Any questions?

Answers to common queries about LSE's wellbeing for staff

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Just get in touch at and we'd be happy to help.

I have an idea for a new wellbeing initiative – is there any support available to make it happen?

Yes, absolutely. If you have an idea for a local initiative - say, an away day for your team which focuses on wellbeing or a fruit drop for your department – take a look at the Good Ideas Fund. The Fund allows areas of the School to bid for a set amount of financial support to make an initiative happen.

If you have an idea for a School-wide initiative, please get in touch with us at and we’ll see how we can help. We’re also open to new recommendations for new trainers and instructors.

Do I have to pay as a member of staff to take part in any wellbeing activities?

Most of the activities that you'll find in this year's Wellbeing Programme are free of charge to School staff - this is all part of trying to make wellbeing activities as open and inclusive as possible. A handful of regular activities do ask for a small payment, and this will be made clear in the details for how to book.

Should I let the instructor for a physical activity know if I have an injury?  

Yes, absolutely - please do let the instructor know before the activity starts if you're carrying an injury or if there's anything else which it would be helpful for them to be aware of. 

My role is very busy - how can I find the time to take part?

The Wellbeing Programme contains a wide range of wellbeing activities that have been arranged at different times (and on different days) so that as many staff as possible have the opportunity to take part. We've also scheduled many of the lunchtime activities to finish within 45 minutes so that you also have the time to fit in some lunch. At the same time, we appreciate that it isn't always easy to take time out of the day for something which isn't (strictly speaking) part of your job. 

As you'd expect, it's very important to come to an agreement with your line manager if any of the activities overlap with your normal working hours. 

Do let us know at if you find yourself unable to attend one of the regular activities - where possible, we will do our best to arrange an alternative date/time in future which is more convenient. 

How are the personal details of participants in any wellbeing activities shared?

Any personal details that are collected to enable you to take part in a wellbeing activity will be shared strictly in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force in 2018. This means that personal details will only be shared on a strictly need to know basis - for example, the names of participants in a particular activity may be shared with the trainer or instructor so that they can monitor attendance. You may also be occasionally asked to provide feedback following a particular activity or event (e.g. via a Qualtrics survey) - such feedback is entirely optional and any responses provided will be kept anonymous as far as is reasonably possible.