LSE App Store (Self-Service)

LSE configured devices can access the LSE App Store to download and install LSE approved and maintained applications.  

Follow the instructions below to access the self-service app store on your device and explore the available applications. 

If you require an application that is not in the app stores, then please request it via the Software Request Form. Requested applications are usually packaged and available within a few days. 

How to Access the LSE App Store:

MacOS Apple Devices

Look for the ♡ icon in the menu bar. Select "Self-Service" to open self-service. 

Apple SelfService1

 Use the 'Browse' or 'Search' feature on the left side to view the full list of available applications. 

Apple SelfService2

Select the applications you want and follow the on-screen instructions to download and request/install* them. 

Apple SelfService3

What is the difference between "request" and "install" / "re-install" on the button below an application title? 

  • For practical purposes - none - behind the scenes it is partly how the applications are packaged and deployed in our management system. The ones labelled "request" are our Auto Update applications. 

    The ones labelled "install" are our LSE / VPP applications. 

Please note that some applications may require you to log out and log back in from the Apple menu. This is different from rebooting. 

Apple LogOut user

Windows Laptops:

Open the Start menu. In the applications list, find and click on “LSE App Store” to access the self-service store. 

Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 17.00.58Select the applications you want and follow the on-screen instructions to download and install them. 

Windows SelfService4

LSE Desktops (Windows)

Open the Start menu and search for ‘LSE App Store’ in the search box, as bellow: 

LSE Desktop 11
 Select the applications you want and follow the on-screen instructions to download and install them. 

LSE Desktop 2


MS365 Web Applications:

You can access the LSE web applications, such as LSE Remote Desktop, LSE Digiexam, and ZOOM, by visiting 

 LSE MS365 Web Apps

*Please note that you will need to log in using your LSE email account to access the MS365 Web Applications. 

For any assistance or support, please contact the LSE Tech Support team