LSE Academic Freedom


LSE Academic Freedom (LSEAF) is a staff network. We have the following aims: 

  • To promote and protect academic freedom at LSE
  • To organise in-School activities concerning the nature and purposes of academic freedom and the centrality of academic freedom to LSE’s mission
  • To engage staff and students in the practical promotion of LSE as the global convenor of debate on critical issues
  • To represent staff interests with respect to School policy on academic freedom; to provide a network that can support academic staff should academic freedom be challenged or undermined; to encourage staff in the pursuit of knowledge
  • To promote the adoption by LSE of the substance of the Draft Code of Practice on Academic Freedom


LSEAF is open to all staff—academic and professional services, full-time, part-time and emeritus—who support the principles of academic freedom set out in our Draft Code of Practice on Academic Freedom (see below). 

LSEAF is an open network and membership is a public commitment. 

See a list of our members 

If you would like to join, please contact Alison and Peter at


Draft Code of Practice on Academic Freedom

LSEAF has drawn up a draft code of practice. We have proposed to SMC that the School should adopt the content of this code. Membership of LSEAF is open to any member of staff who supports the content of the draft code.

You can read the code here:

Draft Code of Practice (PDF, 102KB)

The code is intended to be a practical document that all staff can rely on for guidance.

A brief further commentary on the code intended to address any questions about its scope and effects can be found here:

Explanatory Comments on the Draft Code (PDF, 156 KB)



Debate: What is the best way to defend academic freedom at LSE?

18 March  6-7.30pm, Alumni Theatre, CKK

Lucinda Platt (Social Policy) will debate Nico Rossetti (Economics).LSE staff and students only.

Steering Committee

LSEAF is managed by a Steering Committee of staff volunteers, which elects a Chair/Co-Chairs annually. Committee vacancies are open to the wider membership. Non-committee members are welcome to get involved, eg by volunteering ideas or help with events.




 If you would like to support academic freedom at LSE or have any questions you can contact Alison and Peter at