Here you can find the most frequently asked questions asked by academic and administrative staff to the timetables team. Please read these carefully, and if your question is not answered please contact us at timetables@lse.ac.uk


Gerneral Questions:

What are the Academic terms and dates?

2024/25 Academic year:

Autumn Term (AT) - First term (September to December)

Winter Term (WT) - Second term (January to March)

Spring Term (ST) - Third term (April to June)

For more information on term dates and week numbers for 2024/25.

How to understand the timetable reports?

The timetable can be viewed by course code (published from Mid-August each year) using the link found on the teaching timetable home page. The following is some additional information to explain this timetable web report. 

The table below contains a list of departments and their abbreviated forms. In order to view the timetable for a course you will need to know the Course Code e.g. MA100.

AC Department of Accounting   LL Law School
AN Department of Anthropology   LN Language Centre
DV Department of International Development  MA Department of Mathematics  
EC Department of Economics   MC Department of Media and Communications 
EH Department of Economic History  MG Department of Management
EU European Institute  MY Methodology Institute  
FM Department of Finance   PH Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method
GI Gender Institute PB Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science 
GV Government  PP School of Public Policy 
GY Department of Geography and Environment SP Department of Social Policy
HP Department of Health Policy SO Department of Sociology  
HY Department of International History  ST Department of Statistics 
IR Department of International Relations     

To view the timetable of a particular course click on the department name at the bottom of the web page followed by the module code on the left hand side (Illustration 4). Here you will be able to view the day, time and week information and also teachers' names for the course you have selected.

The campus map will give you information on where different buildings are located and the abbrevations for each building.

Please note: There may be many changes in the first few weeks of Autumn Term; staff and students are advised to check the timetable daily for the first three weeks of term.

Which teaching rooms on campus have a name as well as a room number?

Most LSE rooms are known by their number, with the first three characters denoting what building they are in and the following character(s) denoting the floor of that building that they are on. For example CLM 2.02 is in 'CLM' building (Clement House) on the second floor, room 02. Please also check the campus map.

There are a few exceptions to this (rooms with names rather than numbers) that sometimes confuse people:

Old Building:

OT - Old Theatre

VAR - Vera Anstey Room

Clement House:

CLM. G.02 - Hong Kong Theatre 

Cheng Kin Ku Building:

CKK.LG.01 - Wolfson Theatre 

CKK.LG.03 - Thai Theatre 

CKK.LG.08 - Sheikh Zayed Theatre 

CKK.LG.09 - Alumni Theatre 

Peacock Theatre:

PT - Peacock Theatre

Centre Building:

CBG.1.01 - Sumeet Valrani Lecture Theatre

CBG.2.01 - Yangtze Lecture Theatre

CBG.B1.02 - Auditorium

CBG.G.01 - LSE Lecture Theatre

Where can I find more information on the technology in teaching rooms on campus?

DTS maintains the Technology in the teaching rooms and more information can be found on their webpage

Hybrid teaching rooms:

DTS maintains a list of LSE rooms that have technology which allows for Hybrid teaching delivery. This list is reguarly updated as more teaching rooms are upgraded.

Further information on using Hybrid rooms can be found on the EDEN website.

How does Lecture Capture (teaching recording) work ?

LSE offers an automated lecture recording service called Echo360. If you are timetabled in a suitably-equipped room your lectures will be recorded automatically. If you wish to opt out from having your lectures recorded you need to complete the lecture recording preferences form in LSE for You.

Please note that only activities classed as lectures in the timetable will be recorded (except for the departments of Law, Finance and Management). For these departments, seminars will also be recorded, but not classes. You will need to opt out for seminars you do not wish to be recorded.

For other departments wishing to have classes, seminars or workshops recorded, please contact eden.lecturerecording@lse.ac.uk.

If any of your lectures is being delivered by a guest lecturer from outside LSE, please contact eden.lecturerecording@lse.ac.uk for advice on obtaining their consent.

More details about the lecture recording service, including the locations where it may be used, can be found here

Also, the Eden lecture recording team have produced a guide to using the lecture recording preferences page.

This screen shot shows the form which appears in LSE for You.

How can I check my personal timetables?

You can check your personal timetable using the link for:

  • Lectures/seminars published in Mid-August / Full timetable published in Mid-September
  • Full teacher timetable published in mid-September.
  • In LSE for You from late-September

This should show all of your teaching. If anything is missing or incorrect it is essential that you contact timetables straight away, with clear information on what teaching is missing. 

Once a term starts, changes are only made to the timetable if you have requested them or if we have contacted you to discuss a change. It is advisable to check your timetable for the entire academic year, as well as at the start of each term as there are often room changes across terms.


 In-Term Timetable:


How do I request and notify changes to the current year's timetable?

If you need to make a change to existing timetabled teaching, or request additional teaching to be scheduled, you must do this via the Timetables Office. This ensures that the timetable on the web is up-to-date and that rooms are released if they are not being used.

To enable us to change or create teaching, we need the following information:

  • Course code
  • Type of teaching: lecture, class or seminar.
  • If it is a class or seminar we will also need to know the group number
  • Teacher
  • Specific dates and times
  • The reason for the change - e.g. a cancellation, update teacher or additional teaching activity.
  • Size of room required
  • Audio visual requirements in the room

How do I cancel / reschedule my teaching?

The Timetables Office must be notified of all cancelled teaching, even last minute changes. This is important for a number of reasons:

  • It ensures that we have the correct information on the system so that we can answer any queries we receive
  • The room can be released for others to book
  • For undergraduate classes and graduate seminars we will delete the register on Staff LfY.
  • We email the students, notifying them of the cancellation
  • We can arrange for any rescheduling that is required

How do I request an ad-hoc / one-off addtional teaching for my course?

If you need to make a request for additional teaching to be scheduled, you must do this via the Timetables Office. This ensures that the timetable on the web is up-to-date and appears on staff and student personal timetables.

To enable us to change or create teaching, we need the following information:

  • Course code
  • Type of teaching: lecture, class or seminar.
  • If it is a class or seminar we will also need to know the group number
  • Teacher
  • Specific dates and times
  • The reason for the request
  • Size of room required
  • Audio visual requirements in the room

What do I do if I have teaching on a public or bank holiday ? 

If you have teaching that overlaps with a public of bank holiday, You do not need to do anything, the Timetable Office will contact you regarding your teaching in due course.

Each year there is at least one public or bank holiday that overlaps within a LSE teaching week (Good Friday or Early May bank holiday). When the Timetable Office is building the master timetable, we do so, without consdieration of any public or bank holidays. This is to avoid creating unnecessary clashes in the timetable before students have been allocated to their teaching / personal timetables.

How do I request an room for an activity not related to teaching ?

The Timetables Office deals only with timetabled teaching. By this we mean the request must be associated with a course code and will be scheduled on the timetable for students to see.

All other request for booking rooms are dealt with by the LSE roombookings team, please email Lse.Roombookings@lse.ac.uk.

Can I request for my teaching to be delivered online?

The Schools default policy is that all core teaching should be delivered in-person.

Ad-hoc/ One off delivery to online:

Requesting teaching to be delivered online should be a last resort.

  • Faculty / departments should firstly try to reschedule sessions or have the teaching session delivered by other staff to maintain in-person delivery wherever possible. Please contact Timetables@lse.ac.uk for queries about rescheduling. Rescheduled teaching should be scheduled within a reasonable timeframe so as not to disrupt the logical progression of student learning on particular courses. 
  • The use of online teaching to replace in-person core teaching provision will only be permitted in truly exceptional circumstances and will require approval from the PDE and Pro-Director (Planning and Resources) (PDPR). Requests should be submitted to ard.capis@lse.ac.uk where no prior approval is in place. 
  • If online teaching is agreed for lectures, teachers will need to initiate recording for online synchronous lectures. Please refer to the Eden Centre’s guide (found on the Eden webpages) on how to record using Zoom and publish the recording to Moodle via Echo 360. Lecturers can also prevent the automated lecture recording system recording an empty room by opting out from individual recordings using LSE for You. Alternatively, if the automated recording has already been made it can be removed from the list of recordings published to Moodle. Please contact eden.lecturerecording@lse.ac.uk for support.

All term:

Departments/ Course leaders: who wish to use online teaching to replace in-person core teaching provision will only be permitted in truly exceptional circumstances and will require approval from the Pro-Director (Education: PDE) and Pro-Director (Planning and Resources: PDPR).

Requests should be submitted to ard.capis@lse.ac.uk for the next academic year by:31st March 2024.

Where are the class and seminar registers?

All undergraduate classes and graduate seminars have a register on Staff LfY, which must be completed.

If you are unable to access your class registers please contact the Timetables Office, with your LSE staff ID number (located top left of your LSE ID card).

Please note: Registers are produced at 7am on the day of the class/ seminar; they cannot be viewed in advance in Staff LfY.

How to process a UG class/seminar group change, when a student has a one off / ad-hoc clashes? 

The 'Undergraduate Class/Seminar Group Change Request' screen in LFY will ignore clashes in the past and allow staff in academic departments to approve student change class or seminar group requests when a clash occurs only in the past, without needing to escalate to the timetables team via LFY.

Full guide to processing UG class / semianr group changes, on the staff guide for UG course selection / group change requests are on this page 

Ad-hoc (one off) clashes in the future: these will also show in LFY, however departmental staff will not be able to process this requests themselves. Within LFY departmental staff will be able to esclate these request to the timetables team to process manually (this can take 3 -5 working days to process). Until processed, students need to attend the teaching they are assigned to.

Note: If the student is requesting to move to a group that clashes all term long, then this will need to be considered with the same weight as a standard clash. Which mean clash approval from the students Departmental Tutor in all curcumstances is required. (Even when the clashing teaching is recorded)

Departments should not be advising students to contact timetables or the SSC directly about class/ seminar group changes.


How to advise a student who cannot attend their allocated class/seminar group for one week?

For all students, In exceptional circumstances (for one-off occurrences), where the student cannot attend their allocated class/seminar group, it is recommended that they contact the group teacher, explaining why they cannot attend.

Where there are alternative class/seminar groups for the course that the student could attend, it is recommended:

1. Where possible and with teacher approval it is useful to attend an alternative group led by the students regular teacher.

2. Where option 1 is not possible and with teacher approval, attend an alternative group led by another teacher.

Please note: It is recommended and is common courtesy that the student first contact the group’s teacher to ask permission for them to attend this group. How the attendance will be marked/recorded for that week is at the students regular group teacher’s discretion. However, we recommend that the student keep all parties updated on their attendance.

Why do I not have full access to the academic features in Staff LfY?

If you are unable to see any of the below features when you log into Staff LfY and you have already checked that you are associated to the correct teaching via the web timetable reports.

Please contact the Timetables Office immediately with your: LSE staff ID number (located top left of your LSE ID card). 

How do Professional Service Staff (PSS) gain additional access/permissions in LfY? 

The following document is a reference guide to what additional permissions PSS staff can have in LFY, such as:

  • Absence Notes Report Subscription
  • Class Group Change Requests
  • Class Mailer
  • Department Manager
  • Register Summary
  • Student Information – Department
  • Timetable Clash Checker
  • Timetable Viewer
  • UGCS, Approvals Overview
  • UGCS, department View

Please note: these permissions are granted by the Departmental Manager and not the Timetables Office.

Why is there no teaching for Undergraduate students on a Wednesday afternoon?

Teaching for Undergraduate students will not be scheduled after 12:00 on Wednesdays to allow for sports, volunteering and other extra curricular events, as agreed by LSE and LSESU.

Exceptions: on rare occasions, exception are made for individual teaching occurrences. This is where no other solution can be found (in consultation with Timetables and the Department).

Where no other solution is found: A statement is provided from the department (usually from the teacher) to Timetables. Timetables will then present the request for approval to the Academic Registrar who considers these requests on a case by case basis.

When should my teaching start and end?

The teaching code of good practice (as noted in the School Calendar UG and PGT) states that lectures, seminars and classes start at five minutes past the hour and end at five minutes to the hour. Staff and students should make every effort to start and finish on time.

Please note, where teaching starts or ends on the half hour, it is advised that timetabled teaching should begin five minutes after the scheduled start time and end five minutes before the scheduled end time. 

What do I do if I have an audio visual issues or request?

Audio visual equipment

If you have a query relating to the audio visual equipment in teaching rooms, you should call ext. 5300/5400 or email: DTS Teaching support  This will put you through to a member of the Teaching and Learning Spaces team who should be able to help you.


Building the Next Year Timetable:

When does the timetabling team collect data and build the timetable for the next Academic session (2024/25)?

The timetable for the next academic year is available online at the timetables webpages in late summer.

Timetable information for 2024/25

Collecting data: 

Timetabling requirement spreadsheets are sent to departments in early February and to be returned by departments to timetable by 28th March 2024. (Requests for changes to teaching delivery should be communicated as quickly as possible to Timetables so that they can assessed for viability and planned for in the timetable build)

Processing the timetabling requirment spreadsheet:

April to Mid-June: updating of teaching requirments/ delivery based on the returned spreadsheets to allow for modeling. 

Mid-June to Mid-August: Timetabling build, clashing check all requested changes, and new or returning courses for possible course clashes especially with compulsory courses.

Mid-August to Mid-September: building the UG class timetable.

Master Timetable Publish Timelines:

  • Lecture and seminar timetable (excluding classes) - published early-August.
  • Timetable viewed by course code (including Classes) - published mid-September.
  • Language Certificate class timetable - published mid-September

How do I let the timetabling team know my availability (Constraints) for the next Academic year?

The teacher availability/constraints form and additional information for 2025/26 can be found below.

NOTE: The 2025/26 constraints form is being updated and will be available in early Feburary.

Timetable teacher constraints form

If you need to provide Timetables with updated teacher availability/constraints after submission of form please email Timetables directly at timetables@lse.ac.uk.

Where can I find more information on Undergraduate Course Selection?

At Undergraduate level (UG), the Timetables teams control centrally the allocation of students to individual courses and how student get allocated to Class/seminar teaching. 

The following guide has been produced, by Academic department represettives to support new staff to give you a better understand/ overview of the process

Staff guide for UG course selection on this page 

Where can I find more information on setting up and managing Graduate Course Selection?

At Postgraduate level (PGT), Academic departments control how individual courses are accessed and how student get allocated to seminar teaching using LFY screens. 

The following guide has been produced, by Academic department representatives to support new staff in using these screens

Staff guide for PGT course selection on this page



Contact the team:


I still need help - Who do I talk to?

If you are still uncertain or if your question has not been answered, please contact the Timetables Office