Funding opportunities

Browse our calls for application

This fund helped to catalyse the partnership with colleagues abroad, which will form a crucial part of any funding application in the future.

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The international strategy and academic partnerships (ISAP) team manages funding opportunities designed to support LSE academics in developing international collaborations.

Our current funding opportunities include Joint Research Seed Funds – where global partners have matched LSE’s committed funds, increasing the overall pots of funding available – as well as the Global Research Fund and the Global Partnership Development Fund, and CIVICA opportunities.


The LSE-NYU Research Seed Fund aims to strengthen ties between the two institutions by supporting research projects rooted in a shared commitment to addressing key global challenges. For our inaugural joint seed funding round, we invite applications proposing collaborative research in any of the following areas:

  • Sustainable Growth
  • Political Sciences
  • Data Science, AI & Society

Applications open 


The LSE-Georgetown University Research Seed Fund is a brand-new joint scheme meant to support world-leading research and leveraging international research funding. It will support collaboration through both direct research and partnership-building activities, such as research workshops, joint conferences, or short-term research visits.  While proposals in political economy, sustainability, and health are particularly encouraged, submissions from all disciplines are welcome.  Each awarded project will receive up to £20,000 (approx. $25,800) in total, with up to £10,000 contributed by each institution.

Applications open 

Other match-funded joint schemes with LSE’s global partners are currently under development. Further details will be published here soon, so please check this page regularly. 


The Global Research Fund (GRF) provides targeted support for researchers seeking to establish international research links or furthering existing links. The scheme acts as a seed fund to enable LSE researchers to initiate and carry out collaborative research activities that facilitate joint research output and future international grant applications. It is open to all disciplines and particularly welcomes applications that demonstrate sustainability of the proposed research partnerships after the initial funding period. 

Applications open

The Global Partnership Development Fund (GPDF) is a designed to encourage international activities and support academic collaborations.  It aims to enable faculty to further existing, or develop new partnerships with counterparts based at a partner institution. Applications should clearly demonstrate the potential benefits of the proposed activity in relation to their department’s international collaborations.  

Applications open

CIVICA also regularly invites faculty, postdoctoral researchers and PhD students to submit applications for seed funding and short visits. For details on the most recent call for application, check this page.

If you have any questions, please contact