How to destress

Ask your friends how they're doing, be a better listener, share resources, or even volunteer

Stress and anxiety levels are collectively high at the moment in the entire world, the circumstances are unique and are made all the more challenging by the need of the hour: self-isolation. Although we can't do much to change the state of affairs, we can work towards keeping our mental health spick and span. How, you ask?

1) Try not to follow the news by the second. Limit your news consumption to half an hour a day, it'll help you keep updated while avoiding overconsumption.

2) Practise gratitude. Be it via meditation, having a gratitude journal or just spending five minutes a day thinking about what you're thankful for, it works wonders in improving your psychological health.

3) Journal. A lot. Whenever you might feel overwhelmed or in the need to vent, journal by making use of all your five senses. It lets you self-reflect and relieve stress.

4) Hone in on a hobby. Read, draw, write, sing, dance, colour, cook, play an instrument, play a sport, work for the marathon you've always envisaged taking part in, grow new plants, make a DIY craft. You now have the time to invest in things you couldn't before. You'll not only benefit from a new or improved skill set but feel like you've achieved something!

5) Exercise. I don't need to preach about the benefits of endorphins on our mood, you just need to know that even 20 minutes of light exercise or brisk walk can have a colossal effect on both your mental and physical health. Put on your workout gear already!

6) Kindness is king. When we're kind to others we feel stronger, calmer, more energetic, less depressed, and a whole lot happier. You can take baby steps and begin by asking your friends how they're doing, being a better listener, sharing resources, or even volunteering (there are tons of online options as well).


Written by LSE Social Media Ambassador Nafisa Singh