Timetabling constraints for teachers

In order to schedule teaching for 2025/2026 academic year, the Timetables Office require information on your availability.

Please complete the form below to notify us of your personal details and timetabling constraints. Once you have submitted the form, you will receive a copy of your completed form, which will act as a confirmation of receipt to the Timetables Office.

Important information

The standard teaching week is Monday to Friday 09.00-18.00. Please only state hard constraints e.g. due to clashing work or caring commitments, not simply preferences not to teach on a particular day or time, this is to give us maximum flexibility when building the timetable. 

For timetabling purposes we assume that you are available (Monday to Friday 09.00-18.00) unless otherwise indicated on the form.

Some Departments/Institutes have meetings or research seminars which members of the Department should all be available to attend. If this applies to your Department/Institute this time should be marked as unavailable on the constraints form.




Please contact timetables@mail.lse.ac.uk