Group 1
Accounting, Finance, Management, and the Marshall Institute (also includes Financial Markets Group and Systemic Risk Centre)
Group 2
Government, International Development, European Institute, International Relations and School of Public Policy (also includes Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa (FLIA), the Middle East Centre, US Centre, Centre for Women, Peace and Security, and LSE IDEAS)
Group 3
Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Philosophy Logic and Scientific Method and Methodology (also includes STICERD, CEP, IGC, CFM, Data Science Institute (DSI), and CPNSS).
Group 4
Anthropology, Gender Institute, Media and Communications, Social Policy, Health Policy, Psychological and Behavioural Science, Sociology, Languages, LSE100, and the International Inequalities Institute (also includes LSE Cities, CASE, LSE Health Care Policy and Evaluation Centre)
Group 5
Economic History, Geography and Environment, International History and Law (also includes Grantham, CCEP, What Works, and Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre).