Our People

Race Equity Framework

Theme lead:

Professor Charles Stafford, Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Faculty Development)

Andrew Young, Chief Operating Officer

Led by the Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Faculty Development) and Chief Operating Officer, with the Vice Chair of the Appointments Committee as co-lead, the People strand focuses on making sure our policies and practices support racial equity and cultural change at LSE.

Overview of Our People actions:

  • Commissioned Professor Chantal Davies, Professor of Law, Equality and Diversity and Director of Forum for Research into Equality and Diversity, University of Chester to record a webinar demystifying positive action to train staff on creating and using positive action initiatives. Watch the video here.
  • Creating spaces to hear the stories and lived realities of minority groups, and build collective understanding among the LSE community (including but not limited to discussions on anti-Black racism)
  • Targeting support for managers to engage with issues of race, racism and allyship at LSE
  • Conducting race-specific surveys and analysing feedback from staff and students
  • Publishing dashboards and annual reports of LSE’s demographics and progress against priorities
  • Proactively seeking to ensure recruitment of early career researchers and junior staff contributes to a diverse pool of talent for future progression
  • Enabling progression/promotion through access to opportunities, sponsorship and mentorship, recognition and sharing of citizenship work
  • Creating an innovation fund to encourage and support new ideas and initiatives
  • Targeted recruitment of BAME counsellors and race-specific training for Safe Contacts
  • Learning from anonymised studies to improve processes to address racial bullying and harassment.

These pages are being updated as the roll-out of the Framework continues and as actions are refined with the input of our LSE community.