Global research fund recipients in 2023

A successfull two day workshop in Lusaka

The GRF helped to catalyse the partnership with colleagues in Zambia, which will form a crucial part of any funding application in the future.

Dr Rocco Friebel


In May 2023 Dr Rocco Friedel and Dr Martilord Ifeanyichi coordinated a workshop focusing on surgical priority setting in Zambia. Participants included a wide range of stakeholders ranging from the Ministry of Health, nurse leaders, representatives of surgery and anaesthesia societies, surgeons and researchers.   

The workshop fostered a strong sense of community and networking amongst attendees, enabling meaningful connections and the exchange of ideas. It inspired participants to think critically and creatively, encouraging innovative problem-solving approaches. 

The workshop which was held at the Institute for Digital Health at the University Teaching Hospital also enabled participants to discuss joint longer term projects between the LSE Global Surgery Policy Unit and key academic, clinical, and policy partners in Zambia. 

GAE's global research fund was instrumental in facilitating this successfull workshop. If you are working on an international project and want to discuss how we can support you, contact GAE's Research and Alliances manager Dr Mengxi Pang and watch this space for the next call for applicants in 2023