10 ways to stay connected to your LSE community

With a bit of creativity, we can make it through together without having to compromise on the LSE experience

It would be an understatement for me to say that due to the unprecedented circumstances all of our lives have gone through a sudden upheaval. We have been forced to say sudden goodbyes, cancel plans we were looking forward to for what seemed like ages, and make a complete 180-degree shift in our lifestyles.

With the time zone differences and being off-campus, it can be a challenge to keep in touch with the now wider than ever LSE community, however, technology makes it easier than ever to keep in touch. So, it's worth making time to connect with someone every day. Read on for a plethora of ways you can stay connected!

1. Reach your friends on Student Hub app

Student Hub is a great way to stay updated with everything our School has to offer. You can also make bookings with teachers or make a group with your friends on it.

2. Schedule in virtual drinks

If you used to have drinks every Friday night with your classmates or grab a bite to eat after class on Wednesday afternoons, do it virtually. You can all come together for a little while and have a chat just like you used to.

3. Spread positivity on Whatsapp

Share positive messages or discuss a new topic on your class Whatsapp group to keep the conversation flowing.

4. Keep in contact with your course

Book virtual meetings with your study group, teachers, mentors to discuss studies or anything else like a regular work week.

5. Share your sense of humour

Share memes with each other in your groups, it’s the easiest way to share a laugh!

6. Update others on your progress

If you’re developing a new hobby or brushing off on an old one, share your progress with others, it would keep you motivated and might encourage others to take up a hobby as well.

7. Cook together

Have cooking lessons together, whether one of the group members is teaching the others how to make their signature dish or you're all following the same Youtube tutorial, it's bound to be fun!

8. Be inspired to stay fit together

Used to play sports in an LSESU society? To keep the motivation levels high, try working out together like you used to, or try something new with your friends.

9. Keep up your end of class chats

We often interact with our peers at the end of a class or have a mini conversation while heading to the same building. Don’t let go of that habit - text for a little while or have mini-video calls to keep in touch.

10. Hangout and have fun

Arrange coffee or movie dates that you can enjoy together. Play online group games, (there are plenty on Houseparty) that lets you play and interact at the same time. Or get creative and do remote karaoke or quizzes!

The bottom line being, in these hard times we have technology the most accessible it has ever been, with a bit of creativity we can make it through together without having to compromise on the LSE experience.


Written by LSE Social Media Ambassador Nafisa Singh