
Our workspaces are being redesigned to create more flexible, collaborative areas for Professional Services Staff at LSE. This means our campus will be purpose-built for colleagues to share and use in ways which suits our working needs.

Our goals for enhancing space across LSE

  • Different spaces for quiet and collaborative work
  • Reducing clutter
  • Giving staff more flexibility to work in different ways and spaces
  • Creating a more inspiring work environment​
  • Building team identity and culture
  • Building a sense of community on campus​

Some of the main benefits of the space strand of the project include:

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Staff locker space

Staff who need one will be provided with a locker to store personal belongs and laptops. This means more security and peace of mind.

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Clear desk policy 

As we'll be sharing desk space, keeping our desks clear for the next colleague who'll be using it is essential. This also means we'll all get to enjoy a cleaner office environment and keep sustainability at the top of our minds, with less printed paper adding to clutter.

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Shared desks

Desk sharing will help our community to network and make new connections. It will also mean you can choose the most accessible workspace to suit your needs, whether that's more light or an ergonomic desk. 

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New furniture and workspaces

We have been consulting with staff about the furniture they want to enhance their workspaces. From silent work pods to collaborative workshop spaces - there will be something for every kind of meeting or catch up. If you need certain types of spaces because of the nature of your role, these will be accessible to you.

Key resources for space at LSE

Clement House Office principles 

Current development projects

Keeping our community safe on campus

How to log an Estates helpdesk request

Individual Risk Assessment information

Staff Resources Centre

LRB 5 Floor Kitchen Etiquette

LRB 5 Floor Kitchen Rota