Results Advice and Support

Sometimes things don't work out how we planned. If you've received results this year that you did not expect or you're not able to progress into the next year of study, see below for details of where you can go to get some guidance and support across the School.

If you are not able to progress to the next academic year the SSC Advice Team will get in touch with you, via your LSE email address.

Student Services Centre 

First year undergraduate students (excluding the LLB) need to pass three out of four units to progress to their second year. Second years need to have passed seven out of eight units to progress into the third year. For MSc students the rules vary depending on your status and programme of study. You can see the full progression rules in the LSE Calendar.

If you are not able to progress to the next academic year the SSC Advice Team will get in touch with you, via your LSE email address. This email will be tailored to your specific circumstances and will explain what you can do next. The message will explain options such as sitting your exams whilst un-registered and Repeat Teaching.

Providing you have attempts remaining there are usually options available to you even if you do not progress, so the key message is not to worry and wait for the advice email. The email will provide you with details of who best to contact with any further questions.

Please do not select courses in LSE for You if you have not progressed to your next academic year.

LLB students have separate progression criteria and a special resit period at the end of August. Any students who have not met the criteria to progress should have already been emailed about the next steps. If you are in this situation but have not received an email please contact the SSC Advice Team for assistance.

Student Wellbeing Service 

LSE Student Counselling is a free and confidential service for all students. Part of the Student Wellbeing Service, which also includes the Disability and Wellbeing Service, they offer drop-in sessions at 3pm every day, Monday to Friday (that you can attend without booking a slot), as well as one-to-one appointments. SWS in located in Pethick-Lawrence House (formerly Tower 3), floors 3 and 4, with entrance via Fawcett House (formerly Tower 2). Find out more about booking an appointment online

The Student Wellbeing Service also have some useful self-help guides whcih contain useful resources, strategies and tools relating to stress, anxiety, perfectionism and other issues you may be facing.

LSE Careers Service: Results and Options 

If you’re worried about results and their potential impact on your future, LSE Careers is running two open Q&A sessions where you can learn how to move forward positively and effectively. 

LSESU Advice and Support

LSESU Advice & Support is the LSE Students' Union Advice & Support service (3rd Floor, Saw Swee Hock Student Centre). The service is open Mondays to Fridays from 11am-1pm, and is available for advice, guidance and representation to all LSE students on matters relating to LSE academic policies.