Why did you choose to study at LSE and how did you choose which programme to study?
As a world renowned institution with a global reputation, I knew I wanted to continue my studies at the LSE after my undergraduate degree at Goldsmiths. The reputation of Department of Sociology for delivering a world-class education in sociology was my primary reason for choosing the university.
How did you find the student experience at LSE?
The student experience at LSE was excellent, teachers were highly supportive and the public events were very intuitive and enjoyable. I have always been a Londoner and so continuing my studies right in the centre of London certainly came with a positive buzz!
Please describe your career path to date:
I am now studying my PhD at Cambridge University, whilst also working in capacity building at the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association (ACAA) a London based charity. Deciding to start my PhD was a big decision for me, but I knew it was the right one. I was sure of what I wanted to research and knew it was the right time to make this transition.
What advice do you have for LSE students who are looking to enter a similar profession to you?
Volunteering with the ACAA boosted my masters and PhD applications, offering me more responsibilities than I may have taken on in paid employment. So I would certainly advice students get involved in volunteering whilst they are studying as it enables them to make a swifter transition to further education or into full time employment.