
I had never used Python before, all I learned was completely new and interesting! I really enjoyed the session and I will definitely sign up for the more advanced Python sessions organized by the Digital Skills Lab!


 What is Python?

Python is an easy to learn, general purpose programming language that has developed into one of the most popular programming languages since its first release in 1991 and is now widely used by companies such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Reddit, Netflix, Amazon and Uber. 

Python is not only easy to learn, but also simple to use and easy to read which enables you to write code faster and collaborate more effortlessly. It is one of the prime choices for data science and artificial intelligence as it features a rich pool of libraries to transform, visualise and analyse data and is used in technology, finance, healthcare, retail, and ecommerce for those purposes. 

Python Workshops

The Python Fundamentals workshop series will introduce you to the most fundamental aspects of programming that are required for all type of work in Python, i.e. data science, machine/deep learning or software development in a more general sense. 

The workshop format is self-paced and hands-on. You choose a lesson and work through the exercises at your own pace. The Python experts supporting the sessions will provide guidance when you get stuck. We encourage learners to support each other, utilise their prior experience, web searches and documentation to find solutions.

Python Fundamentals Series

You can choose which skill set you work on from the list below. It is advised you start with Python Fundamentals 1 if you have never used Python before. 

Python Fundamentals 1: Numerical Variables

 Learn how to perform basic numerical operations, like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using variables and how to apply this to basic problems.

Python Fundamentals 2: String Variables

Learn how to represent text in string variables and apply fundamental manipulations to these variables.

Python Fundamentals 3: Data types and converting

Learn how to convert numerical values to text and vice versa to make string values available to numerical operations or vice versa.

Python Fundamentals 4: Lists

Learn how to combine values into a list and manipulate lists.

Python Fundamentals 5: List of lists

Learn how to write and manipulate lists which themselves consist of lists. A list of lists can be used to generate NumPy arrays and Pandas dataframes and is a data structure you will need to master to be able to represent more complex data structures in Python.

Python Fundamentals 6: Functions and modules

Learn how to use built-in functions and import functions from modules in Python. Libraries and modules enable you to perform more complex tasks with less code and thereby enable you to build more advanced and powerful code.

Python Fundamentals 7: For Loops

Learn how to write for loops to write repetitive code more efficiently.

Python Fundamentals 8: Conditionals

Learn how to test the value of a variable using conditional statements and direct the flow of your code depending on the value using if-else statements. This enables your code to process data different ways depending on a variables value.

Python Fundamentals 9: Writing Functions

Learn how to write functions to reuse your code more efficiently and to more clearly structure your scripts.

Python Fundamentals: Guided Project - Zoopla Rent Prices

Apply what you have learned in the Python Fundamentals series to a dataset on rent prices from properties in London. This project is more challenging as the tutorial-style sessions and requires you to combine techniques in a creative way to solve the exercise.


Click on the link below to check availability and book your place:

Python Fundamentals Series 


These workshops take place in LBR.R.08 located on the lower ground floor of the library. Computers are provided.

Technical Requirements

All software is provided on lab computers. If you are using your own laptop during the workshops please ensure you have the required software installed as below.

Anaconda Navigator (Mac / Windows
Note: You will have to install Anaconda Navigator to be able to use Python and Jupyter Notebooks.
Run the installer. Do NOT change any of the default settings.
For help on installing Anaconda, please see this  video.

The Python training series is a meaningful task based introduction to Python coding language. The instructors provide guidance when needed throughout the independent partnered learning experience. Very grateful for this resource!

Laura Stahl, Department of Anthropology