Relocation service

Moving to London? Our relocation service offers support and advice

This page expains what the relocation service can do for staff at LSE

LSE understands that relocation is often stressful and that it can impact you and your family. We offer a free and confidential relocation service to all LSE faculty moving to London.

Services include:

  • consultation and advice on most aspects of relocating to London and surrounding areas
  • assistance ranging from finding child care and advice on school catchment areas
  • access to reputable estate agents, mortgages lenders and health care
  • full access to our faculty accommodation property portfolio

Who can use this service?

All LSE faculty and staff.

Relocation policy

LSE has a generous relocation policy in place to help you cover your moving expenses to London. The LSE Director and Heads of Department also have discretion to provide additional assistance as they deem appropriate. Read the full Relocation Policy for new Staff [PDF]

Ready to find out more? Contact us