Academic Board

Academic Board sits at the apex of an extensive and sophisticated system of academic governance where the delegation of specific responsibilities to its sub-committees means that the Academic Board is able to fulfil its academic governance and compliance role effectively. The committee structure is shown here.

There are over a thousand members of the Academic Board, which comprises the majority of academic and research staff, and six student representatives.

Please refer to the Academic Board’s terms of reference below for a full description of its responsibilities.  

If you have any queries then please contact the Secretary to the Academic Board at


(a) the President and Vice Chancellor;

(b) members of academic staff, as defined by the Articles of Association;

(c) six students always including the General Secretary of the Students’ Union, the Education Officer, a Graduate Teaching Assistant, and three other students, one of whom must be a postgraduate;

(d) such other persons whose presence will contribute positively to the business under consideration, to be co-opted by agreement between the Chair and VCAB.

Terms of reference

To the Academic Board are brought all major issues of general policy affecting the academic life of the School and its development. The Academic Board is responsible  for monitoring and upholding the academic standards of the School and for regulating teaching. Specifically, its functions include:  

(a) to make periodic reviews of the scope and content of the array of taught degree programmes and component courses and to guide its future development;

(b) to authorise the award of degrees (other than honorary degrees and honorary fellowships), diplomas, certificates and other distinctions to persons who have satisfied the conditions for the award thereof as prescribed in and pursuant to the Bye-laws;

(c) to prescribe the circumstances in which a student may be required or permitted to withdraw temporarily or permanently and either conditionally or unconditionally from all or any part of his or her programme of study on grounds other than disciplinary grounds;

(d) to appoint, remove or suspend examiners;

(e) to endorse for onward transmission to Council matters affecting the School’s academic governance, management arrangements and academic strategy;

(f) to endorse for onward transmission to Council recommendations from APRC on the organisation of departments and other academic units;

(g) to approve recommendations in relation to academic and pastoral support for students as appropriate;

(h) to promote research within the School and to require reports from time to time on such research;

(i) to approve academic regulations and changes therein;

(j) to recommend changes from time to time to the School’s Bye-laws;

(k) to approve academic policies which have School-wide implications;

(l) to receive annual reports from its Standing Committees

(m) to agree with Council those matters on which it will routinely consult with the Academic Board;

(n) to declare a position on any matter of interest to the Academic Board, and bring it to the attention of Council through a resolution. 

Meeting Schedule

All Academic Board meetings are held on Zoom.

Members will recieve details on how to join via email when they receive the meeting papers. If you have not recieved details on how to access via Zoom, please contact

Autumn Term

  • Wednesday 23 October 2024, 14:00 - 16:00
  • Wednesday 14 November 2024, 14:00 - 16:00

Winter Term

  • Wednesday 5 February 2025, 14:00 - 16:00
  • Wednesday 12 March 2025, 14:00 - 16:00

Spring Term

  • Wednesday 7 May 2025, 14:00 - 16:00
  • Wednesday 4 June 2-25, 14:00 - 16:00

Deadlines for Papers

Agenda Committee of Academic Board

Academic Board

Paper deadline


Papers circulated


Wednesday 2 October 2024

Thursday 10 October 2024

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Wednesday 6 November 2024

Thursday 14 November 2024

Wednesday 20 November 2024

Wednesday 27 November 2024

Wednesday 15 January 2025

Thursday 23 January 2025

Wednesday 29 January 2025

Wednesday 5 February 2025

Wednesday 19 February 2025

Thursday 27 February 2025

Wednesday 5 March 2025

Wednesday 12 March 2025

Wednesday 16 April 2025 (out of term time)

Thursday 24 April 2025 (out of term time)

Wednesday 30 April 2025

Wednesday 7 May 2025

Wednesday 14 May 2025

Thursday 22 May 2025

Wednesday 28 May 2025

Wednesday 4 June 2025

Deadline for Questions on School Policy

Questions on School policy should be submitted to the Secretary of Academic Board ( by noon on the day before the Agenda Committee meets.

Committees of Academic Board

Academic Board has five immediate committees:

The full strcuture of academic governance at the School can be found here.

Academic Board Constituency Groups

Group 1

Accounting, Finance, Management, and the Marshall Institute (also includes Financial Markets Group and Systemic Risk Centre)

Group 2

Government, International Development, European Institute, International Relations and School of Public Policy (also includes Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa (FLIA), the Middle East Centre, US Centre, Centre for Women, Peace and Security, and LSE IDEAS)

Group 3

Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Philosophy Logic and Scientific Method and Methodology (also includes STICERD, CEP, IGC, CFM, Data Science Institute (DSI), and CPNSS).

Group 4

Anthropology, Gender Institute, Media and Communications, Social Policy, Health Policy, Psychological and Behavioural Science, Sociology, Languages, LSE100, and the International Inequalities Institute (also includes LSE Cities, CASE, LSE Health Care Policy and Evaluation Centre)

Group 5

Economic History, Geography and Environment, International History and Law (also includes Grantham, CCEP, What Works, and Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre).