The LSE Academic Code, developed in partnership with LSE Students’ Union, sets out what we do to deliver a consistent student experience across the School and clarifies what students can expect from their LSE education.
LSE is committed to putting students first, and the Academic Code helps us deliver on our commitments to enhancing student experiences.
Student input is essential to measure success, and the Students’ Union has worked with us to redesign student representation at the School so that students have a stronger voice at LSE than ever before.
The Academic Code is approved by Academic Board and should be read in conjunction with the LSE-LSESU Student Charter. Last updated: May 2019.

1. All full-time undergraduate and taught postgraduate students taking a taught course will receive a minimum of two hours taught contact time per week when the course is running in the Autumn and/or Winter Terms, or a minimum of four hours taught contact time per week for a full-unit taught course running entirely in Autumn or in Winter Term.

2. Students will have the opportunity to receive feedback on formative and summative work, as set out below. Feedback on assessment due in Spring Term is not required for non-continuing students except for dissertations or capstone projects.
There may be exceptional circumstances where the below timeframes are not possible and, if this is the case, the reasons for extending the time period will be clearly explained to students as early as possible.
2.1. All assessment submission deadlines and feedback timeframes will be clearly communicated to students at the start of each course, including on the course Moodle page.
2.2. Feedback on formative tasks will normally be returned to students within three term weeks of the submission deadline, where students submit their work on time.
2.3. Feedback on summative assessment (excluding exams, dissertations or capstone projects) will normally be provided within five term weeks of the submission deadline, where students submit their work on time.
2.4. Feedback on January exams will normally be provided within six term weeks of the end of the exam period.
2.5. Feedback on Summer exams will normally be provided within four term weeks of the following Autumn term.
2.6. Feedback on dissertations and capstone projects will normally be provided within four term weeks of the final mark being made available to students.
2.7. For any summative assessment which is failed, students will have the opportunity to receive feedback in time to prepare for the resit or resubmission. For summative assessment failed in Spring Term, feedback may take the form of general guidance on how to have approached that assessment.

3. All students will have an Academic Mentor to advise on academic matters. Academic Mentors should have the necessary expertise and guidance to undertake the role. Ideally, students will keep the same mentor throughout their time at LSE.
4. Students will be invited to meet their Academic Mentor at least twice during each of the Autumn and Winter Terms. These meetings may take the form of 1-2-1 sessions or small group gatherings, so that mentees can meet one another and discuss issues of mutual interest.
5. In addition to academic guidance provided by the Academic Mentor, students will have access to personal advice, for example with respect to mental health and wellbeing. Students will be clearly informed about who to go to for what kinds of advice and this will be available through various mechanisms, such as Disability & Wellbeing Services, Student Services, and Departments.
6. Staff teaching on LSE programmes will be available to students through a minimum of 35 office hours (for full-time teaching staff) during term time. Normally, the expectation is to meet face-to-face, but contact may take other forms that are mutually agreed between the teacher and students.

7. Departments will hold at least one Student-Staff Liaison Committee and one Departmental Teaching Committee meeting during each of the Autumn and Winter terms, following the guidelines for each type of meeting that we have agreed in partnership with the Students’ Union.
The Academic Code was last updated in May 2019.