RISe Knowledge Hub

Explore a range of bespoke resources and information guides to help you navigate applying for research funding opportunities. 

Navigating ARIA research funding opportunities

The Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA) is a research funding agency established in January 2023 and sponsored by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT).

The Research Development Team have developed a guidance document that simplifies potential funding pathways and identifies research themes that cut across multiple opportunities. 

Navigating NERC research funding opportunities

The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) supports research that advances our understanding of the Earth system. 

The Research Development Team have developed a guidance document that assists in identifying intersections of NERC's remit that can unlock funding opportunities for projects addressing environmental and sustainability challenges. 

Navigating UKRI's Funding Service (TFS)

UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) has transitioned to a new funding platform, The Funding Service (TFS).

On Wednesday 5 July 2023, the Research Development Team delivered a Research Information Session (RISe) on using the new service. Click HERE to view the presentation slides.

Below are links to further guidance on how to navigate varying aspects of TFS. 

Once you have completed and submitted your application, it will first go to LSE for final checks and approvals before it is sent to UKRI. Please take into account our policy of requiring a near-final version of the application, including an itemised budget, 5 working days in advance of the funder deadline. 

Résumé for Research and Innovation (R4RI) guidance

What is the R4RI?

The R4RI is a flexible narrative CV format designed to help you and your team evidence a diverse range of skills and experience beyond traditional academic-metric-based CVs that typically consist of a list of publications, successful funding, employment history, and education background with minimal context. Rather, narrative CVs such as the R4RI, provide space to describe and explain your achievements in the context of the application by focusing on four modules enabling you to demonstrate your contributions to:

  • The generation of new ideas, tools, methodologies, or knowledge.
  • The development of others and maintenance of effective working relationships.
  • The wider research and innovation community.
  • Broader research/innovation users and audiences and towards wider societal benefit.

Click HERE for more information on how to prepare your R4RI. 

Equitable Partnerships Guidance 

The LSE Research Development Team has developed guidance to support researchers in building equitable partnerships for high-quality research grant applications. It covers key principles, funder expectations, best practice, and case study examples to strengthen collaborations and communication on equitable partnerships in grant proposals.

Please click HERE to view the guidance document and learn  how to ensure fairness, transparency, and impact in your research partnerships. 

UKRI Good Research Resource Hub and LSE Support Guides for Research Best Practice

The UKRI Good Research Resource Hub brings together policies, standards and guidance to support researchers, innovators and organisations developed by UKRI, who will update the hub regularly.

LSE Research Development has created an associated set of support guides for best practice in research, specific to our institutional context to provide guidance and useful information on how to develop and deliver excellent research proposals across the criteria. 

Topics include Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), Environmental Sustainability, Supporting Skills and Talent, and Responsible Innovation. Whilst these have been developed considering UKRI criteria, they can be utilised when developing proposals for other funders as well. We advise that applicants work with their Research Development and Innovation support contact to work through this guidance together to optimise the design and communication of their research and innovation funding proposals.

LSE guides for UKRI funding applications

Funding opportunities for Early Career Researchers (ECRs)

Funder and Opportunity Briefings 

For more information on applying for external research funding, please contact the Research Development Team at rescon@lse.ac.uk or email your academic unit's Research Development Manager directly.

Further guidance