We are proud to celebrate LSE as The Times University of the Year 2024-25 and #1 in their Good University Guide.
This slideshow [PPT] highlights successes in our work on education and student experience that have contributed to our award.
What people are saying...
"The DSL team really wanted to help, they were so supportive and flexible in their teaching." Students Zoe, Olga and Aubrey share how a Digital Skills Lab pilot project helped them to combine training on data tools with their wider learning. Read more.
"... once students were engaging with Mentimeter..., there was lots of excitement and a great buzz in the room." Dr Jillian Terry – Associate Professor (Education) and Co-Director, LSE100 shares how over 850 students used the Mentimeter live polling tool as part of this year's LSE100 Welcome activities. Read more.
“The implementation of Gradescope at LSE has shown promising results in terms of faster grading, more effective feedback, and higher consistency across markers.” Academic colleagues involved in piloting Gradescope say it’s saved them between 30-60% of previous time spent on marking and feedback. Read more.
“My adviser was incredibly friendly and supportive! I think the new role is a great addition to the support network LSE provides.” Read more about how Department Senior Student Advisers are helping students to navigate LSE's support services.
Do you have a story to share?
Contact Rachel Harper: r.harper@lse.ac.uk to discuss how we can publicise your work or for more information about communicating our work on improving Education and Student Experience at LSE.