In addition to attending our talks and workshops, we also invite you to listen to our podcasts. This series covers basic study skills - from reading, making notes, and essay writing, to dissertation research and exam revision. Each episode is accompanied by a summary of key points, further resources, some tasks to get hands-on practice, and a transcript of the podcast.
Reading for academic purposes
Making effective notes from your readings
Academic writing: basic principles
Essay writing: question the question
Essay writing: the introduction
Essay writing: planning and structure
Dissertation: a few basics
Dissertation: managing your research project
Dissertation literature review: a text and a process
Dissertation: making the most of your resources
Plan your dissertation - get organised, manage your time, and get the work done
Working with your Data: data collection, data analysis and what to include when you write your methods section
Telling the story of your research
What is a literature review?
Revising and preparing for exams
Prepare for online exams
Prepare for exams using past papers
Prepare for exams using course outlines
Discover different eays to make revision notes and use these during your online exams
Write exam essays that LSE markers want to read
Create a workspace for your online exam