Research Ethics Submission System

This page provides instructions for using the online ethics review submission system and links to access the ethics review form. 

Before completing an ethics review form you may find the following resources helpful:
Ethics review in a nutshell: provides an overview of the ethics review process.
- A pdf of what questions you will be asked in the form. 
- Ethics review considerations: A quick guide for researchers (students or staff)
- Detailed user instructions for using the online submission system are below. 

For general research ethics guidance, links to training materials, etc., please see the main research ethics webpage 

If you have technical issues with the review form please try refreshing the page or try an alternative browser. If you still have issues please contact the systems team.

Staff can find the name of their Departmental faculty ethics approver here.

To access the online review system, please use the link in the relevant box on the right.


If you have any technical issues please contact the support team 
If you have any ethics-related questions please contact the research ethics team  
If you require copies of instructions or any related guidance in an alternative format, or other reasonable adjustments, please let us know by contacting us.