Media Relations Office

The Media Relations Office manages the School’s interactions and relationships with the national and international media. 

We help LSE staff to find the most effective ways to communicate their research, projects, and expertise. Alongside colleagues in the Communications Division, we are also responsible for publicising the latest School news and events.

Read the latest stories and announcements from the Media Relations Office.


Communicating your research, projects and events

Working closely with academics, departments and divisions, we advise on communications strategies for projects, announcements and research findings. This includes advising on appropriate channels to use to reach the relevant audiences.

We produce and distribute press releases and other relevant communications materials to targeted media in order to maximise impact and coverage. 

Working closely with colleagues across the Communications Division we can advise on and facilitate promotion via rich media, broadcast, social and our internal channels.

If you have a request for assistance please approach us as early as possible, for example, ideally at least two weeks before you would like to make an announcement. This will help us to devise the most effective communications approaches, and maximize publicity. 

You can contact the office via or 020 7955 7060.

Connecting journalists to academic experts

The Media Relations Office regularly connects high-profile media outlets with our academic experts to provide commentary on high-profile or breaking stories.

We receive numerous reactive requests each week from journalists seeking expert opinion, but we also proactively seek out colleagues who can offer insight into stories on the news agenda, either through written comment or interviews.

Talking to the media can have numerous benefits to academic staff, including drawing attention to your work from policymakers and academic colleagues across the world.

Journalists who wish to find academic experts for commentary can search through our database of experts at Alternatively, call 0207 955 7060 or email

Training and advice

We can offer training and advice on interviews and media handling to colleagues on an informal basis.

If you would like to discuss an upcoming interview please call 020 7955 7060.

Representing the university

The office manages and responds to media enquiries and requests for information about the School.

If you are approached by a journalist for comment about LSE policies or information please call 020 7955 7060 or email

Subscribe to the LSE headlines round-up

Each morning we provide colleagues from across the School with selected print, broadcast and online media mentions of LSE from the previous 24 hours.

To subscribe to this service please email


With the Film and Audio team, Media Relations are responsible for the production of the LSE IQ podcast series, which asks some of the leading social scientists to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society.

Download the latest episodes at