Management and Leadership Development Programmes

helping you reach your personal and professional potential

The School is committed to supporting the development of all our staff, strengthening and enhancing the supporting services and infrastructure across the School to enable the whole LSE community to thrive and perform at their best, and ensuring we continue to attract the highest quality researchers, educators and professional services staff from around the world.

The LSE Management and Leadership Development offering is designed to support staff at all levels to be effective managers and leaders.

A summary of all the courses available in this strand is available below, but if you have any further questions or comments, please contact us at

LSE Management Apprenticeship programmes

The Management Apprenticeship programmes are for existing Professional Services Staff who are aspiring, new or established team leaders/supervisors or managers

These programmes have been designed to allow staff to gain practical management skills whilst working in their current role thus bringing together on the job experience, and formal training that will equip individuals with the knowledge and skills for the next steps in their career.

Apprenticeship programmes require individuals to commit to professional development over a 12-15 months period with 20% of their working hours spent on off-the-job training in order to develop new skills and knowledge. The time can be dedicated to a range of things including real process improvement projects that align with the Schools strategy, job shadowing, online learning and the completion of assignments and workbooks.

LSE currently offers to 2 apprenticeship programmes:

  • Level 3 Supervisor Apprenticeship is designed for team leaders and supervisors. Individuals may be established, new or aspiring but must have some supervisory responsibility.
  • Level 5 Operational Manager Apprenticeship is designed for managers leading operations or departments. Individuals may be established, new or aspiring but must have this level of management responsibility or work regularly with others in project teams.

Further information about the apprenticeship programmes and instructions on how to apply can be found on the dedicated Management Apprenticeship Programmes webpage.


Visit LSE's Aurora Webpage for further information!

Applications for the Aurora Autumn cohort are open till 2nd September, 2024.

Aurora is delivered by Advanced HE and seeks to support those who identify as women, up to senior lecturer level or the professional services equivalent, to fulfil their leadership potential through thought provoking activities, collaborative problem solving activities and motivating stories supported by inspirational women role models. Participation embeds strong networks of early career women across the sector to share best practice, insights and experiences. 

HR Organisational Learning annually sponsor places on the Aurora programme- open to LSE members of staff who identify as women and are at Band 6 or above. For more information about the programme, please visit the Advance HE's Aurora webpage.


Aurora Autumn Term 2024- now accepting applications!

The Aurora programme is now accepting applications for the Autumn term 2024 cohort starting in September. If you are interested in applying or would like more information, please visit our dedicated Aurora webpage.

If you have any queries, please get in touch with us at

LSE Manager

The LSE Manager is designed to support Professional Services Staff (PSS) to be as effective as possible in the people management part of their role.  The programme is designed for all new PSS people managers who have either:

  • been promoted into a people management role at LSE for the first time (within the last six months) or
  • been appointed externally to the School to a people management role (within the last six months)

This is a 9-12 month guided and blended development programme which includes a number of core elements designed to support individuals in developing themselves into their management role. Delivery is through a combination of lunch time workshops, personal reading, online modules and suggested training courses.

Further information about the programme and instructions on how to apply can be found on the LSE Manager webpage.

Introduction to Leadership (ITL)

The LSE Introduction to Leadership Programme is for professional services staff in management roles at bands 7 & 8 who may aspire to be senior managers and leaders of the future.  The programme has been designed to help these staff collectively lead and deliver the Schools emerging strategy over the next few years. 

The programme has a number of core elements which are designed to support individuals in the development of their management and leadership skills and requires a commitment of 8 days spread over an 8 month period.

Please click on Introduction to Leadership brochure 2025 v1 for a copy of the programme brochure. If you would like to apply for this programme, please submit the Application Form by 5.30pm, Friday 15 November 2024.

Leadership Development Programme

The LSE Leadership Development Programme (LDP) is for academic colleagues who are to become Head of Department or who may aspire to have a career in Academic leadership, and professional services staff in senior roles at band 9 and 10. The programme has been designed to help these staff collectively lead and deliver the School's future during a time of change.

The LDP covers key leadership practices that are essential to lead and deliver the School’s strategy. It is delivered through a combination of workshops, individual executive coaching and bespoke support. The programme covers:

  • Exploring the role of a leader at LSE
  • Influencing others as a leader
  • Collaborative working
  • Managing yourself and your time effectively
  • Managing performance effectively
  • Leading people through change
  • Developing strategic thinking

Dates for next cohort  will be confirmed in due course.

If you would like any further information about this programme please contact Jacinta Stevens,Head of Organisational Learning

LEAP programme 

Leadership Essentials for Aspiring Leaders Programme

This programme is for anyone at band 6 or below who is looking to better understand what it means to be a leader. The programme will develop skills that will support individuals in understanding how leadership weaves into their role now, their future career and personal aspirations and what it means to be a leader at LSE.

The programme consists of one full day and three half day face-to-face modules over four months, with some self-study required before each module. Participants will also conduct and receive feedback on their own leadership skills review as part of the programme.

The programme covers

  • The distinction between Leadership and Management, Showing leadership in your current role, The key concepts of leadership, Your space as an authentic leader
  • Finding yourself as a leader, Understanding your strengths and values, Envisioning the leader you want to be and how to get there
  • Inclusive leadership and you, Emotional intelligence and leadership, Essential people skills for leadership (coaching, influencing etc.)
  • Introduction to leading teams and team dynamics, Leadership at LSE, Self-development planning and personal goal setting, Recognising and overcoming imposter syndrome, Career development and ongoing professional development


Please note that the next cohort will be in the 2025/26 academic year. 

For more information, please download the programme overview or contact us at