
Meet the Faith Centre Team


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Chaplain and Professor in Practice

Revd Canon Prof James Walters

Jim is the founding director of the LSE Faith Centre and its Religion and Global Society Research Unit. He leads the team in the centre’s mission to promote religious literacy and interfaith leadership through student programmes and global engagement, along with research into the role of religion in world affairs. He is a Professor in Practice in the Department of International Relations and an affiliated faculty member at the Department for International Development. He has published a number of books including Baudrillard and Theology (2012), Religion and the Public Sphere: New Conversations (2018), A Christian Theology of Chaplaincy (2018), Religious Imaginations and Global Transitions (2018) and Loving Your Neighbour in an Age of Religious Conflict (2019). He was educated at Cambridge University and ordained priest in the Church of England in 2008 within which he is now a canon of Chichester Cathedral.

As chaplain to the whole School, Jim is available to speak confidentially to any student or member of staff regardless of religious affiliation.

Contact: 020 7955 7965


Andrew Headshot

Centre Manager, Faith Centre & Religion and Global Society Research Unit

Andrew Dickson

Andrew is the Faith Centre and Religion and Global Society research unit Manager. He is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Faith Centre and its people and programmes.

Prior to LSE, Andrew has held a long-standing role with the Lokahi Foundation, an interreligious charity, where he delivered research and social impact projects with civil society actors, religious organisations, local communities, and governmental organisations across multiple countries.

Andrew is also completing an ESRC-funded PhD in International Relations at the University of Sussex, where he served as Programme Coordinator for the University's Religion and Foreign Policy Initiative. His research explores religion and secularism in International Relations, with a particular interest in religious engagement across foreign and development policy, de-radicalisation programmes, and Freedom of Religion or Belief advocacy. He holds an MA in Conflict, Security and Development from King’s College London; and a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Hertford College, Oxford.  




Research Director

Dr Chris Chaplin

Chris is an Assistant Professorial Research Fellow working on the Global Religious Pluralities research project at the Religion and Global Society Unit. The project aims to produce new paradigms of thinking and engagement at the intersection of religion and critical global challenges.

Receiving his PhD from the University of Cambridge, Chris’ research straddles between the fields of anthropology and politics. He is particularly focused on exploring the convergence between global Islamic doctrines and local understandings of piety and faith, and how these come to inform civic values, concepts of religious and political belonging, and social activism within Southeast Asia. From a methodological and theoretical standpoint, he is interested in investigating how reflexive approaches to ethnography can provide a transformative space through which to create new dialogues between anthropological practice and religious doctrines.

He has authored a number of articles and op-eds on these topics, and most recently published the book Salafism and the State: Islamic Activism and National Identity in Indonesia (2021).

Prior to joining the LSE, Chris worked for the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s Research Analysts Cadre. He has also worked for academic and non-governmental bodies including the Royal Netherlands Institute for Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies and Amnesty International.


Hanane Benadi

Research Officer

Dr Hanane Benadi

Hanane Benadi is an anthropologist working at the intersection of ethics, politics, religion, and climate change in the MENA region. She is currently the Research Officer on the Global Religious Pluralities Project for the climate change and interfaith relations strand. She also the PI on the British Academy-funded Gender, Religion, and Climate Change: Women as Producers and Translators of Climate Knowledge in Egypt, also based at RGS. Previously, she was an IASH-Alwaleed Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Edinburgh. Hanane received her PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Manchester in 2017.



Research Affiliate

Dr Lindsay Simmonds

Lindsay has conducted research into Women of Faith and Peacebuilding on the Global Religious Pluralities project. She is also a Fellow at the London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS) where she has lectured, written and convened courses for over 20 years, focussing on women in Biblical narrative, the Talmud and Jewish Law.  

Lindsay is involved in several national and international interfaith projects, including co-chair of her local Jewish-Moslem Women’s Network Nisa-Nashim, a trustee for the Abraham Initiatives UK and Jewish Scholar-in-Residence for the Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ). She is a member of the Senior Faith Leadership Programme which promotes respectful, deep and long-lasting friendship and collegiality between faith leaders in the Christian, Jewish and Moslem communities in the UK and  speaks regularly on peaceful shared society and conflict negotiation. 

Lindsay studied at Nishmat in Jerusalem, was a Bruria Scholar at Midreshet Lindenbaum, and is a graduate of the LSJS Susi Bradfield Women Educators’ Fellowships. She received her Master’s in Gender Studies and her PhD from the LSE’s Department of Gender. Her doctoral thesis is entitled, ‘Generating Piety: Agency in the Lives of British Orthodox Jewish Women’, which will be published next year. Her academic fields of interest are: gender theory, theories of agency, religious subjects, women of faith, cultural intelligibility and the location of knowledge. 


Kristian headshot

Partnerships and Impact Coordinator

Kristian Noll

Kristian joined the Faith Centre as the Global Religious Pluralities Project Officer in September 2023. He holds a BA in political science and Norwegian from St Olaf College (Minnesota, USA) and completed his MSc in Environmental Policy and Regulation at the LSE in August 2023. Prior to joining the LSE Faith Centre, Kristian worked in the German Bundestag as a participant in the International Parliamentary Stipend Program and as a parliamentary intern in the UK House of Commons. Kristian is interested in the intersection between faith and politics, particularly in relation to environmental and foreign policy.



Associate Chaplains

Rabbi Gavin Broder

Jewish Chaplain

Rabbi Gavin Broder

Gavin (nicknamed Rav Gav by popular student demand!) can be found giving regular lunch and learn sessions at the centre and on campus. He is available for one-on-one chats, learning, welfare support, or to just grab a coffee, orange juice or pint! (Often providing snacks.) He represents Jewish causes within universities and is there for students of all backgrounds and affiliations. Rav Gav works with the Jewish Society and UJS helping to support and run student events. 

Contact: 020 7388 1976 


Archpriest Alexander Fostiropoulos

Orthodox Chaplain

Fr. Alexander Fostiropoulos

Alexander is our Orthodox chaplain. He is a priest of the Deanery of Great Britain and Ireland, of the Archdiocese of Orthodox Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe, within the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. He came to England in 1971 and trained as an architect in London. He was ordained by the late Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh in 1985, and has been at King's ever since. He is also a Chaplain to the LSE.

Contact: 020 7722 1663



Catholic Chaplain

Fr Philip Miller

Fr Philip grew up in Kent, and then in St Albans, Herts, where he attended Nicholas Breakspear Catholic Secondary School. He studied Natural Sciences (Physics) at Cambridge as an undergraduate, and then for a PhD in radio-astronomy at the Cavendish Laboratory. He attended the Venerable English College, Rome, for his seminary formation, and was ordained in St Albans in September 1999. Since then he has served in parishes and hospital ministry in Westminster diocese, most recently as Parish Priest of St Augustine’s, Hoddesdon.


Isabela Headshot

Muslim Chaplain

Izabela Hanifah Was

My roles and objectives are to assist staff members and students with their spiritual needs and personal development by encouraging them to make meaningful use of their beliefs and attitudes, in order to cope with life's challenges, placing their well-being first while supporting them on their spiritual path in a society that is frequently secularised and very politicised. In addition, I can help you with private and delicate matters that might keep you from fully utilising the prospects that education has to offer. I work in a multifaith organisation when duties include cooperating and fostering better relationships amongst different beliefs.


Advisory Board

jon cruddas headshot

Jon Cruddas (Chair)

Jon Cruddas was Labour MP for Dagenham for 23 years before standing down at the last election. He has been active in the trade union and labour movement for 44 years, and has been head of the office of the party General Secretary, Deputy Political Secretary to Prime Minister Tony Blair, a candidate for Deputy Leader of the Labour Party and a member of the Shadow Cabinet. He is the author of numerous articles and pamphlets. In 2021 his book The Dignity of Labour explored the economics and future of work and in January 2024 published A Century of Labour to mark the centenary of the first Labour Government. He is an Honorary Fellow of Nuffield College Oxford, a Visiting Professor at the University of Leicester and Honorary Professor at the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtue at the University of Birmingham.  



David Beecken

David Beecken

David is the founder and Managing Director of Beecken Petty O’Keefe & Company Healthcare Private Equity. Prior to this he was an investment banker specializing in the healthcare industry. Dave serves or has served on the board of directors of many organisations including Dentsply Sirona Inc. (Nasdaq "XRAY") and numerous BPOC portfolio companies. He holds degrees from the University of the South, an M.B.A. degree in finance from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and an M.S. degree in economics from the London School of Economics.



John Casson

John Casson recently returned to the UK after four years as British Ambassador in Egypt. He spent two decades as a British diplomat and senior leader in Whitehall. He was David Cameron’s foreign policy lead in No10 from 2010 to 2014. In Egypt he was a high profile public figure, launching innovative initiatives in education, social enterprise and interfaith issues, and building a 1.5 million social media following. John’s career has also seen diplomatic postings in Brussels, Washington and Jordan, research at Cambridge University on African religion and politics, experience as a parliamentary researcher and a volunteer teacher in Kenya. He studied undergraduate History and postgraduate Theology at Cambridge. He is married to Kathryn, and his joys include poems, baseball, mountains and Christian discipleship. John was awarded a CMG in The Queen’s 2014 Birthday Honours.



The Rt Rev. and the Rt Hon. Lord Chartres KCVO

Lord Chartres was the 132nd Bishop of London from 1995 to 2017. He now sits in the House of Lords as a crossbench member and continues to serve as Dean of Her Majesty’s Chapels Royal. Lord Chartres is a respected voice on a range of issues including the environment, relations with the Orthodox Churches and interfaith relations, founding and serving as life president to St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace.


Adrian Cohen

Adrian Cohen

Adrian Cohen is a partner in the finance practice of international law firm Clifford Chance LLP. In 2006 he helped to establish the London Jewish Forum, which he chairs, to engage with the Mayoralty of London. Adrian has first & second Law degrees from the LSE & QMUL and taught Commercial Law at LSE for two years.



Professor Grace Davie

Grace Davie is Professor Emeritus in the Sociology of Religion at the University of Exeter. In 2000-01 she was the Kerstin-Hesselgren Professor at Uppsala, where she returned for extended visits in 2006-7, 2010 and 2012.  She has also held visiting appointments at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (1996) and at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (1998 and 2003), in Paris, and is a member of the Academia Europaea.  


Katie Harrison

Katie Harrison

Katie Harrison is Director of the ComRes Faith Research Centre – the first commercial centre of expertise in this country set up to help improve the quality of knowledge about religion and belief by providing robust and impartial evidence of current religious identity, belief, practice and behaviour. Katie has a long track record of leading communications  and external relations  in  international  development  and local  government,  and of working on faith-specific projects, and is also an Honorary Fellow of the Cadbury Centre at the University of Birmingham.



Sohail Younus Nakhooda

Sohail Younus Nakhooda is Executive Director of Kalam Research & Media, UAE and is Private Secretary of the Ambassador of Libya to the UAE, Dr Aref Ali Nayed. At KRM he is a Co-Leader of the Islamic Analytic Theology project in association with the Sir John Templeton Foundation, coordinating research with leading scholars and academic and research institutions from around the world. An LSE alum, he was LSE Islamic Society President and is founder of the award-winning Islamica Magazine which he started during his time at the School.



Tomiwa Owolade

Tomiwa Owolade is a writer and journalist. He has written for various publications, including the Times, the Sunday Times, the New Statesman and the Evening Standard. He is author of the book This is Not America.




Dr Mukulika Banerjee

Mukulika Banerjee is the inaugural Director of the LSE South Asia Centre and is Associate Professor in the Department of Social Anthropology at LSE. Mukulika‘s new monograph Cultivating Democracy: Politics and citizenship in agrarian India ( OUP New York) was published in October 2021. Her last book Why India Votes? (Routledge 2014) examined the reasons why despite varying odds, India’s voter graph continues to rise, making India the largest electoral democracy in the world. Mukulika also prepared a BBC Radio 4 documentary on ‘Sacred Elections’ for the Indian national elections in 2009.She also edited Muslim Portraits: Everyday Lives in India (Indiana University Press, 2008), a volume of essays by renowned scholars, which presents 12 portraits of Muslims in contemporary India. A complete list of titles published is available here.


Dr Luca Tardelli

Dr Luca Tardelli is Associate Professor (Education) in International Relations at the LSE. His research focuses on international security, military intervention, and US foreign policy. Luca has taught various undergraduate and postgraduate courses on International Relations both at the LSE and at the University of Westminster. From 2013 to 2018, he was the Course Convener and Tutor of the executive MSc International Strategy and Diplomacy at LSE. Prior to joining the LSE, Luca worked at the Middle East Division of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, jointly for the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and the Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), and at LSE IDEAS.