PhD Managers Forum

for PhD Administrators and PhD Managers

Minutes, agendas and other papers are only available on a regular basis to committee members. If you are a staff member and want to request them, please contact the PhD Managers Forum Co-Chairs at

If you wish to make a Freedom of Information request for them, contact the School's Records Manager, Rachael Maguire.

Terms of Reference

  • To provide a consultative forum in which the PhD Administrators and Managers are encouraged to consider and openly discuss any issues, trends, opportunities and developments of interest and concern in relation to matters encompassing Academic Departments/Centres.
  • To consider School-wide strategic matters and feed into relevant School committees and fora as appropriate.
  • To provide a forum for sharing best practice amongst PhD Administrators and Managers.
  • To develop proposals on the above, as necessary, and refer these to appropriate bodies within the School such as the PhD Academy, the Financial Support Office (FSO) and the Graduate Admissions Office (GAO).

Mode of operation

  • To meet once per term.
  • To provide items for the agenda to the Chair at least two weeks’ prior to the meeting.
  • To review Terms of Reference on an annual basis at the Autumn Term meeting.
  • Expressions of interest for the role of Co-Chair(s) amongst forum members will be invited every two years.
  • To distribute the minutes of the meeting to the Pro-Director of Research, the PhD Deputy Director and to others as appropriate.
  • To invite guest speakers from the GAO, the FSO, the PhD Academy and LSE Careers in the Michaelmas Term to provide the forum with an update on PhD-related matters.
  • To use the Summer Term meeting for interactive sessions relating to pertinent PhD student and Administrator issues.
  • To set up and establish working groups on PhD related areas with the aim of submitting the forums views to the relevant School body.


All departmental, institute and research centre professional staff with responsibility for research degree students and programmes

Regular attendees as agreed by the Forum:

Pro-Director for Research – Susana Mourato
PhD Academy Director  - Bingchun Meng
PhD Academy Deputy Director – Pete Mills
Chair of Research Degrees Sub-Committee- Joan Roses
PhD Careers Advisor – Catherine Reynolds
Graduate Admissions Manager – Bryan Pilkington
Financial Support Manager – Cat Todd

Scheduled meetings

Autumn Term 2024/5


Winter Term 2024/5


Contact and terms of office

Co-Chair(s): Amy Brook and Monika Kruesmann

2 positions currently vacant. Please contact the current Co-Chairs if you are interested in joining

Co-Chairs remain in post for two years or longer if there are no volunteers to take over from them and they wish to stay on.

Members should be available to play a full role on the Forum during their term of office – i.e. through a commitment to attend three scheduled meetings (one per term) and to contribute to any Forum/Committee business outside of meetings.