a) To consider issues and developments relating to all taught [and PhD] programmes in the Department, and to make recommendations to the Department where appropriate.
b) To oversee the implementation of good practice and quality assurance throughout the Department within the frameworks for quality assurance agreed within the School and to which the School is subject.
c) To consider all new course and programme proposals, and modifications to and withdrawals/suspension of all current courses and programmes prior to submission to further Departmental and School quality assurance processes.
d) To oversee teaching, academic advice, supervisory and assessment arrangements for all students and for all degree programmes in the Department.
e) To review periodically all programmes and courses [including /excluding the PhD programme] in line with the School’s recommendations and formal review processes, and to take the lead in implementing changes.
f) To oversee programme admissions in conjunction with other Departmental committees where these are established and with the School’s central Admissions service.
g) To consider proposals to institute, amend, revise or terminate academic partnerships or other arrangements with other institutions or organisations with whom the Department works in delivering teaching programmes prior to submission to further Departmental and School approval processes. Arrangements with the School’s institutional partners should be reviewed by the DTC and discussed by the Head of Department with the Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education).
h) To consider all feedback received from students taking courses and programmes run by the Department, including from the Department’s Student Staff Liaison Committee and from student surveys (e.g. Departmental feedback mechanisms, the School’s teaching surveys and the National Student Survey), and to make recommendations to the Department as appropriate.
i) To liaise with Departmental Teaching Committees in other Departments in the School with which the Department runs joint degree programmes on all matters relating to the operation of the joint programme(s) including quality assurance and responding to student feedback.
j) To liaise with Departmental Teaching Committees in other Departments in the School where their programmes include compulsory courses provided by that Department.
k) To consider teaching and learning developments within the School and outside the School in comparable areas in relevant peer institutions and to make recommendations to the Department as appropriate.
l) To contribute to and act upon School initiatives relating to the enhancement of teaching and student experience within the School.
m) To oversee and support scholarships and prizes.
n) Departmental Teaching Committees will meet at least once in each term.