Planning, Policy and Review Team

The Planning, Policy and Review Team is one of two teams forming the Planning Division at LSE.

Within the Planning Division, the Planning, Policy and Review Team considers academic planning and policy issues with resource implications for the School, monitors and reviews the activity of Departments, and facilitates new teaching initiatives. The team ensures that policy and academic planning matters are directed through proper channels for consideration and approval. 


  • Service the Academic Planning and Resources Committee (APRC), the APRC Agenda Committee, the Student Numbers and Fees (SNAF) Group, the Extended Education Sub-Committee (EESC), the Scholarships Group, the Admissions Group and the Executive MSc Management Board. 

  • Manage, service and support the School’s Annual Monitoring process on behalf of the School Management Committee.  

  • Service and support the Department Review process and ensure that plans for academic developments are in line with LSE 2030. 

  • Monitor and review the resource requirements of Academic Departments through the maintenance of departmental Cash Staff Budgets (CSB/1), managing the Department Funding allocations, administering compensation and resource recall, and assessing resource requests for sabbatical and sickness cover.  

  • Undertake routine and ad-hoc modelling of student number, resource and fee level proposals assessing the implications at departmental and School-level. 

  • Ensure that fees are set for each programme that meet the requirements of the School’s financial plans and are advertised to prospective students in good time for admissions processes.   

  • Oversee and facilitate the teaching strand of the Major Academic Initiative process, including proposals for new Executive MSc programmes and new entities. 

  • Monitor student intake and fee levels, and set student targets to comply with Council decisions and OfS requirements through circulation and consideration of the APRC Rolling Plan. 

  • Assess the performance of taught programmes to inform discussions regarding their viability and to refresh the programme portfolio of the School. 

  • Develop the efficiency and effectiveness of School procedures as they relate to the APRC and its subsidiary groups to meet the evolving requirements of the School. 

  • Critically appraise the local, national and international environment in which the School operates, understanding the implications of trends in the HE sector and changes in Government policy as they relate to planning, policies and resource allocation.

Contact Us

Details of individuals in the Policy and Review team and their responsibilities are located on the Planning Division About us webpage

Email the Planning Division