Quality Assurance Handbook

Quality Assurance Handbook (PDF)

PDF of the complete QA Handbook.

Section 1: Introduction and glossary (PDF)

Scope of guidance and list of abbreviations/terms used throughout the handbook.

Section 2: National quality assurance (PDF)

The regulatory framework determined by the Office for Students (OfS).

Sections 3-8: School-level quality assurance (PDF)

LSE's quality assurance framework, including centralised School QA processes for new programme and course approvals.

Sections 9-10: Department-level quality assurance (PDF)

Core practices expected of departments, as detailed in the School's strategy for managing academic standards, including guidance for Department Teaching Committees (DTCs) and Staff Student Liaison Committees (SSLCs).

Sections 11-16: Devolved quality assurance (DTCs) (PDF)

Devolved responsibilities for decision by Department Teaching Committees.

Table of modifications and devolved responsibilities (EXCEL)

Quick reference spreadsheet detailing the different types of modifications made to courses and programmes.

Appendix A (PDF)

The UK Quality Code.

Appendix B (PDF)

Structure of School Governance.


 Last reviewed: September 2022