
information for LSE staff

Staff-facing information about welcoming new students to LSE

This page is intended to provide colleagues in both Academic Departments and Service Divisions with information about Welcome. Expand the sections below to find out more.

If there is any information that is not on this page and that you think would be useful for us to publish please email welcome@lse.ac.uk

Welcome update emails

The Student Services Events Team regularly send out updates by email. The updates are issued monthly, but will be paused over the exams period.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list for these messages, please email welcome@lse.ac.uk.

SSC Start of Academic Year Briefing

SSC Start of Academic Year Briefing

Each year the SSC co-ordinates a Start of Academic Year (SoAY) briefing session for staff from around LSE. It covers Welcome, Enrolment, and Course Selection and Timetables.

Slides from this years briefing can be found here SOAY SLIDES 2024

The recording can be found here SOAY 2024 Recording


 Welcome Toolkit

To help you with planning your communications, events and video content for Welcome, the Communications Division has created a Welcome toolkit. 

The toolkit includes templates, graphics, assets for social media and Zoom, presentation slides and more.

The Communications Division will continue to review and update the toolkit in the run up to Welcome.

Welcome Presentation

The Welcome Presentation is the School’s method of communicating key information about the School to incoming students.

In 2024, the Welcome Presentation will be held as a live online event. The live event will be recorded and shared on the Welcome microsite, so students have the option to watch it back. Again, we will look to include speakers, a range of video content, slides, and live polls to enhance interactivity and engagement. 

A link to sign up to the Welcome Presentation will be included on the online pre-enrolment portal, to ensure as many students as possible sign up for the live events. 

There will be two Welcome Presentations - dates to follow. 

Welcome Guide 

The 2024 Welcome Guide is now published. Please follow the link on this page, or visit the Welcome microsite at welcome@lse.ac.uk



Guidance on planning Welcome events

Guidance from the Student Communities Development Group (SCDG) on planning Welcome events has been shared with the Welcome Mailing List in our recent Welcome update emails. 

We will continue to include updates from the SCDG in future Welcome update emails. 

Departmental Handbooks

In 2024 the handbooks are again mandatory to ensure all students receive an informative, professional looking handbook at Welcome in 2024. There should be at least one handbook per academic department, though some departments may choose to have separate handbooks for undergraduate and postgraduate. Handbooks will only be produced electronically as a pdf to support LSE's sustainability goals.

Core Information (Central Section)

Core content for central services will be supplied to the Design Unit by the Student Services Centre. This will mean there is one place for the central services section to be held and updated. There will be one version of the central text for all handbooks for all types of students. This information will appear in all handbooks alongside your department’s information, this will ensure that all students have appropriate information consistently communicated.

The 2024 Central Section will be finalised by the SSC and shared with the Design Unit, ready for inclusion in programme handbooks. The final copy will be shared with departments. 

Design Work

All handbooks should go via the Design Unit to ensure a professional and consistent output. The process for getting handbooks created will be:

1)      Book in your handbooks with Design Unit by end May 2024.

2)      SSC supply central information to the Design Unit (and to departments for their planning) beginning June.

3)      You will then be issued a schedule from the Design Unit with dates for the following:

  • Supply department text to Design Unit.
  • Sign-off handbook design.
  • Receive PDF handbooks in time for your inductions.

Any queries please contact:

  • Design Unit (booking in the design work for your handbook): designunit@lse.ac.uk.
  • Student Services Centre (core information): r.huggins@lse.ac.uk