
Browse our recent news and activities

Below are the latest news stories from the international strategy and academic partnerships team. Click on a headline to read more. 

February 2025: Apply to this policy brief competition

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Interested in learning more about this joint CIVICA project, check our page and get involved.


February 2025: Apply to contribute to the collaborative workshop: Environmental Justice, Harm and Repair

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Organisers from CEU, EUI and LSE are looking for contributions on themes including but not limited to the environment, colonial histories of land, and transitional justice. Follow the link above to read the full call for applicants and check their micro-website here



January 2025: CIVICA's new multicampus course: The Road to the Green Transition

Bocconi AerialApplications for this online course coordinated by Professor Alexandros Kentikelenis (Bocconi) are now open so check the details of the syllabus and faculty involved. 


January 2025: LSE student selected for the tenth cohort of Schwarzman Scholars in Beijing

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Shaun Ho who studied European and International Public Policy at LSE and graduated in 2023 has been chosen amongst thousands of applicants to join next year's cohort of Schwarzman scholars. This programme is a prestigious one-year Master’s in Global Affairs at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Our team organises information sessions for potential applicants, for details check our News section and website.




December 2024: Professor Larry Kramer meets Presidents of Chinese Universities in London 

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Professor Larry Kramer shared his insight at a roundtable with Minister of Skills, Baroness Jacqui Smith and several presidents of Chinese universities including Peking University, Tsinghua University and Fudan University.  


December 2024: CIVICA sixth call for faculty short visits


Faculty and postdoctoral researchers are invited to submit proposals for a short 2-5 day visit at another CIVICA university. The application deadline is 17 February 2025. 


December 2024: Apply now to attend The futurEU Competition

2025 FuturEU 747The competition on shaping the EU of tomorrow bridges the gap between young people’s voices and opinions on one hand and public discourse and academic research on the other. It is open to all students and PhD researchers of the CIVICA alliance.


December 2024: LSE signs a new undergraduate exchange agreement with Fudan University

Fudan visit December 2024

Professor Emma McCoy – Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education) and Professor Susana Mourato – Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) welcomed Professor CHEN Zhimin, Fudan University's Vice President, to LSE to celebrate the new milestone in a growing strategic partnership.


December 2024: Apply now to attend the Yenching Global Symposium in April 

Yenching Academy Symposium 747The theme of this year’s Symposium is "Fortitude: Navigating the Tides of Change". If you are interested in applying, sign up to attend an information session before applying.



November 2024: Representatives of LSE, EUI, Bocconi, CEU and SGH meet in Florence for the KIND conference


The KIND conference explored the role of universities as informal diplomatic actors, deepening the understanding of their transformative role within the CIVICA alliance and the broader context of the European Universities Initiative. Paul Apostolidis, Angelo Martelli and Emily Harrison represented LSE.


November 2024: Interested in financial support for your next project? Applications now open for the GRF and GPDF

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The international strategy and academic partnerships (ISAP) team manages two internal funding schemes: the Global Research Fund (GRF) and the Global Partnerships Development Fund (GPDF). Check our dedicated webpages for details on how and when to apply.

November 2024: Apply to attend the next CIVICA Summer School 

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The 2025 Summer School will be held in Bucharest at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA). Applications from PhD students and early career researchers need to be submitted by December 10. 


November 2024: Apply to the CIVICA Honours Seminars


Postgraduates interested in a short course at Hertie, Bocconi or IE University should apply by 22 November to travel in early 2025. Please note that this a competitive application open to MSc students only.


November 2024: Register to attend the Knowledge and Informal Diplomacy conference


The KIND conference aims to explore the role of universities as informal diplomatic actors, deepening the understanding of their transformative role within the CIVICA alliance and the broader context of the European Universities Initiative.


November 2024: CIVICA call for thematic activities

CIVICA Seed Funding 16-9Apply now to get money to support collaborative activities such as workshops, and small-scale conferences with other CIVICA faculty, postdoctoral, and doctoral researchers. 



October 2024: CIVICA fifth call for faculty short visits

Fifth Faculty Visit Call 747

Faculty and postdoctoral researchers are invited to submit proposals for a short 2-5 day visit at another CIVICA university. The application deadline is 3 December 2024.


October 2024: Tsinghua University's Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development (ICCSD) visits LSE 

TsinghuaICCSDVisit747Tsinghua's delegation were welcomed by faculty including Professor Susana Mourato, Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) and Professor Elizabeth Robinson, Professor of Environmental Economics to discuss academic engagement and research collaborations on sustainability across LSE.


October 2024: Apply to participate in a two-day simulation workshop

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Project Artic is a two-day simulation workshop of climate-induced conflict in the Arctic Region taking place on 23-24 November open to Master's and final year bachelor students from all CIVICA universities, don't miss your chance to apply!  


October 2024: CEU hosts the CIVICA Permanent Design Team meeting


Vice Presidents for Research, senior faculty, and research managers met in Vienna to discuss the future of research collaboration accross the CIVICA alliance. For a  comprehesive view of our activities within CIVICA, check our website here.


October 2024: Exclusive information session about YCA's fully paid Master programme in Beijing

Yenching Academy 747 420 DB August 2019

Every year the Yenching Academy of Peking University offers an interdisciplinary Master's programme in China Studies. All selected Yenching Scholars receive a full fellowship that covers tuition, one round-trip journey to Beijing, basic insurance, and living costs. A recording of this information session will be made available for those unable to attend.


October 2024: Information session about NTU's fellowship scheme in Singapore

NTU Campus 747 420Nanyang Technological University will be hosting an information on campus on their Global Connect Fellowship programme. Come and ask any questions you may have.



September 2024: LSE visits partners and alumni in Asia

Larry Kramer Lecture Fudan

Professor Larry Kramer received a warm welcome from key partners in academia, supporters, alumni and students in the recent trip he led visiting Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.


September 2024: LSE welcomes the second cohort of students from Tsinghua University

Tianyang Scholars 2024Students enrolled in Tsinghua's Institute for Hospital Management and accepted into one of Health Policy's four Master's programmes at LSE are eligible for the Tianyang Scholarship, supported by the Shanghai Medical Innovation and Development Foundation.


September 2024: Apply now to spend time in Paris in 2025-2026

Sciences Po Campus Artillerie 16-9

Sciences Po, one of our institutional partners in France, has opened a number of calls for applications to enable faculty from all disciplines to spend time there. Check their website for details on each scheme and their application requirements. 



August 2024: A productive visit to collaborate on AI and human behaviour

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Dr Michael Muthukrishna spent part of the summer in Berlin to work on a joint project with Iyad Rahwan, the director of the Max Planck Center for Humans and Machines. If you are working on an international project and are looking for funds, check our website for the 2024-2025 call for applications.


Summer 2024: The Grantham Research Institute hosts a writeshop on child health, food security, and the changing climate

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Prof. Elizabeth Robinson, Director of the GRI, co-developed and co-wrote a draft policy brief with Burkinabe colleagues with the aim of improving food security and the health of the most vulnerable in Burkina Faso.


Summer 2024: Gender Studies researcher engages in collaborative workshop in Kenya

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Last June Dr. Gloria Novović took part in a collaborative workshop on scaling care innovations in Africa. This initiative seeks to address one of the greatest barriers to gender equality: the disproportionate share of responsibility for unpaid care work that falls on women. 



June 2024: CIVICA European Week in London, Migration in a Changing Europe 

EW-students2024 747 420This year's European Week took place from 25 to 28 June on LSE's campus with attendees and participants including 80 bachelor students from Bocconi, CEU, IE University, SNSPA, Sciences Po, SGH, SSE and LSE, as well as 20 local secondary school students, 5 students from Ukrainian partner universities, and 20 faculty and course tutors. The programme combined lectures, field trips, visits, cookery classes and a G20 simulation.


June 2024: All CIVICA presidents, rectors, and VPs meet in Madrid 


Our President and Vice Chancellor Larry KramerProfessor Susana Mourato, Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) and Professor Emma McCoy, Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education) spent time in Madrid with colleagues from the CIVICA alliance. IE University hosted the annual Presidents committee meeting. 

For detailed information on LSE's involvement in CIVICA check our webpage here.


June 2024: Economic History hosts a workshop on genealogical sources with international experts and faculty

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On 3-4 June the Department of Economic History organised a two-day workshop (supported by the GRF) with panels exploring issues of migration, inheritance, marriage and wealth. The programme featured presentations from colleagues from Italy, Belgium, Denmark, USA, and China. 


June 2024: Indian colleagues visit LSE


The delegation was received by our President and Vice Chancellor Larry KramerLord Nicholas Stern and the Global Academic Engagement team represented by Dr Mengxi Pang.   


May 2024: LSE students invited to the French Embassy for Entente cordiale celebrations

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LSE coordinated the selection and participation of a group of students to a practical workshop on climate and sustainability in South Kensington. This double event provided them an opportunity to learn about how to take action against climate change and to make the most of collaborative opportunities. 


April 2024: LSE signs Memorandum of Understanding with New York University  

SignatureNYU747X420This MoU establishes a framework to explore projects of mutual interest including teaching and research collaborations, as well as opportunities for cultural and social exchange between students of LSE and NYU London.  


Spring 2024: Prof. Shuba Kamala Prasad from Hertie visits LSE as part of the CIVICA short visit programme

HertieVisit 747X420Last term Prof. Shuba Kamala Prasad spent time with faculty and students from our Department of International Relations. See how she made the most of this experience and what opportunities it offered to our faculty and students. 


April 2024: LSE discusses inclusive education, climate change and sustainability with 80 university leaders from 18 countries in Milan

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Professor Emma McCoy, our Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education) attended the Annual U7+ Presidential Summit at the University of Bocconi (April 11-12) and spent time with a group of double degree students who will be moving to London for their second year in 2024-25.


March 2024: LSE student selected to attend NEXT Forum in Milan


NEXT is the global network of Young Talents and Future Leaders who share policy ideas with global policymakers, top experts and business leaders on key international challenges. It provided Paula the perfect opportunity to further her knowledge and expertise and to represent LSE.


March 2024: CIVICA multi-campus course students win Boroli Prize in Milan


After attending online lectures and working with students from across the alliance, thirty teams worked on developing policy briefs to address real-life challenges. We interviewed two LSE students who were part of the three teams awarded the prestigious Boroli Prize in Milan.


March 2024: Come and listen to Dr Shubha Kamala Prasad from Hertie School

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As a recipient of the CIVICA short faculty visit programme, Dr Shubha Kamala Prasad will be spending time with colleagues and students of the departement of International Relations. On 21st March, she will discuss her research on human rights violations and foreign policy behavior in her talk ‘Je n’accuse pas: Explaining India’s Reluctance to Support Targeted Resolutions in the UN Human Rights Council’. Sign up here.


February 2024: CIVICA Short faculty visit programme, an opportunity to explore new ideas and build your network

AdamSolimanBocconi16_09Dr Adam Soliman shares his recent experience at Bocconi University. CIVICA's short visit programme aims to foster collaborative activities, to further existing links or to establish new ones. 


Summer 2024 opportunity: "Global Public Policy" International Summer School at Fudan University

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Applications are now open for the 2024 "Global Public Policy" International Summer School, co-hosted by the LSE-Fudan Research Centre for Global Public Policy and the Fudan Institute for Global Public Policy. Students, young scholars and professionals are all welcome to join the summer school for an exciting journey of global public policy in Shanghai. 


February 2024: Information session about Schwarzman scholarships


LSE students have an excellent record of applying to this fully funded 10 months master's degree programme in Global Affairs in Beijing so we will host an exclusive information session on campus on Thursday 15th February at 4.15pm.  Sign up online to get all the details.


February 2024: Data Science information session

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If you are interested in studying and pursuing a career in the field of data science, sign up for this joint webinar organised by LSE and some of our CIVICA partners


November 2023: LSE sends student representatives to the CIVICA Student Association Forum in Poland

CIVICA student association forum Nov 2023

Students and early-stage researchers from across the CIVICA Alliance are taking part in the Student Association Forum hosted by SGH Warsaw School of Economics.


November 2023: Fudan University President visits LSE

LSE Fudan Group 16-9

Professor JIN Li, President of Fudan University led a university delegation visiting our campus on 21 November 2023. The presidential delegation was received by our Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Planning & Resources), Professor Eric Neumayer and attended the LSE-Fudan Annual Conference on 'Public Policy Priorities and Challenges for China and the World'.


November 2023: LSE visits partners in South East Asia

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Professor Susana Mourato, LSE's Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) led LSE's recent visit to Beijing and Shanghai. The delegation had fruitful discussions with colleagues from three partner institutions, including Peking University, Fudan University, and the Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development at Tsinghua University. 


November 2023: New undergraduate exchange agreement with the University of Hong Kong

Emma McCoy HKU Signature 16 9

Professor Emma McCoy, our Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education) signed a new undergraduate exchange agreement allowing students to spend a year of their studies overseas. This is part of LSE's wider commitment to grow the number of international opportunities available to its students. Information on exchange destinations for undergraduates can be found on the GO LSE webpage


October 2023: CIVICA Research Conference in Paris

CIVICA Paris October 2023

The closing conference for CIVICA Research took place on 12-13 October at Sciences Po in Paris.The event brought together faculty and researchers from the ten European universities of the alliance. Professor Susana Mourato, our Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) and a group from LSE attended multiple events across both days.


September 2023: First cohort of Tianyang Scholars on campus


Colleagues from the Department of Health Policy held a number of inductions during Welcome Week, including one for a group of Tsinghua students supported by the Shanghai Medical and Innovation Development Foundation (SMIDF).This particular group will be graduating with a dual degree in Health after obtaining their MSc in Management Science from the Institute for Hospital Management. Read this page for an overview of this Department's postgraduate programmes.


September 2023: Come and meet us on 22 September

7_Event_web_747x420Make the most of Welcome week and come and learn about all the CIVICA opportunities offered to you as students. GAE's Helen Rosemont will be under the marquee in front of the Centre Building (CBG) all morning. See you there!


September 2023: Visitors from the Antipodes enjoy a full day in London

University of Sydney Campus Visit September

While LSE’s spaces buzz with students and staff for Welcome Week, GAE's Rhys Bearder led two colleagues from the University of Sydney: Liz Kenna and Priscila Trevisan around campus. They had productive meetings and exchanged ideas with colleagues from various units, and enjoyed the vibrant atmosphere around Houghton Street and Clare market. GAE coordinated this visit and welcomes enquiries from around the globe. See how we can assist you on your next visit here.


September 2023: New Academic Induction programme. Come and meet us on Monday 11th September

Our team will be available at the New Academic Induction Programme (NAIP) at lunchtime to answer any of your questions.16 9 ratio-Welcome_Week_6575

GAE's team will be at the NAIP to discuss any subject related to our international activities with our partners, our partnerships, our work within alliances, our projects on mobility and the support we offer for new collaborations, as well as anything you would like to ask. 

For News before 2023-24, check our Archive