Ace my exams and assessments

Whether your exams are happening on campus for three hours, online for three weeks, or anything in between, LSE LIFE has resources, workshops, and one-to-one sessions to help you do your best.

Taking an in-person exam 

For in-person exams, we have the resources and events you need to create a revision strategy that works for you, as well as preparation for you to do your best on the day. 

Ready: Make a plan for exam revision

Plan your exam preparation and summative assessments

Get ready to sit your quantitative exams

Plan a day of your exam revision

Ask an adviser

How do I plan my revision time between now and my exam?

How many topics should I revise?

Steady: Revise and prepare

Discover three ways to make shorter, smarter revision notes

Prepare for exams using past papers

Prepare for exams using course outlines

Ask an adviser

How can old exam questions help me prepare for this year’s exam?

I have mountains of notes! How do I synthesise them into something useful?

Go: Do your best on exam day

Write exam essays that LSE markers want to read

Practise writng an exam essay in an hour

Allocating your time in the exam

Writing your exams by hand - 7 steps to success

Ask an adviser

Does an exam essay need paragraphs like a “regular” essay?

Does it require introduction and a conclusion?


Online, when you've got more time

For essays or other online assessments that you’ll work on over a longer period, check out our resources and workshops to develop the skills you need to submit a great piece of writing: reviewing key texts, understanding the question, developing a clear structure, and polishing your draft.

Ready: Understand the basics of your assessment and review key texts

Plan your exam preparation and summative assessments

Clarify your assessment requirements and make a plan

Make clear, concise, critical notes from your readings

Prepare for Take-Home Exams & Assessments

Critically explore the readings in your module

Ask an adviser

What are the stages of writing an essay?

How much time can I spend reading before I start writing?

How can I use the course readings for my writing?

Online assessments can take many different forms. Only your course teachers in your department can answer questions about the specific requirements of each online assessment.

Steady: Think critically about the essay question and your course

Discover different ways to make revision notes and use these during your online exams

Question the question: what exactly am I being asked to write?

Write essays that LSE markers want to read

Construct effective arguments 

Ask an adviser

Do I have to agree with the essay topic?

What does “discuss” actually mean?


One-to-one sessions

We're running one-to-one sessions throughout the summer exam period. We can talk with you one-to-one about getting prepared and doing your best on your online assessments. For your essays and longer assessments, we can talk about important stages of developing and presenting a clear, logical argument in writing.

To help ensure academic integrity during the exam period, please note that during the exam period, you may not share any text or send any files to discuss in your one-to-one chat. Additionally, if you have a 24-hour online exam, you may not have an appointment during the 24 hours of your exam.

For full details of our one-to-ones and to book a session, visit our website