful Portion Vegetarian Sandwich Assorted vegetarian sandwiches (6 pieces) £7.10 D53
The Plentiful Portion Vegan Sandwich Assorted vegan sandwiches (6 pieces) £7.10 D54
Combo Option Assorted sandwiches (2 pieces)
Assorted tortilla wraps (3 pieces)
Kettle Chips
£10.45 D55
Finger Food Lunch Assorted sandwiches (2 pieces)
Mini vegetable spring rolls (v) (2)
Mini vegetable samosas (v) (2)
Assorted mini tartlets (v) (1.5)
Southern fried chicken with mustard mayonnaise (2)
£12.40 D56
The Healthier Option Finger Food Filled wraps (2 pieces)
Bite sized sushi (2)
Chickpea falafel with yoghurt and mint dip (v) (gf) (2)
Cherry Tomatoes, baby mozzarella and basil brochette (v) (1)
Vegetable sticks and pitta bread platter with hummus
Marinated olives
£15.15 D57
Sandwich Wraps & Finger Food Lunch Assorted sandwiches (2)
Assorted wraps (2)
Sweet chilli chicken (2)
Cod goujons with lemon mayonnaise (gf) (2)
Stuffed vine leaves (v) (1.5)
Potato skins with sour cream and chives (v) (2)
£15.15 D58
Finger Food Vegan Option Assorted sandwiches (2)
Vegan wraps (2 pieces)
Selection of falafels (2)
Raw carrot and cucumber sticks with radish and hummus
Tofu and cherry tomato skewer (1)
Eat Real crisps
 £15.15 D59
Finger Food Gluten Free Option Stuffed vine leaves (1.5)
Mozzarella, cherry tomato and basil (1)
BBQ chicken wings (2)
Cod goujons with tartare sauce (2)
Potato wedges with sour cream and chives (2)
 £15.15 D60
The Salad Option Choice of individually boxed salads:
£8.24 D62
Standard Packed Lunch (packed in a brown paper bag, suitable for large groups on the go) Packaged Sandwich (choice of meat, fish or vegetarian)
Apple or banana
Bottle of still mineral water
£8.24 D63
The Plentiful Lunch on the Go 
(packed in a brown paper bag, suitable for large groups on the go)
Packaged sandwich (choice of meat, fish or vegetarian)
Packet of crisps
Kit-Kat (4 fingers)
Bottle of still mineral water
£9.40 D64
Pizza - Meat Whole (6 slices) £13.45 D65
Pizza - Vegetarian Whole (6 slices) £13.45 D66
Pizza - Vegan/Gluten Free Whole (6 slices) £15.45 D67
Gourmet Package (exclusive to MAR, SAL and LRB) Handmade gourmet artisan sandwiches
Mini cakes
Deluxe fresh fruit platter
£17.45 L01
Whole Fresh Fruits   £0.95 DA1
Crisps   £1.90 DF2
Popcorn   £1.90 DF3
Muffins   £3.25 DC2
Mini Cake Selection   (2 per person) £3.10 DC1
Biscuit/Cake Slice -  Lazy Day (gluten free, dairy free and vegan) Chocolate Tiffin, Scottish shortbread, millionaire's shortbread  £3.50 DC4
Mini Macaroons   (2 per person) £3.10 DD1
Yoghurt pot with granola   £4.00 DE1
Green Leaf and Cherry Tomato Pots   £2.50 DB2
Deluxe Fresh Fruit Platter  (serves 5) £25.60 DB1
Fresh Fruit Salad Pots   £3.95 DB3
Cheeseboard with celery, grapes, chutney and biscuits (serves 5) £37.75 DB4
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Fork buffet lunches and suppers

Fork buffets, informal stand up lunches and suppers are available in these buildings: 

  • Old Building (OLD)
  • Cheng Kin Ku Building (CKK) - formerly New Academic Building
  • Sir Arthur Lewis Building (SAL) - formerly 32 Lincoln's Inn Fields
  • Centre Building (CBG)
  • Marshall Building (MAR)

They're suitable for small or large numbers. Table lay-up and seating can be arranged if room size etc allows at an additional charge of £3.20 per person.

Standard serving times
Lunches: any time between 12 noon and 4pm
Suppers: any time between 4pm and 9pm. 
Additional costs may apply for service outside these times.

Minimum charge
These items have a minimum charge of £150 per delivery slot

Fork buffet lunches
ItemDescriptionPrice per person (excl VAT)Code
Cold  Selection of meats antipasto
Salad of grilled artichokes, beetroot, fennel with dried tomato and a walnut pistou (v) (gf)
Chickpea falafel with minted yoghurt dipping sauce (v) (gf)
Three seasonal salads (v)
Specialty breads
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£30.70 (lunch)

£38.70 (supper)
Cold Vegetarian
(Vegan available)
Vietnamese rice noodle salad (roasted marinated tofu, cashew nuts with lime and chili dressing) (v)
Masala spiced roasted cauliflower, spinach chickpeas and a garlic and yoghurt dressing (v)
Mizo glazed aubergines, honey roast figs, chicory, pistachio nuts and a pomegranate dressing (v)
Mixed leaf salad
Speciality breads
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£35.95 (lunch)

£43.95 (supper)

Cold  Char grilled piri piri chicken breast with avocado, lime coriander yogurt dressing
Salmon & prawn brochette with soy, ginger & spring onion (GF)
Baked aubergine whipped feta, crispy roast chickpeas, pickled radish white balsamic and honey dressing
Three seasonal salads (v)
Speciality breads
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£35.60 (lunch)

£43.60 (supper)
Cold Teriyaki salmon with pickled cucumber ribbons
Marinated and roasted portobello mushroom, tabbouleh salad with a mint, yogurt and sumac dressing (v)
English roquette and harissa roast pumpkin salad (v)
New potatoes salad with shallots, parsley and vinaigrette 
Speciality breads
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£32.65 (lunch)

£40.65 (supper)
Cold Poached salmon, kiwi, mint and lime green sauce
Roast free range chicken breast, celery, chicory, watercress and frisee salad, grain mustard and honey dressing
Charred aubergine and harissa spiced chickpeas with preserved lemons, pomegranate molasses (v)
Three seasonal salads (v)
Speciality breads
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£36.40 (lunch)

£44.40 (supper)
Cold Salad of shaved rare beef on a bed of fennel, chicory and fresh horseradish, chive and crème fraîche dressing
Seared tuna nicoise salad, cherry tomatoes, new potatoes, olives, French beans, anchovy dressing and boiled egg
Tuscan panzanella salad with tomatoes, peppers, onion, capers and olives (v)
Mixed leaf salad 
Speciality breads
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£38.60 (lunch)

£46.60 (supper)
Cold Poached salmon with salsa verde
Salad of honey roasted pears, prosciutto, hazelnuts, glazed chilli grapes, goats' cheese and rocket
Vegetarian tart (v)
Three seasonal salads (v)
Speciality breads
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£38.60 (lunch)

£46.60 (supper)
(Vegan available)
Charred orange salad with spice almonds, watercress, fennel, chicory with an orange vinaigrette (v)
Marinated and chargrilled squash, aubergine, sweet peppers, courgette and onions with sumac, cumin and chilli, dressed with olive oil, pinenuts with a mint and lemon yoghurt labneh (v)
Fattoush salad with lavash bread croutons, herbs, vegetables and a preserved lemon and date dressing
Mixed leaf salad
Speciality bread
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£36.00 (lunch)

£44.00 (supper)
Hot  Fennel sausage meatballs, tomato and chilli sauce, toasted fennel seeds and rigatoni
Marinated paneer skewers, with chilli and cardamon, brushed with saffron butter (v)
Mixed leaf salad
Speciality breads
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£31.15 (lunch)

£39.19 (supper)
Hot Slow cooked Spanish style pork belly with chorizo and butter beans, burnt lemon, roast almond and green olive salsa
Masala spiced roast cauliflower in an almond and yoghurt marinade, with tomato and almond butter sauce and fragrant basmati rice (v)
Mixed leaf salad 
Naan bread
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£33.85 (lunch)

£41.85 (supper)
Hot Italian grilled chicken with rosemary and garlic on an aubergine and sweet pepper caponata
Gnocchi with chestnut, stem broccoli, chestnut mushroom, basil and roquette pesto (v)
Minted new potatoes (v)
Mixed leaf salad 
Speciality breads
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£32.65 (lunch)

£40.65 (supper)
Hot Moroccan chicken with preserved lemons and olives
Cauliflower and date tagine with tomato and coriander (v)
Couscous with pomegranate and mint (v)
Mixed leaf salad 
Speciality breads
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£33.50 (lunch)

£41.50 (supper)
Hot Marinated Chicken thighs with sherry, muscat raisins, tomato and chilli, finished with green olives and salted almonds
Rigatoni in a tomato, artichoke and fennel sauce with Spenwood cheese (v)
Saffron braised potatoes (v)
Mixed leaf salad 
Speciality breads
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£33.50 (lunch)

£41.50 (supper)
Hot Hot smoked salmon and haddock kedgeree
Friarielli, roasted courgette and spinach Penne pasta, roasted red pepper pesto, toasted pine nuts and roasted pumpkin seeds
Mixed leaf salad 
Specialty breads
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£33.50 (lunch)

£41.50 (supper)
Hot Gado Gado Indonesian salad with soft boiled egg, marinated tofu, grilled pork and peanut sauce
Roast cauliflower lentil Biryani and saffron, roast garlic raita (v)
Mixed leaf salad 
Specialty breads
Dessert and fresh fruits
Coffee and tea
£33.50 (lunch)

£41.50 (supper)

Hot Vegan Harissa spice aubergine and chickpea stew with pomegranate molasses and Tahini sauce (vg)
Butternut squash and sweet potato tagine, dried apricots, pistachio nuts, and lemon cous cous (vg)
Mixed leaf salad 
Speciality bread
Dessert and fresh fruit
Coffee and tea
£33.50 (lunch)

£41.50 (supper)
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Vouchers for self-service lunches in catering outlets

Groups may be accommodated in catering outlets during our usual opening hours. Prior booking is essential and numbers are strictly limited. 

Where to collect
Once booked, vouchers can be collected from the Catering Office, Old Building, room OLD.5.16.

Minimum charge
These items have a minimum charge of £25 per delivery slot.

Self-service lunches
ItemLocationPrice per person (excl VAT)Code
Two courses plus tea/coffee Staff Dining Room £19.80

(plus VAT for all SDR Lunches) 
Two course plus a canned drink LSE Garrick £15.20 S12
Two courses plus a tea/coffee or canned drink Fourth Floor Restaurant £12.00 S13
One course plus a tea/coffee or canned drink Fourth Floor Restaurant £9.00 S14
Two courses plus a tea/coffee or canned drink Shaw Café £15.00 S15
Any sandwich or salad, fresh whole fruit and tea or coffee The Bean Counter £6.55 BC2
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Weekend conference catering packages

Serving times
Weekend conference catering packages are usually available between 9am and 5pm. Contact the Catering Office for a special quote if other options are required. 

Minimum order
A minimum order of 30 persons applies to the weekend conference packages. 

Available locations
Depending on the package (see table below), they're available in the Centre Building (CBG), Old Building (OLD), Cheng Kin Ku Building (CKK) - formerly New Academic Building, Sir Arthur Lewis Building (SAL) - formerly 32 Lincoln's Inn Fields, Lionel Robbins Building (LRB), Clement House (CLM) and Marshall Building (MAR).

Weekend conference catering package
Catering package (available locations)Description30 - 99 people (excl VAT)100 - 149 people (excl VAT)150+ people (excl VAT)
Option A (CBG, OLD, CKK, SAL, LRB, CLM, MAR) 2 servings filter coffee/tea (Fairtrade) and biscuits selection

Assorted sandwiches (6 pieces)
Whole fresh fruits
Juice and water 
£24.45 per person  £21.45 per person £18.45 per person
Option B 
2 servings filter coffee/tea (Fairtrade) and biscuits selection

Assorted sandwiches (2 pieces)
Assorted tortilla wraps (3 pieces)
Mini cake selection (2)
Juice and water
£29.95 per person  £26.95 per person £23.55 per person
Option C (CBG, OLD, CKK, SAL, LRB, MAR) 2 servings filter coffee/tea (Fairtrade) and biscuits selection

Assorted sandwiches (2 pieces)
Mini vegetable spring rolls (2)
Mini vegetable samosas (2)
Assorted mini tartlets (1.5)
Southern fried chicken with mustard mayonnaise (2)
Deluxe fresh fruit platter
Juice and water
£33.90 per person  £30.90 per person  £27.90 per person
Option D (CBG, OLD, CKK, SAL, MAR) 2 servings filter coffee/tea (Fairtrade) and biscuits selection

Any Cold Buffet from choice of regular menus: 

Three seasonal salads Speciality breads
Dessert and fresh fruits Juice and water
£51.65 per person  £48.65 per person  £45.65 per person
Option E (CBG, OLD, CKK, SAL, MAR) 2 servings filter coffee/tea (Fairtrade) and biscuits selection

Any Hot Buffet from choice of regular menus:

Mixed leaf salad
Speciality breads
Dessert and fresh fruit
Juice and water
£47.65 per person £44.65 per person £41.65 per person

Formal dining - lunches/dinners

Lunch and dinner menus are suitable for occasions when a formal private dining arrangement is required. Full butler/ waiter service is included.

Special menu items can be arranged on request. Prices quoted below apply for 10 to 60 guests, please contact LSE Catering for a special quote for larger or smaller numbers. A selection of fresh vegetables and speciality breads are served with appropriate menus - coffee and mints complete each meal. A cheese board can be added to all menus as an extra course. 

Our menus are also available as a one or two course option. Alternatively, why not consider one of our lighter supper options? A wine/drinks list is also available.

Available in the following private dining rooms: OLD.5.11, Directors Dining Room, Chairman's Dining Room, Staff Dining Room, Senior Common Room, and CKK 8th Floor (subject to conditions and special menus).

All menus are available throughout the year, we do however recommend our seasonal choices.


Summer menu
ItemDescriptionPrice per person (excl VAT)Code
Formal Lunch/Dinner Winter minestrone, cavolo nero and white beans
Pan fried breast of free-range chicken with roast aubergine, red pepper and cherry tomato caponata, served with herb and garlic roasted new potatoes, charred stem broccoli finished with black olive tapenade
Caramelised jersey rice pudding with vanilla and clotted cream, golden raisins and roasted pistachios
£54.80 (lunch)
£69.80 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner Salad of chargrilled avocado with beetroot hummus, sourdough croute, maple roasted beetroot, alfalfa and cress
Seared Chalk stream trout with warm French beans salad, new potatoes, roasted piccolo peppers and an anchovy dressing
Gin and preserved elderflower terrine, with winter berry compote and passion fruit sorbet
£55.45 (lunch)
£70.45 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner Bruschetta with sauteed wild mushrooms, Buffalo mozzarella, crispy cavolo Nero and truffle dressing
Roasted venison steak, crushed celeriac, baby potatoes, red wine and pickled walnut jus
Lime posset with roast pineapple, rum caramel, and ginger biscuit crumb
£54.85 (lunch)
£69.85 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner Salad of roasted pear, prosciutto and watercress with a lemon and honey dressing
Sweet, soy marinated salmon with char-grilled pak choi, served on a bed of rice noodles with a lime and fresh ginger dressing
Clementine posset with shortbread
£54.50 (lunch)
£69.20 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner British Mussels cooked Mariniere style on homemade flatbread with a white wine, fresh garlic & sorrel butter sauce
Rump of lamb, pomme dauphine, roast parsnips, shallots and sherry vinegar sauce
Mille-feuille, poached pear, pistachio, crème patisserie, pistachio ice cream and stem ginger
£62.50 (lunch)
£77.50 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner Paneer and lemongrass brochette, garlic, saffron and cardamon yoghurt, crispy fried okra
Chalk stream trout, crushed new potatoes with spinach and sour cream with a lightly spiced brown shrimp butter
Mint & dark chocolate mousse, mint ice cream & honeycomb
£63.40 (lunch)
£78.40 (dinner)


Winter menu
ItemDescriptionPrice per person (excl VAT)Code
Formal Lunch/Dinner Warm smoked mackerel, cucumber salad with dill and yoghurt, rye crumbs and toasted sunflower seeds
Braised shin and seared fillet of scotch beef, horseradish risotto and roast root veg
Guiness punch panna cotta, tropical fruits, mango sorbet and toasted coconut
£73.30 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner Oyster mushroom barley risotto with charred onion, Spenwood and chicken jus dressing
Duck breast with creamed savoy cabbage and bacon finished with a blackberry jus
Vanilla crème brulee with shortbread
£73.30 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner Twice backed Lancashire cheese souffle and homemade piccalilli
Grilled Sea bass served with clam risotto, peas, snow peas, pea shoots and sauce vierge
Orange set custard with caramelised oranges and almond Praline
£67.75 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner Salmon gravlax on buckwheat blinis with horseradish cream and pickled beetroot
Roasted rump of Lamb, thyme baked shallots with sauteed gnocchi finished with mint and parsley crème fraiche
Caramelised pineapple in a rum syrup with gingerbread, frozen coconut yoghurt and toasted coconut
£67.80 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner Classic minestrone of seasonal vegetables and borlotti beans with fregola, basil oil and parmesan
Sea bass, pommes anna, cuttlefish bolognaise and crispy cavalo nero
Chocolate and hazelnut Paris - Breast with chocolate sauce and fresh raspberries
£77.50 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner King prawns, Thai vegetable salad and coconut Thai broth
Ribeye steak, homemade teriyaki sauce, puffed wild rice, bok choi with garlic, sesame and ginger
Apple, blackberry and custard crumble tart served with blackberry sauce and cinnamon ice cream
£68.50 (dinner)


ItemDescriptionPrice per person (excl VAT)Code
Formal Lunch/Dinner Salt baked celeriac, Spenwood shortbread and rocket with a tarragon dressing
Chargrilled cabbage, miso butter, hazelnuts, squash fondant and maple roasted golden beetroot
Brioche bread and butter pudding with lemon and blueberries, blueberry compote, and clotted cream ice cream
£52.75 (lunch)
£67.75 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner Courgette and mint fritters with baba ganoush
Grilled aubergine and stuffed paneer served on red lentil dhal with a yoghurt sauce and crispy rice cake
Lemon polenta cake with lemon curd, and a cardamom and honey parfait
£52.75 (lunch)
£67.75 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner Chicory tart tatin with golden beetroot, hazelnuts, and butter leaf salad with chive dressing
Harrisa roasted aubergine, violet artichoke whipped feta, chickpea, and cherry tomato stew
Rhubarb and custard tart with ginger syrup and clotted cream ice cream
£52.50 (lunch)
£67.50 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner Polenta with a fricassee of wild mushrooms and burnt leeks
Masala dosa, filled with crushed potatoes, mustard seed, and curry leaves, black dhal and crispy pakora
Basque style burnt cheesecake with orange compote 
£52.75 (lunch)
£67.75 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner Blue corn taco, smoked aubergine roasted sweetcorn, black beans, green sauce with jalapino and mole sauce
Red pepper and goats cheese roulade with basil pesto served with tender stem broccoli and almonds
Buttermilk cream with marinated strawberries and honeycomb
£52.75 (lunch)
£67.75 (dinner)


 Item Description Price per person (excl VAT)Code 
Formal Lunch/Dinner Linguini, slow roast tomato, fennel, chilli and yeasted pangrattato crumb
Pan fried heart of cauliflower with a ragout of fava beans, preserved lemons and green olives, served with pickled brassica, roast red pepper and an almond sauce with tempura globe artichoke
Vanilla and coconut milk panna cotta with gooseberry compote
£52.75 (lunch)
£67.75 (dinner)
Formal Lunch/Dinner Spiced carrot and lentil soup
Mushroom wellington parcel with chestnut mushrooms and maple roasted root vegetables
Pecan and date pudding, toffee sauce and plant base vanilla ice cream
£52.75 (lunch)
£67.75 (dinner)

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Coopers Restaurant

Coopers restaurant and bar is located in Lincoln's Inn Fields and offers a varied a la carte menu, including fresh seasonal creations, daily fish to steak specials and an assortment of desserts. 

Open from 12 noon to 10 pm, Monday to Friday, the relaxed atmosphere, good food and friendly service is perfect for lunch or evening dinner.

Bookings can be made directly via the Coopers website. Please select the Reservation option.

If you would like to make a reservation using an internal budget code then please contact the Catering Hospitality team catering.hospitality@lse.ac.uk.

Private bar at the George IV Pub (upstairs)

The George IV Pub in Portugal Street has a private bar facility on the first floor with a maximum capacity for 50 people.

During lunchtime opening hours the upstairs bar is not open. Drinks and food are available from the downstairs bar. If additional staff are required, an additional cost of £50 will be applied.

Space reservations

  • The minimum spend can be made up of drinks and/or food. If no drinks or food are required the minimum spend will be incurred
  • Room capacity 50 maximum
  • All prices are inclusive of VAT
  • Only food and drink supplied by the George IV may be consumed on the premises
  • Internal LSE bookings to be made through the Catering Office (OLD 5.16, x 3732)
  • External non LSE bookings to be made directly to George IV Manager (Paola Lerma 020 7955 7973)
  • External bookings require the minimum spend to be paid in full at least 10 days prior to the event taking place.
Private bar minimum spend
ItemDescriptionMinimum spend (incl VAT)
First floor bar lunchtime reservation Lunchtime:
12 noon - 4pm
£75.00 (LSE)
£150.00 (non-LSE)
First floor bar evening reservation Evenings:
4pm - 11pm
£175.00 (Mon-Wed)
£275.00 (Thu-Fri)

George IV Pub food 

Private bar menu
ItemPrice (excl VAT)
For 4-6 people
Sandwich platter - assorted (five rounds of 20 pieces)
Tortilla chips with dips
Tortilla chips with sour cream and salsa dip £7.25
Marinated olives, feta cheese and dipping oil with crusty bread £7.75
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We offer great value inclusive reception packages, and our 'food only' options allow you to make your own choice of beverages from our wine list.  

Prices assume a minimum of 30 people. A surcharge will apply for smaller numbers. Drinks ordered outside our inclusive packages are charged on a consumption basis.
Duration is 1.5 to 2 hours, ending by 9pm, later times by special arrangement.

Including and excluding drinks packages
You can choose from receptions that either include or exclude drinks. Included drinks are non-refundable. If you want to buy drinks on a consumption basis, please consider the 'excluding drinks' receptions. 

Receptions are available on a fully serviced basis in the licensed areas listed below. Alcohol free receptions (where  juices and smoothies replace alcohol) can be served almost anywhere on campus. 

LSE Box in Pethick-Lawrence House is not licensed for serving alcohol. If your event takes place in the ‘Box’, we may be able to apply for a temporary licence. Please contact us at least one month before your event takes place.   

Items are available as per the location codes in the notes column.

Reception locations
LocationsLocation code
Old Building - SCR, SDR, Private Dining Rooms, Fourth Floor Restaurant, 3rd floor (Robinson Room Suite), Founders Room / Shaw Library, LSE Garrick, CKK & SAL, Centre Building, Marshall Building   A
Atrium (Old Building) & Clement House B


Standard receptions
ItemDescriptionNotesPrice per person:Code
Early Bird Economy 
Special (drinks inclusive)
This package cuts costs to the absolute minimum, so no variation is possible.
Nibbles - Bowls of crisps and tortilla chips (v)

- Red and white wine, fruit juice and tap drinking water

(approx. 2 drinks per guest, drinks non-refundable)
Times: Available Monday to Friday between 3.30pm and ending by 6.30pm.


buildings A and B

1.5 hours max
£8.20 (incl VAT) R1
Drinks inclusive Nibbles - a selection of crisps, pretzels, savoury popcorn and olives.

- Red and white wine, fruit juice and filtered water

(approx. 2 drinks per guest, drinks non-refundable)
A and B

1.5 hours
£12.45 (incl VAT) R2
Drinks inclusive Mezze platter of olives, sun dried tomato, stuffed vine leaves, Greek style feta, bread sticks, pitta, hummus and tzatziki dips (v)

- Red and white wine, fruit juice and filtered water

(approx. 2 drinks per guest, drinks non-refundable)
Locations: buildings
A and B

2 hours
£17.70 (incl VAT) R3
Drinks inclusive Fresh vegetable crudités with dips (v)
Nachos with guacamole, salsa and sour cream (v)

- Red and white wine, fruit juice and filtered water

(approx. 2 drinks per guest, drinks non-refundable)
A and B

2 hours
£17.70 (incl VAT) R4
Drinks inclusive Selection of cold canapés, hand baked potato crisps and marinated gourmet olives.

- Red and white wine, fruit juice and filtered water

(approx. 2 drinks per guest, drinks non-refundable)
Locations: buildings A and B

2 hours
£17.70 (incl VAT) R5
Drinks inclusive Selection of cold canapés (5)
Gourmet olives (v)
Mini stuffed peppers (v)
Rice and herb stuffed vine leaves with lemon (1)
Mini cake selection (1)

Sparkling wine, white wine, red wine, fruit juice and filtered water

(approx. 2 drinks per guest, drinks non-refundable)
buildings A and B

2 hours
£21.10 (incl VAT) R7
Excluding Drinks Choose five items from the list:


​- Nibbles selection
- Sandwich assortment (2 pieces)
- Indian selection with raita (2)
- Cocktail sausages with BBQ sauce (2) 
- Pork and leek cocktail sausage with BBQ sauce (2)
- Mini vegetable pastry assortment (v) (1)
- Bruschetta - vegetarian selection (v) (1)
- Seasoned potato wedges with a sour cream & chive dip (v) (3)
- Chickpea falafel with yoghurt and mint dip (v) (gf) (2)
- Mini cottage pie (2)
- Mini stuffed peppers (v) (1)
- Mini duck and hoi sin spring rolls with plum sauce (2) 
- Stuffed vine leaves (v) (gf) (1.5)
- Southern fried chicken mini strips (1)

- Sweet mini macaroons (2)
- Mini cake selection (2)
- Mini iced doughnut selection (2)
Five items: £15.10 (excl VAT)
Additional items can be added at £3.25 each

A only
Vegan Reception Excluding Drinks - Small crudites platters with hummus
- Marinated olives
- Eat Real crisps

Plus four items of the following:
- Quorn nuggets with sweet chilli dip (2)
- Assorted samosa selection (2)
- Mini spring rolls (2)
- Vegetable and spinach pakora (2)
- Selection of falafel (2)
- Onion bhaji (2)
- Indian selection (2)
- Vegetable nuggets (2)
£15.10 (excl VAT) 
Additional items can be added at £3.25 each

A only
Healthier Option (excluding drinks) Crudites with dips (v)
Vegetable crisps (beetroot, parsnip, carrot and potato) (v)
Falafel with tzatziki (v, gf) (2)
Mozzarella, cherry tomato and basil skewers (v) (1)
Chicken fillet satay skewers (1.5)
buildings A only
£16.60 (excl VAT) R16
Traditional Option (excluding drinks) Mini smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel (0.5)
Mini cheeseburger crostini with tomato ketchup (1)
Mini roast beef and horseradish Yorkshire pudding
Mini chicken and redcurrant Yorkshire pudding (1.5)
Mini quiche (v) (1.5)
Selection of mini black forest gateau, mini Victoria sponge and mini bread and butter pudding (2)
buildings A only
£21.10 (excl VAT) R17
Luxury Option (excluding drinks) Mezze platter (v)
Smoked salmon, chicken, pastrami, cheese mini bagels (1)
Chilled vichyssoise shot with parsley oil (v) (0.5)
Sushi with pickled ginger and soy sauce (2)
Chicken skewers (1)
Chilli and mango coated prawns with sweet and sour dip (1)
Savoury spoons - meat, fish and vegetarian (1)
Petit fours (2)
buildings A only
£26.75 (excl VAT) R18
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Wine and drinks for functions and special events

Please note that drinks are only supplied when accompanied by our function menu packages.

Soft drinks

ItemNotesPrice (incl VAT)Code
Apple juice - (1 litre)   £4.55 A37
Cranberry juice - (1 litre)   £4.55 A29
Orange juice - (1 litre)   £4.55 A28
Fresh orange juice - (250ml)   £3.90 W1
Fresh orange juice - (jug)   £13.45 A38
Smoothies (250ml)   £3.90 A26
Mixers/fruit juices - (baby)   £2.20 W2
Non alcoholic punch - (1 litre)   £9.35 W3
Elderflower pressé - (jug)   £8.90 A39
Bottled Coke (500ml)   £2.85 A40
Bottled Diet Coke (500ml)   £2.70 A41
LSE Purified Water in Returnable Glass Bottles - Still (700ml) Available on fully serviced events only £3.50 A30
LSE Purified Water in Returnable Glass Bottles - Sparkling (700ml) Available on fully serviced events only £3.50 A31
Be Kind to the Environment
The LSE has drinking water points across campus, providing easy access sustainable hydration for all. Bottled water is available to select however please consider if you can source tap water from a local supply in the first instance.
Sparkling mineral water  (750ml)  Glass bottles £3.85 A33
Sparkling mineral water (330ml)  Glass bottles £2.55 A34
Still mineral water (750ml)  Glass bottles £3.85 A35
Still mineral water (330ml)  Glass bottles £2.55 A32


ItemPrice (incl VAT)
Becks (275ml), Abv 4.8% £4.60
Peroni (330ml), Abv 5% £5.60
Corona (330ml), Abv 4.5% £5.60
Becks Blue (275ml), Alcohol Free
This malt beverage has less than 0.5% alcohol by volume but has 100% of the taste. Beck's beer is a lager brewed according to the German beer purity law.
Meantime London Pale Ale (330ml), Abv 4.5% £5.80
Toast Ale Purebread Pale Ale (330ml), Abv 5%
Crafted from fresh surplus bread, malted grain and finest hops. The bread replaces 1/3 of the barley. All profits go to the Feedback Charity to help end food waste. 


RegionItemNotesPrice per bottle (incl VAT)
France Veuve Clicquot NV Brut A world-famous Champagne, rich and creamy in style, with an explosion of citrus fruit and a delightful yeasty toastiness. 

ABV 12.5% 

Suitable for Vegans
France Champagne Charles Joubert NV This Champagne is a subtle blend of the three Champagne grape varieties, is aged for a long period in deep chalk cellars in Epernay. It offers red fruit aromas and toastiness on the nose, while on the palate freshness and roundness complement one another.

ABV 12.5% 

Suitable for Vegans

Sparkling wine

Sparkling wines
RegionItemNotesPrice per bottle (incl VAT)
Spain Portaceli Brut Cava Fresh, fruity, creamy and, at the same time, light but with body due to the contact with the lees. Fine texture and very pleasant with notes of almonds and nuts.

ABV 11.5% 

Suitable for Vegans
Spain Portaceli Rose Cave Aromas that are typical of a delicate rose cava: the subtleties of violets and roses in combination with ripe red berries: strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. On the palate it is smooth, very creamy, fresh and elegant. 

ABV 11.5% 

Suitable for Vegans
Italy I Castelli Prosecco DOC  A lovely straw yellow with a faint greenish reflection in colour. The aroma is subtle with a fruity scent and hints of apple. Along with a dry, crispy and fruity palate which is pleasant and a clean finish.

ABV 11% 

Suitable for Vegans
England Bolney Estate Bubbly Sparkling wine A light, attractive and refreshing Award winning English Sparkling Wine from West Sussex. Fresh and very easy to drink with flavours of elderflower and green apple, and bright citrus aromas.

ABV 12.5%
Italy Sea Change 0% Non-Alcoholic Sparkling Wine Sea Change Free is a completely non-alcoholic, beautiful tasting, eco-conscious wine alternative for those who choose to avoid alcohol but don’t want to miss out on that celebratory glass of bubbles.

The wine makers are passionate about: protecting our oceans from plastic pollution and great tasting wine. Every bottle of Sea Change helps fund ocean conservation projects across the globe their minimal packaging reduces waste and environmental impact.

Eco-Friendly Wines - Sea Change Wine 

Suitable for Vegans


ItemPrice per bottle (incl VAT)
Dry £23.00
Medium £23.00

Port wine

Port wines
ItemPrice per bottle (incl VAT)
Warre's Warrior Special Reserve £30.80
Dow's Quinta do Bomfin - Vintage £55.55


ItemPrice (incl VAT)
Whisky, gin, vodka, rum (per 25ml) £4.40
Brandy, malt whisky (per 25ml) £4.60

White wine

White wines
RegionItemDescriptionPrice per bottle (incl VAT)
Italy Farfalla Pinot Grigio Clean, simple, fresh apple and pear flavours. Easy drinking.

ABV 11%

Wine Makers Story In 1908 great-grandpa Giovanni fell in love with an estate overlooking the Romeo and Juliet castles in the Terra Berica. Based  on the values of great price, quality and trust, Luca and Pierpaolo Cielo the 4th generation expanded the wineries and international markets. (Screw cap)
South Africa Inkosi Chenin Blanc Off-dry taste, bursting with citrus and pineapple aromas, well balanced and refreshing clean finish.

ABV 12.5%

Wine Makers Story Inkosi, from the Swahili meaning King. This wine brings out the very best in the grapes and flavours that represent South Africa. (Screw cap)

Suitable for Vegetarians
France Autantique Viognier, Pays D’Oc Beautiful yellow colour with golden reflections. Nose revealing fine and powerful aromas of apricots, ripe peach and exotic fruits. The palate has a fresh crisp acidity and a long lingering finish. Served chilled with fish or seafood, or all on its own as an aperitif (Screw cap)

ABV 13.5% 

Suitable for Vegans
Australia Tempus Two Silver Series Pinot Gris Pale lemon in colour, this is a crisp and refreshing white with a nose of pear drops. The palate is vibrant with flavours of tropical fruit, herbaceous notes and a lovely natural acidity. (Screw cap)

ABV 12%
Chile Via Alta Sauvignon Blanc, Reserva A fresh, zesty Sauvignon Blanc with wonderful aromatic aromas, hints of citrus and floral notes. (Screw cap)

ABV 12.5% 

Suitable for Vegans

Wine Makers Story The vines that produce Via Alta are planted at the foot of the Andes at 1200m above sea level.
Australian Jarrah wood Chardonnay Black Label Fresh and well balanced, this fruit driven Chardonnay has plenty of tropical fruit flavours of melons and peach with rich aromas. (Screw cap)

ABV 12.5%
South African Franschhoek Cellar Sauvignon Blanc Citrus focussed aromas with a pure and graceful core of grapefruit and pineapple balanced by a lively acidity, crisp and very pleasantly refreshing. (Screw cap)

ABV 13.5%

Suitable for vegans
France Picpoul De Pinet Foncastel Crisp and dry on the palate with additional notes of peach and melon, there is a backbone of intense minerality and a zippy, clean acidity that work together to deliver a long refreshing finish. (Screw cap)

ABV 13%
Spain Entreflores Albarino An intense and complex white wine with aromas of pineapple, lemon verbena and white flowers. On the palate, it is soft and rounded with ripe fruit flavours, zesty citrus and a fresh, intense finish. (Cork)

ABV 12.5%
Australia Nepenthe Altitude Chardonnay A fresh and elegant wine with pure fruit flavours of nectarine enhanced by crisp citrus acidity and a long, dry finish. (Screw cap)

ABV 14%

Wine Makers Story Nepenthe is situated in the cool climate, high altitude and picturesque region of Adelaide Hills, South Australia. Established in1994, with the vision to become one of the region's benchmark wineries, known for producing premium wines that showcase the unique nature of the Adelaide Hills.
Germany Sea Change Riesling A dry wine bursting with ripe fruit and zingy acidity. It is wonderfully complex but exquisitely balanced. (Cork)

ABV 12.5%

Suitable for Vegans

Wine Makers Story – ECO FRIENDLY The wine makers are passionate about: protecting our oceans from plastic pollution and great tasting wine.  Every bottle of Sea Change helps fund ocean conservation projects across the globe their minimal packaging reduces waste and environmental impact.

Eco-Friendly Wines - Sea Change Wine
New Zealand Turtle Bay Sauvignon Blanc This wine is fresh and vibrant with passionfruit, gooseberry and some melon characters. It has a balanced richness of fruit with a floral note through the palate, intense depth of flavour and a crisp finish. (Screw cap)

ABV 12%
France Guy Saget, Pouilly Fume, Les Logeres Delicate aromas of freshly cut grass and blackcurrant leaf follow through to a crisp, dry and refreshing palette of citrus flavours and green apple. (Cork)

ABV 13%

Suitable for Vegetarians
English Bolney Lychgate Bacchus English wine from West Sussex. Fruity and zesty, made from the celebrated Bacchus grape. Ripe aromas and flavours of lychee and passionfruit with a crisp, refreshing finish. (Cork) 

ABV 12%
France J Moreau Et Fils Chablis Light gold colour with green hues. Fresh, lively and mineral with intense aromas of fruits, flowers, and subtle spice. Dry with a perfect finish. (Cork)

ABV 12.5%

Wine Makers Story Specialists in the wines of Chablis since 1814, J. Moreau and Fils has built its reputation on love of wine and respect for the terroir. Located just outside the village of Chablis, J. Moreau and Fils' house style is to capture the purity and minerality of Chablis in each of its wines.

Rosé wine

Red wines
RegionItemDescriptionPrice per bottle (incl VAT)
Italy Pinot Grigio Blush Sereno Pale coppery pink in colour with light red fruit and citrus flavours - a beautifully refreshing wine. (Screw cap)

ABV 12.5%

Suitable for Vegetarians
Spain Mirano Rioja Rosado Bright cherry pink colour with violet hues. A fragrant nose with intense aromas of cherries and strawberries. Full of flavour with a fresh finish. (Screw cap)

ABV 12.5%
France L'Oasis Provence Rose Classic Provence Rose, expressive and aromatic, blending fresh cherries and floral notes alongside more exotic fruits and finishing with a soft, round palate. (Cork)

ABV 13%

Red wine

Rose wines
RegionItemDescriptionPrice per bottle (incl VAT)
Australia Jarrah Wood Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon This quality wine has the characteristics associated with the traditional Jarrah Wood. It is a smooth, easy drinking wine, full of plum fruit flavours backed with a tantalising hint of spice. (Screw cap)

ABV 13%

Wine Makers Story Jarrah wood, a eucalyptus that resembles mahogany and teak. The jarrah wood wines represent the same quality aspects and are sort after, prized wines
France La Colombe Merlot A fine nose of red fruits, particularly strawberry. On the palate, there are flavours of strawberry and redcurrant, as well as hints of walnut and dark chocolate. (Screw cap)

ABV 13%

Suitable for Vegans
Italy Montepulciano D’Abruzzo, Sea Change Savoury and slightly earthy notes combine on the nose with attractive dark cherry aromas. The berry flavours are long on the palate and smoothly textured, finishing with light but persistent tannins. (Cork)

ABV 12% 

Suitable for Vegans

Wine Maker Story The wine makers are passionate about: protecting our oceans from plastic pollution and great tasting wine.  Every bottle of Sea Change helps fund ocean conservation projects across the globe their minimal packaging reduces waste and environmental impact.

Eco-Friendly Wines - Sea Change Wine 
Spain Vina Cerrada Rioja Crianza Intense ruby red in colour with aromas of ripe black fruit and a hint of sweet spice. The palate is well-structured with a velvety mouthfeel and great balance between juicy fruit flavours and creamy vanilla oak. (Cork)

ABV 14%

Suitable for Vegans

Wine Makers Story The origins of Bodegas Ugalde date back to 1882in Haro, when the name of the estate was Bodegas Felipe Ugalde and it was a family business led by Felipe Ugalde. Bodegas Ugalde its tradition of care for the vineyards and in the cellars in the pursuit of high quality
France Baron Philippe De Rothschild Pinot Noir Bright cherry red colour with a nose of violets and wild strawberries lead through on to the palate with striking intensity. (Screw cap)

ABV 12.5%
France Parlez-Vous Malbec A delightful ruby colour wine that has an expressive bouquet of red fruits that leads to a harmonious and nicely structured wine. (Screw cap) 

ABV 13%
South African Franschhoek Cellar, Baker Station Shiraz A deep plum colour with expressive and fragrant blackberry and pepper spice with juicy finish. (Screw cap)

ABV 14% 

Suitable for Vegans
Italy Barbera D’Asti Conti Buneis Full bodied, rich and intense. There are flavours of red fruit, sweet spice and some balsamic complexity. (Cork)

ABV 14.5% 

Suitable for Vegans
France Chateau Robin La Fleur Lussac Saint Emilion Made from 75% Merlot and 25% Cabernet Franc blend, this is deliciously smooth with lovely black cherry tones and light tannins. (Cork)

ABV 13%

Suitable for Vegans

Wine Maker Story This wine is expressive and typical of great right-bank wines. It hails from the Lassagne family who’ve been managing their estate for three generations. The vineyard in the commune of Abzac is small at 4 hectares and is situated on well drained soils with vines of around 30 years old.
France Cote du Rhone La Grand Comtadine Beautiful garnet red colour. Aromas of savoury red fruits that lead to dark fruits and a spicy depth on the palate. Fleshy and soft tannins. (Cork)

ABV 15%

Suitable for Vegans
Australia Nepenthe Altitude Pinot Noir Summer fruit flavours extend onto the palate complemented by subtle spice notes from the oak. The mid weight palate is fresh and bright with a firm structure and long, savoury finish. (Screw cap)

ABV 12.5%
France Chateau Le Gardera Bordeaux Superieur This fantastic property among the best of the appellation, producing firm, rich wine from 60% Merlot and 40% Cabernet Sauvignon. Le Gardera has fine tannins, soft fruit with subtle oak and an excellent balance. (Cork)

ABV 14.5%

Wine Makers Story Chateau Le Gardera, which is in Langoiran, is one of the best sources for high quality Bordeaux Superieur in the region. It produces wine more akin to Premieres Cotes de Bordeaux quality than Bordeaux Superieur.
France Fleurie Domaine De La Presle Mommessin A garnet colour with aromas of violets and roses. The palate is light bodied and elegant with flavours of raspberry and strawberry. (Cork)

ABV 13.5%
France Chateau Cissac Haut Medoc Lovely family owned property making wine from 75% Cabernet Sauvignon which imparts a structure of spicy red fruit with nuances of leather, earth and wood. Medium bodied with generous length. (Cork)

ABV 13% 

Suitable for Vegetarians
English Bolney Lychgate Red English wine from West Sussex. Hedgerow fruit aromas of blackcurrant and raspberries. Balanced and soft on the palate with elegant with clean acidity and a long, pleasant finish. (Cork)

ABV 11.5%

Suitable for Vegans
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