
Our Pulse Survey in 2020 and subsequent feedback shows that many Professional Services Staff would like a blended approach to their work. That's why we're enabling a working culture which prioritises work-life balance, and creates new opportunities for collaborative, inclusive, and community-centred working. 

Our goals for enhancing community across LSE

  • Increasing workplace happiness and morale
  • Improving collaboration and productivity
  • Strengthening workplace culture 
  • Focusing on staff wellbeing ​
  • Empowering staff to think inclusively and sustainably

Some of the main benefits of the people strand of the project include:

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Divisional neighbourhoods 

We're creating new collaborative shared spaces for teams to connect with each other. This means you'll have more opportunities to collaborate in a flexible, blended way - as well as network and unwind.

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New and varied workspaces

Whether you're looking to generate ideas, focus on a project, have a 1-to-1 or run a hybrid meeting - we're creating new workspaces to empower you to work in ways which suit your needs.

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Improved inclusivity 

Through ongoing staff feedback, we're catering to online and physical needs to ensure all PSS have the tools and support they need to thrive in their roles.

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Blended working

The Blended Working Development Programme is designed to allow PSS and line managers to tailor the new blended way of working to the needs of the individual, team, department or service area. This includes guidance, practical training, key tips and ideas for enabling effective blended working across our School.

Key resources for staff at LSE

Flexible Working Policy
Flexible Working Toolkit
Blended Working Policy​​
Attend Facilitating Hybrid Meetings training
Six tactics for embracing change
Staff Wellbeing at LSE
Effective Behaviours Framework
Tips for connecting and collaborating
Disability and mental health resources
Guidance on good workstation set up
Understanding Blended Working module
Creating an inclusive working environment
How to create a culture of mutual respect