Why did you choose LSE, and why did you choose your programme of study?
Motivated to learn impact evaluation methods which are increasingly applied in social sector (e.g., education and health). LSE provides best and flexible curriculum to accommodate my needs.
Overall, how do you look back on your LSE experience?
By no means easy and a plenty of stressful days, but may worth it once in a life time. I could see the world differently with my analytical skills and thoughts.
Please describe your career path to date:
After completing LSE program, I joined Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank as an evaluation officer, and then moved to Asian Development Bank (ADB) as Young Professional.
Why did you choose your current job?
Simply my dream to serve for the development in Asia and Pacific.
Tell us about your current job:
Engage in improving education and vocational training systems for South Asian countries.
What advice do you have for LSE students who are looking to enter a similar profession to you?
Study hard to distinguish yourself. Job descriptions in CVs can be exaggerated and adjusted to customize for international development in many different ways, but your skills and thoughts are inherently attached to yourself