Legal duties under the government's Prevent programme, which comes under its counter-terrorism strategy, came into force for the first time in universities in England, Wales and Scotland on 18 September 2015. These duties are set out in statutory guidance accompanying the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015. Since April 2018, the Office for Students has acted as our regulator for the Prevent duty. The School's Prevent Lead is the School Secretary, Louise Nadal.
- A short background note on Prevent at LSE giving an overview as of October 2018.
- LSE's response (PDF) in January 2015 to the original government proposals; and a later exchange (PDF) with Home Office ministers.
- The then Provost's all-School message (PDF) on the coming into force of the new duty on 18 September 2015.
- A page carrying some briefing materials published by the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.
- The forth annual return, submitted to the OfS in November 2019, comprising an accountability statement signed by the Chair and a data return.
- A letter from the OfS on 4 July 2019 reporrting on the outcome of a monitoring visit at the School.
- The third annual return, submitted to the OfS on 28 November 2018, comprising an accountability statement signed by the Chair and a data return. OfS confirmed the School's compliance in their letter on 15 April 2019.
- The second full annual return to HEFCE, submitted on 22 November 2017, with the accompanying declaration of compliance by the Chair of Court and Council and the required numerical data return. Also HEFCE's response, the Director's reply and the OfS confirmation of the School's compliance with the duty.
- The first full annual return to HEFCE, submitted on 23 November 2016, with the accompanying declaration of compliance by the Acting Chair of Council and the required numerical data return. Also HEFCE's response.
- The full LSE return to HEFCE of 1 April 2016. After a couple of minor issues were resolved, HEFCE told us on 1 August 2016 that they were satisfied that LSE is compliant with the duty. The full return linked to above is the amended version.
- Preliminary self-assessment of compliance as returned to HEFCE on 18 January 2016.